The Utah Mustang Stampede was a GREAT SUCCESS...

I have to admit, it was fun to sit back, relax and watch someone else STRESS OUT during THEIR show...
Mike and Joyce did a great job... As always, she understated the show and the effort they put into it...
Heber, Utah is an excellent town to hold a stampede... It's a small, beautiful community situated in a scenic valley surrounded by 10-11,000 foot mountains, approximately 15 miles from Park City, Utah... (and Deer Valley - for Alex...)
The P-51 photo shoot was
... With the bright morning sun it really made for great pictures... Wish I would of had my 66 instead of that beat-up 55 TBird... 
The Pony Trail was well thought out.. We left Heber Valley down Provo Canyon to Sudance Ski Resort (which Robert Redford owns)... Took a break then proceded over Alpine loop which takes you up through the mountains on a road that was built during the man camp days of the great depression... It is one of the most scenic drives in the US...
Once we got down in the Provo Valley, we had Lunch at Thanksgiving Point... A new Golf Course Complex designed by Johnny Miller...
Travelled down to Provo and visited Kirkham's Motorsports where they actually build aluminum Cobras... Kirkhams is recognized by Carol Shelby...
Here one you will like, From there advertizing brochure... "When Kirkham Motorsports set out to recreate the legendary Cobra, we followed one rule...if it doesn't belonng on an original, it doesn't belong on our car... So a big-block Chevy is not an option"...
Let me tell you,,, those hi-po 427's don't sound tooooooo baaaaaad...
Then we headed back up Provo Canyou to Bridal Vale Falls and to Heber... It was a great day...
That night they had a really good dinner with big ol steak, salmon, or ribs... Yummmm 
The show and shine on Saturday was held at Heber City Park... Really nice Mustangs, Totally Cool 69 & 70 Mach I's and Bosses, Cobras, and Fords in General... Again,,, All I had was a beat-up 55 TBird... I wish I knew how to post a picture,,, so I could show you what I had to contend with all weekend...
Anyway,,, I had a GREAT time,,, weather was supperb,,, and Mike, Joyce and Family were Hostsss with the Mostssss... 
This was my first all Ford show,,, But it won't be my last....
By the way,,, Jim Smart is a good guy... It will be interesting to see what he did for the show... 
Previously Known As Don H McDonald
Brilliant Blue 1966 2+2
Soon To Be 302 w/5spd