posted 10-20-2000 08:02 PM
Amazing what you find when you start cleaning your shop! 
All these Holley carbs need a good cleaning and a rebuild kit, but if you've priced Holley carbs lately...
Here are the 4160s:
List #2818-1, side hung bowls, 600 cfm vacuum secondary, has Ford kickdown and heat stove choke. $75 + shipping.
List #4452-1, side hung bowls, 600 cfm vacuum secondary, has Ford kickdown and heat stove choke. $75 + shipping.
Here are the 4150s: {all my 4150s do not have chokes}
List #4776-2 600 cfm double pumper $125 + shipping.
List #6708 650 cfm double pumper $125 + shipping.
List #4780 800 cfm double pumper, needs base plate $50 + shipping.
List #4781 850 cfm double pumper $150 + shipping.
SteveLaRiviere/Webmaster -- MCA # 47773
[This message has been edited by SteveLaRiviere (edited 10-24-2000).]
[This message has been edited by SteveLaRiviere (edited 11-02-2000).]