we only have a few cat owners... but those few are damned fine cat drivers!! 
i have been trying to increase the cougar population for a while, but for some reason i have found the groups i have invited to come over to be rather snobby and so i let it go....
i figure having five or so of us who love our cats and have FUN over here beats the pants off of a group of stuck-up cougar owners who thinks their litter-boxes dont stink..... heh heh heh 
i am specifically referring to the ones who are so convinced they are better than everyone.... you know.... the ones who cant even bring themselves to admit that their cats are related to the mustang ....let alone, heaven forbid, a falcon..... teehehehehee
let 'em wallow in snobbery...
i like our small gang over here at M&M!
and by the way!!!! thanks for keeping the forum active.... i started a new job last week and have been trying to hit a rhythm with the getting home and catching up with boyfrinn and supper and email and M&M and and and and .... it will take a while but i will get it!! 
the original GRRL...
ford true-blue-blood
60 falcon wagon... the next project
62 fairlane 500 sports coupe, she will be my street-legal-drag-racing-machine (CHIKCOOP)
66 fairlane 500 4-door (waiting for a new home...maybe)
67 fairlane 500 ranchero (SPUNKY67) currently undergoing a heart transplant... from a 302 to a 351W
carolina cougar club
cougar club of america
67 cougar: dan gurney special (KWAZYKAT)
69 cougar standard convertible (KATSMEOW)
84 F150 (TRUKGRRL)
the only polish on my nails is "ford grease black"
[This message has been edited by kwazykat (edited 01-14-2003).]