aaaahhhhhh!! cat-tails
um.... i mean cat-tales!!
waaaaaaaaaaay back in 1978 my daddy gave me my 67 cougar.... here is the longer version:
when i was in high school, my dad brought home a cute-as-he|l little blue 67 mustang coupe.... he was going to repaint it and give it to his daughter who was soon to be 16..... (everyone say AAAHHH!! how sweet!!)
i guess you have figured it out by now.....
that particular daughter is...
none other
BUT!!! my mom (Mustang Tally) saw this cute little beauty in the driveway and decided right THEN and THERE that SHE was going to be the driver of that sweet little 67.....
oh!!!! did that decision EVER piss off the daughter.... she was LIVID!!!! AND she was STUCK with the family station wagon instead of that cool little mustang..... (I WISH I HAD THAT WAGON NOW.... but that is yet another 'nother story!!)
fast forward a few years..... august of 1978....
dad has found a couple (say three) of cougars and he really loves the two 68's he has been driving.... the 67?? oh!!
he repaints it from its polar white (ugh) to pure white (yay!!) and gives it to this daughter........[me again!! heh heh]
i now have over 380k miles on my cat
i am the second owner
i will always have this car
people i have not seen in 20 years freak out when they see me driving the same car i had 'back then'....
heh heh heh
i LOVE my cougar!!!
the 69 vert???
oh my....
my ex-husband and i found a 69 cat-vertible in the paper..... we went to look at it and decided (sadly) the guy was asking tooooo much for a cougar that has been sitting for about 5 years and wont start....
fast forward about 3 months later.....
i am at an intersection in my 67 cougar and some guy in a pick up waves me to roll down my window....
he says:
"i have one of those for sale... but it is a convertible"
we kinda look at each other and he says:
"didnt you come out and look at it a few months ago?"
and i said:
"OH!!! YES!!! we sure did!!"
and he said:
"i am getting a divorce and dont want the ol' lady to get the car.... i will sell it for $500"
i told him we would be over that day to buy it.... and we did.... had it towed home and untangled the spaghetti under the hood then discovered the distributor was off just a teeny bit .... corrected this and VRROOM!!! she started right up!!!!
when my ex and i split, he gave the car to me to cover some $$debt he owed me..... and THAT is how the vert came to my house...
daddy just repainted her back to her original yellow and she is back on the road after over a decade of just sitting.....

kk the happy kat
the original GRRL...
ford true-blue-blood
60 falcon wagon... the next project
62 fairlane 500 sports coupe, she will be my street-legal-drag-racing-machine (CHIKCOOP)
66 fairlane 500 4-door (waiting for a new home...maybe)
67 fairlane 500 ranchero (SPUNKY67) currently undergoing a heart transplant... from a 302 to a 351W
carolina cougar club
cougar club of america
67 cougar: dan gurney special (KWAZYKAT)
69 cougar standard convertible (KATSMEOW)
84 F150 (TRUKGRRL)
the only polish on my nails is "ford grease black"