fordnmerc {David} was nice enough to send these pics he took of Mustangs at the Vintage Grand Prix event in Montour Falls, NY:All of the photos were taken about noon on September 6th, on Main Street in Montour Falls, NY. That is 2 or 3 miles south of Watkins Glen. Sort of like a 'sister' town. They join in the celebration when Watkins
Glen has the Vintage Grand Prix. As you will see in the first photo, they paint a checkered pattern on the pavement at the head of Main Street and really get into the whole thing.
Just wish there had been more Fords! A lot of MGs, Triumphs, Jaguars, etc. But those are the brands that raced here in the late 40s and up, anyway.
I believe the modified Mustang that is maroon with black vinyl top is a 66.
Great 70 Boss 302! I never realized the black stripes would appear white like that, from reflected light.
1967 Shelby GT 350! An early 67---note the inner lights are close together, as they were before it was discovered that it caused cooling problems.
1969 Mach 1
Second shot of the 69 Mach 1.
Just wish I had had more time for taking photos! Had a lot of errands to run that day.
Thanks for sharing these, David! 
'70 Mustang Mach 1 - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150