well folks, to put it simply, ive been downright busy! 
I got outta school May 17th and as soon as I came home I had to finish the 28' by 24' deck that my brother dad and myself added onto our house (we dug the holes during my spring break - 15 holes at 4 feet deep and 10 inches wide -- lets put it this way, new england soil does NOT work well for digging 4 feet deep! haha)
We then finished putting up 80feet of vinyl shadowbox fence, put mulch down in places, etc etc. == ALL basically to be done for my sisters high school graduation party which was last sunday (50 people had to fit IN our house instead of outside because of rain
and NOW I started last sunday night to work at my local ShopRite doing the overnight shift stocking shelves, etc, etc.
Due to the lack of people doing the overnight shift (6 to do the whole store every night), I will be working 6 days a week and just about 60 hours each week all the way till the end of August 
I actually enjoy doing it, and Im JUST starting to get used to the getting in at 8ish or so and sleeping 8 hours, getting up, eating, etc. and going back into work again =-- the upside is that I will be making a LARGE amount of money by the end of the summer which to me is well worth it (the harder i work THIS summer and make a good piece of change, the less i really need to be worried of having to work hard NEXT summer
So thats where Ive been and thats where I will be (hence why I havent been around much if at all lately)
As for BeeBop, I put the front spoiler on and now the 429 scoop is going onto the extra hood, hopefully this week.
As to new paint, well thats not happening due to the oranges that I want are all 2 and 3 stage pearls etc. that will cost me a minimum of $1500
So instead Im going to get a suspension package (shocks, leaf springs, sway bars) and then get an export brace and monte carlo bar, and get all that done.
As to the '88, the black paint job should be coming soon, as well as the T-5 swap (have all the parts, just have to have a day to put it all in), the ranger header and dual exhaust should be coming soon, and that should be it!
Pictures will come as things move along 
sorry for the long post, but once i start typing now (Im wired from work and lack of sleep), i find it hard to stop

have a good one!
CrAzY Dan~
1965 Coupe "BeeBop"
200ci Straight Six, T-5, Cliffy 6-2 header, and some other goodies :)https://mustangsandmore.com//ubb/TheIceman.html July of 2000 pics
http://kingroyale.50megs.com/] Newest Pics!
1988 Notchback ~~ 2.3 w/AOD...upgrades coming soon!
There's Nothing Wrong With A Little Six In A Classic Mustang! ;)