Topic: hey look at alex!!!
capri man Gearhead Posts: 3168 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 05-29-2003 04:39 PM
Super Stock -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order for Qualifying Round 1 JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round of qualifying in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Alex Denysenko SS/MA 12.15 10.974 -1.176 2. Tim Cole SS/AX 9.90 8.776 -1.124 3. Jerry Silveus GT/HA 11.35 10.238 -1.112 4. Michael Tueffel SS/BM 9.70 8.614 -1.086 5. John Coughlin SS/CM 9.95 8.874 -1.076 6. Ricky Decker GT/CA 10.70 9.629 -1.071 7. Don Sofranko SS/L 11.55 10.488 -1.062 8. Bobby Dennis GT/KA 11.75 10.693 -1.057 9. Ken Shawver SS/KA 11.55 10.495 -1.055 10. Larry Eagle GT/B 10.40 9.349 -1.051 11. Brent Voges GT/GA 11.20 10.155 -1.045 12. Charlie Westcott GT/C 10.50 9.460 -1.040 13. Blair Patrick SS/FA 10.75 9.714 -1.036 14. Smylie Little GT/MA 12.05 11.022 -1.028 15. Ray Paquet SS/B 10.20 9.175 -1.025 16. Tim Worner GT/JA 11.60 10.576 -1.024 17. Michael Mans GT/HA 11.35 10.336 -1.014 18. Jim Pancake SS/AA 10.00 8.989 -1.011 19. Mike Lyons GT/GA 11.20 10.191 -1.009 20. Cliff Reigle SS/GA 10.85 9.857 -0.993 21. Jeff Stealy SS/IA 11.00 10.007 -0.993 22. Dave Layer GT/IA 11.50 10.507 -0.993 23. Mark Nowicki GT/GA 11.20 10.209 -0.991 24. Rene Garza SS/PA 12.95 11.959 -0.991 25. Jimmy Bridges SS/C 10.35 9.366 -0.984 26. Jimbo Fields SS/IA 11.00 10.016 -0.984 27. Bill Rowe Jr SS/GA 10.85 9.868 -0.982 28. Ernie Penner GT/JA 11.60 10.618 -0.982 29. Irvin Johns GT/BA 10.55 9.575 -0.975 30. Rod Dorsey SS/EM 10.50 9.544 -0.956 31. Martin Jeltema SS/BS 10.05 9.096 -0.954 32. Chuck Gallagher Jr. SS/BM 9.70 8.752 -0.948 33. Don Duke SS/H 10.80 9.852 -0.948 34. Howard Barsky SS/NA 12.45 11.503 -0.947 35. Rock Running GT/HA 11.35 10.410 -0.940 36. Steve Baughman SS/AA 10.00 9.060 -0.940 37. Billy Leber SS/TB 10.25 9.310 -0.940 38. Michael Stokes SS/CM 9.95 9.011 -0.939 39. Jeremy Duncan SS/IA 11.00 10.067 -0.933 40. J.R. Lambert SS/HA 10.90 9.978 -0.922 41. Mike Pustelny GT/EA 10.95 10.032 -0.918 42. Steve Graham SS/HA 10.90 9.985 -0.915 43. Gary Stinnett GT/AA 10.40 9.495 -0.905 44. Jeff Dona SS/IA 11.00 10.100 -0.900 45. Larry Stewart Jr SS/HA 10.90 10.004 -0.896 46. David Bogner GT/FA 11.10 10.205 -0.895 47. Bobby Rashid GT/BA 10.55 9.659 -0.891 48. Steve Smith GT/FA 11.10 10.211 -0.889 49. Todd Frantz SS/GA 10.85 9.968 -0.882 50. Dennis Nelson GT/LA 11.85 10.972 -0.878 51. Fred Bartou GT/DA 10.80 9.923 -0.877 52. Bill Yates Sr SS/BM 9.70 8.828 -0.872 53. Robert Harrison SS/KA 11.55 10.698 -0.852 54. Wayne Winfield GT/HA 11.35 10.513 -0.837 55. Garrett Ghezzi SS/JA 11.30 10.467 -0.833 56. Michael Iacono GT/FA 11.10 10.276 -0.824 57. Jeff Niceswanger GT/GA 11.20 10.384 -0.816 58. Gary Tompa GT/H 11.15 10.338 -0.812 59. Brad Zaskowski GT/J 11.35 10.543 -0.807 60. Larry Buckingham GT/E 10.80 9.994 -0.806 61. Wayne Hansen GT/TC 11.40 10.594 -0.806 62. Mike Bogina SS/EA 10.65 9.856 -0.794 63. Lincoln Morehead GT/EA 10.95 10.156 -0.794 64. Dave Boertman GT/HA 11.35 10.566 -0.784 65. Joey Wilkes GT/EA 10.95 10.167 -0.783 66. Greg Teel SS/HA 10.90 10.119 -0.781 67. Dean Mesenbring GT/IA 11.50 10.722 -0.778 68. Peter Biondo GT/FA 11.10 10.328 -0.772 69. Victor Krol GT/C 10.50 9.728 -0.772 70. Chuck Gallagher SS/AM 9.55 8.783 -0.767 71. Jeff Sexton SS/AX 9.90 9.134 -0.766 72. Aaron Alvey GT/HA 11.35 10.591 -0.759 73. Jim Grande SS/D 10.50 9.745 -0.755 74. Fred Bartoli Jr. GT/DA 10.80 10.054 -0.746 75. Mark Longo SS/M 11.90 11.161 -0.739 76. Angelo DeCarlo GT/IA 11.50 10.768 -0.732 77. Al Smyth III SS/A 9.95 9.253 -0.697 78. Dan Olding GT/KA 11.75 11.055 -0.695 79. Paul Anderson SS/F 10.65 9.967 -0.683 80. Timothy Maggio SS/CS 10.65 9.977 -0.673 81. Brian Olson SS/IA 11.00 10.332 -0.668 82. Dave Goldie SS/LA 11.75 11.124 -0.626 83. Dan Fletcher SS/HA 10.90 10.309 -0.591 84. Mark Faul GT/DA 10.80 10.224 -0.576 85. Bill Friebel SS/HA 10.90 10.341 -0.559 86. Marcus Allen SS/I 10.85 10.294 -0.556 87. William McLemore SS/EM 10.50 10.020 -0.480 88. Scott Pearson SS/JA 11.30 10.834 -0.466 89. Bud Pickens GT/BA 10.55 10.089 -0.461 90. A.H. Adkins SS/C 10.35 9.964 -0.386 91. Rod Boertman GT/FA 11.20 10.832 -0.368 92. Bobby Alvey GT/TC 11.40 11.078 -0.322 93. John Lang SS/CA 10.35 10.331 -0.019 94. Ronnie Courtney GT/C 10.50 11.611 1.111 95. Jim Keyes SS/AA 10.00 14.616 4.616 Super Stock
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order for Qualifying Round 2 JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of qualifying in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Alex Denysenko SS/MA 12.15 10.974 -1.176 2. Tim Cole SS/AX 9.90 8.776 -1.124 3. Jerry Silveus GT/HA 11.35 10.238 -1.112 4. Michael Tueffel SS/BM 9.70 8.614 -1.086 5. Irvin Johns GT/BA 10.55 9.470 -1.080 6. John Coughlin SS/CM 9.95 8.874 -1.076 7. Ricky Decker GT/CA 10.70 9.629 -1.071 8. Blair Patrick SS/FA 10.75 9.687 -1.063 9. Don Sofranko SS/L 11.55 10.488 -1.062 10. Bobby Dennis GT/KA 11.75 10.693 -1.057 11. Ken Shawver SS/KA 11.55 10.495 -1.055 12. Larry Eagle GT/B 10.40 9.349 -1.051 13. Brent Voges GT/GA 11.20 10.155 -1.045 14. Charlie Westcott GT/C 10.50 9.460 -1.040 15. Tim Worner GT/JA 11.60 10.563 -1.037 16. Smylie Little GT/MA 12.05 11.022 -1.028 17. Ray Paquet SS/B 10.20 9.175 -1.025 18. Mark Nowicki GT/GA 11.20 10.176 -1.024 19. Howard Barsky SS/NA 12.45 11.428 -1.022 20. David Bogner GT/FA 11.10 10.080 -1.020 21. Michael Mans GT/HA 11.35 10.336 -1.014 22. Jim Pancake SS/AA 10.00 8.989 -1.011 23. Mike Lyons GT/GA 11.20 10.191 -1.009 24. Cliff Reigle SS/GA 10.85 9.844 -1.006 25. Don O'Malley SS/JA 11.30 10.303 -0.997 26. Jeff Stealy SS/IA 11.00 10.007 -0.993 27. Dave Layer GT/IA 11.50 10.507 -0.993 28. Aaron Alvey GT/HA 11.35 10.357 -0.993 29. Rene Garza SS/PA 12.95 11.959 -0.991 30. Jimmy Bridges SS/C 10.35 9.366 -0.984 31. Jimbo Fields SS/IA 11.00 10.016 -0.984 32. Rod Dorsey SS/EM 10.50 9.517 -0.983 33. Bill Rowe Jr SS/GA 10.85 9.868 -0.982 34. Ernie Penner GT/JA 11.60 10.618 -0.982 35. Larry Stewart Jr SS/HA 10.90 9.932 -0.968 36. Martin Jeltema SS/BS 10.05 9.096 -0.954 37. Chuck Gallagher Jr. SS/BM 9.70 8.752 -0.948 38. Don Duke SS/H 10.80 9.852 -0.948 39. Jeremy Duncan SS/IA 11.00 10.058 -0.942 40. Rock Running GT/HA 11.35 10.410 -0.940 41. Steve Baughman SS/AA 10.00 9.060 -0.940 42. Billy Leber SS/TB 10.25 9.310 -0.940 43. Michael Stokes SS/CM 9.95 9.011 -0.939 44. Michael Iacono GT/FA 11.10 10.170 -0.930 45. Steve Graham SS/HA 10.90 9.972 -0.928 46. J.R. Lambert SS/HA 10.90 9.978 -0.922 47. Mike Pustelny GT/EA 10.95 10.032 -0.918 48. Gary Stinnett GT/AA 10.40 9.495 -0.905 49. Jeff Dona SS/IA 11.00 10.100 -0.900 50. Bobby Rashid GT/BA 10.55 9.659 -0.891 51. Steve Smith GT/FA 11.10 10.211 -0.889 52. Jim Keyes SS/AA 10.00 9.116 -0.884 53. Todd Frantz SS/GA 10.85 9.968 -0.882 54. Dennis Nelson GT/LA 11.85 10.972 -0.878 55. Fred Bartoli GT/DA 10.80 9.923 -0.877 56. Wayne Winfield GT/HA 11.35 10.475 -0.875 57. Bill Yates Sr SS/BM 9.70 8.828 -0.872 58. Jeff Sexton SS/AX 9.90 9.028 -0.872 59. Wayne Hansen GT/TC 11.40 10.533 -0.867 60. Robert Harrison SS/KA 11.55 10.698 -0.852 61. Garrett Ghezzi SS/JA 11.30 10.467 -0.833 62. Gary Tompa GT/H 11.15 10.329 -0.821 63. Brad Zaskowski GT/J 11.35 10.533 -0.817 64. Jeff Niceswanger GT/GA 11.20 10.384 -0.816 65. Larry Buckingham GT/E 10.80 9.994 -0.806 66. A.H. Adkins SS/C 10.35 9.547 -0.803 67. Mike Bogina SS/EA 10.65 9.856 -0.794 68. Lincoln Morehead GT/EA 10.95 10.156 -0.794 69. Dave Boertman GT/HA 11.35 10.566 -0.784 70. Joey Wilkes GT/EA 10.95 10.167 -0.783 71. Greg Teel SS/HA 10.90 10.119 -0.781 72. Dean Mesenbring GT/IA 11.50 10.722 -0.778 73. Peter Biondo GT/FA 11.10 10.328 -0.772 74. Victor Krol GT/C 10.50 9.728 -0.772 75. Dan Fletcher SS/HA 10.90 10.130 -0.770 76. Chuck Gallagher SS/AM 9.55 8.783 -0.767 77. Jim Grande SS/D 10.50 9.733 -0.767 78. Fred Bartoli Jr. GT/DA 10.80 10.054 -0.746 79. Mark Longo SS/M 11.90 11.161 -0.739 80. Bobby Alvey GT/TC 11.40 10.666 -0.734 81. Angelo DeCarlo GT/IA 11.50 10.768 -0.732 82. Al Smyth III SS/A 9.95 9.253 -0.697 83. Dan Olding GT/KA 11.75 11.055 -0.695 84. Brian Olson SS/IA 11.00 10.314 -0.686 85. Paul Anderson SS/F 10.65 9.967 -0.683 86. Ronnie Courtney GT/C 10.50 9.823 -0.677 87. Timothy Maggio SS/CS 10.65 9.977 -0.673 88. Dave Goldie SS/LA 11.75 11.124 -0.626 89. Bud Pickens GT/BA 10.55 9.926 -0.624 90. David Turner SS/DA 10.50 9.906 -0.594 91. Mark Faul GT/DA 10.80 10.224 -0.576 92. Bill Friebel SS/HA 10.90 10.341 -0.559 93. Marcus Allen SS/I 10.85 10.294 -0.556 94. William McLemore SS/EM 10.50 9.981 -0.519 95. Scott Pearson SS/JA 11.30 10.832 -0.468 96. Darrell Marvel SS/AA 10.00 9.618 -0.382 97. Rod Boertman GT/GA 11.20 10.829 -0.371 98. John Lang SS/CA 10.35 10.331 -0.019 99. Wayne Workman SS/JA 11.30 13.575 2.275 --------- Not Qualified --------- 100. Michael Giuliano SS/BS 10.05 DQ 101. Joe Covert SS/AX 9.90 DQ Privacy policy ? Copyright 1995-2003, NHRA. All logos and images are reserved. Problems displaying the site? Click here for the latest browser requirements and links to FREE downloads.
------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-7.51 @89mph 1/8 1.54 60 ft.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 17521 From: Hampton,Virginia,USA MCA#39406 M&M #12 Registered: May 99
posted 05-29-2003 04:47 PM
Hell Ya sam
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 10730 From: Reno Nv USA MEM#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 05-29-2003 04:51 PM
#1 is right were he belongs.  ------------------ SCOOP oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 2.26 60'S 14.9 @ 90.86MPH 65 coupe,351w,C4,Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8"3.40 TracLoc,Cragar SS,Black Suede.
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Big D Gearhead Posts: 3536 From: WELLS, NEVADA Registered: Nov 2000
posted 05-29-2003 04:57 PM
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BarrysGrrl Gearhead Posts: 1303 From: Illinois/Indiana & parts inbetween Registered: Jan 2002
posted 05-29-2003 08:03 PM
------------------ Beth Head Cheerleader for Moneymaker Racing! "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." - Henry Ford (for Alex) Alex & Beth's Homepage
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 7166 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 05-29-2003 08:32 PM
Awesome! Keep it up Alex!  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '02 Explorer XLT I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it! We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart? Common sense is not so common anymore.
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Ked Moderator Posts: 7893 From: Fayetteville, N.C. Registered: Jul 99
posted 05-29-2003 10:01 PM
you GO boy!!
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BlueMule Gearhead Posts: 755 From: Kent Island, MD USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted 05-30-2003 06:55 AM
you da man------------------ -Paul 70 Mach1 351C 79 Ranchero GT 97 Expedition XLT 5.4 00 SVT f150 Lightning 4149 of 4966 Born on: 06/26/2000 'life's tough... it's tougher if you're stupid.'
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ccode67 Gearhead Posts: 1554 From: douglasville,ga,usa Registered: Mar 2001
posted 05-30-2003 07:10 AM
Kickin butt and takin names.... 
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rockafellz Gearhead Posts: 1252 From: San Lorenzo, CA, USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 05-30-2003 11:37 AM
You are the best when you can run back to back and return identical numbers down to the thousandths!!  I don't think i've ever seen that.  You are awesome!! Keep it up!!  Erik ------------------ 1966 Ford Mustang 2+2 Mine - Restomod in Progress 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe Dad's - Original Unrestored
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BornInAFord Gearhead Posts: 161 From: Bend, OR, USA Registered: Dec 2002
posted 05-30-2003 07:19 PM
Wow! Way to go, Alex.BTW, I hate to be contrary, but in the interest of fairness I'll point out that those seem to be the day's best timeslips--ALL driver's times in round one are identical to all in round two but the order changes a bit, especially as you go down the list. Still, WOW!!! Number 1 both rounds so far... keep up the good work.  Daniel
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BarrysGrrl Gearhead Posts: 1303 From: Illinois/Indiana & parts inbetween Registered: Jan 2002
posted 05-30-2003 11:35 PM
Daniel, if you don't improve your time during subesquent time runs, your qualifying time on the sheet won't change. They take your best time of the rounds and only change your time if you do better, just like the pros.  ------------------ Beth Head Cheerleader for Moneymaker Racing! "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." - Henry Ford (for Alex) Alex & Beth's Homepage
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johnmustang Gearhead Posts: 4088 From: Vancouver Island , British Columbia , Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 05-31-2003 01:41 AM
Congrats Alex JOHN 
------------------ 65 2+2 FASTBACK 87 TAURUS WAGON 98 F150 XLT TRITON V8 4.6, 4 WHEEL DRIVE Member:Vancouver Island Mustang Association M&M #1710 MyPhotoPage MY TRUCK
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Ralph Rebandt Gearhead Posts: 473 From: Farmington Hills, MI Registered: Feb 2000
posted 05-31-2003 10:16 AM
Alex, can't wait to meet you at the 100 anniversary celebration.... maybe you can tweek my stang
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 19624 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 06-01-2003 01:11 AM{A85A4A34-B652-4F07-AAAF-6B0A95FA5FAB}#indextop  ------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member and licensed Superstock driver MCA member# 53321 NHRA and IHRA SS/LA National Record Holder '00,'01,'02,&'03 First SS/MA in the TENS! Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 Professional Manwhore The Barry of BarrysGrrl Quote #1: "I never met a magazine mechanic I liked." Quote #2: "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth!" Quote #3: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 17521 From: Hampton,Virginia,USA MCA#39406 M&M #12 Registered: May 99
posted 06-01-2003 08:28 AM
I LIke that word WINNERsam
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BarrysGrrl Gearhead Posts: 1303 From: Illinois/Indiana & parts inbetween Registered: Jan 2002
posted 06-01-2003 08:36 AM
 As Van Halen would say: "Here we go round round round round(s)"  ------------------ Beth Head Cheerleader for Moneymaker Racing! "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." - Henry Ford (for Alex) Alex & Beth's Homepage
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