Great day!!!Breakfast at Dennys
assemble back at the Inn and off to Summits Store in Sparks Nv. just a short drive .
This has to be the Mecca of Hipo Parts..
Back to the Inn and a visit to the Harrahs Auto Museum..holy cow...This is amust if you in Reno!!
if you get off th "carpeted area the alarms go off.....oh do we have some storys about the alarms.BTW.where's Peter...(as the alarm goes off)...LOL
Back to the Inn short rest time and down to the BBQ...
Time now to relax and swap some "war stories.
Some of us venture off to play the slots and do well until we (I) replace all 220 nickels back into the machine i HAD WON..OK I'm down 20 bucks...there's always tomorrow 
some go off to the Rodeo others hang out at the Bar...
As I write 'm eating a pizza and siping a coke....
I just wish each one of you could be here....