Topic: Little Johnny (again, some more)
kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 1047 From: 900 miles from somewhere important Registered: Oct 2000
posted 06-22-2001 08:21 AM
Little Johnny rushes home from school. He invades the fridge and is scooping out some cherry vanilla ice cream when his mother enters the kitchen. She says, "Put that away, Little Johnny. You can't have ice cream now. It's too close to supper time. Go outside and play." Little Johnny whimpers and says, "There's no one to play with." Trying to placate him, she says, "OK. I'll play with you. What do you want to play?" "I wanna play 'Mommy and Daddy,'" says Little Johnny. Trying not to register surprise, and to further appease him, she says, "Fine, I'll play. What do I do?" Little Johnny says, "You go up to the bedroom and lie down as if you're taking a nap." Figuring that she can easily control the situation, Mom goes upstairs. Little Johnny, acting a bit cocky, swaggers down the hall and opens the utility closet. He puts on his fathers old fishing hat. As he starts up the stairs, he notices a cigarette butt in the ashtray on the end table. He picks it up and slips it in the corner of his mouth. At the top of the stairs he moves to the bedroom doorway. His mother raises her head and asks, "What do I do now?" In a gruff manner, Little Johnny says, "Get your a** Downstairs and Get that Kid some ICE CREAM!"
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67stang Gearhead Posts: 729 From: Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-22-2001 10:56 PM
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kwazykat Moderator Posts: 3306 From: orange county, nc , M&M member #92 Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-23-2001 02:02 PM
...are ya sure you dont mean.. "GET KED SOME ICE CREAM" ????she is real good with an ice cream cone... heh heh heh in fact, stewwie bought one for her at the rodeo last nite... imagine that!!!  kk
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ragtopjr Gearhead Posts: 1663 From: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Registered: Oct 2000
posted 06-23-2001 02:37 PM
ROFLMAO  ------------------ Ed Heart mods:Trick High flow titanium valve ported & polished Listen close: "tic tic tic" No folks thats not a noisy lifter thats the sound of big flow! 1984 5.0L LX Conv 3600 lbs 13.41 at 101.89 SIR
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Ked Moderator Posts: 4719 From: Fayetteville, N.C., U.S.A Registered: Jul 99
posted 06-23-2001 03:23 PM
Yup, imagine that!!! Then Big D poured the water down my back and i had to walk around with wet pants the rest of the evening. I think he shoulda poured the water on Stewwie. HE'S the one who needed to be cooled off!!
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kwazykat Moderator Posts: 3306 From: orange county, nc , M&M member #92 Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-23-2001 05:38 PM
yup..... ked was stuck with the wet spot... heh heh heh...DOH!!! D kk
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Mustang Tally Gearhead Posts: 1078 From: Winston Salem, NC Registered: May 2000
posted 07-10-2001 06:35 AM
Well, better late than never!In all fairness, Ked, I told Big D to do that...He is such a gentleman he never would have done it on his own ! It was a little excessive and I apologize... (Now Big D...You're exonerated ! ) KK: what does that mean ??
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mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 1744 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 07-10-2001 07:25 AM
You know, Ked, I can only imagine what some kid of 15 went through when he came to pick you up for a date!!! Talk about an inquisition!! Proabably still running! LOL!
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Ked Moderator Posts: 4719 From: Fayetteville, N.C., U.S.A Registered: Jul 99
posted 07-10-2001 09:59 AM
LOL!!! Naaaaa, my dates didn't fear my Mom. She was to outgoing. It was my Dad that terrified them!! Him of little words and quiet ways...........The boys were all scared of him!!!
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Mustang Tally Gearhead Posts: 1078 From: Winston Salem, NC Registered: May 2000
posted 07-10-2001 12:48 PM
MellowYellow ! Shame !I'm a really sweet, cuddly, oooold woman who just wouldn't harm a thing...  All their boyfriends were crazy about me (and still are !!)..isn't that right, Grrls??? Well, maybe not Bill... I can't help it if the guyz don't know any better
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kwazykat Moderator Posts: 3306 From: orange county, nc , M&M member #92 Registered: Jun 99
posted 07-10-2001 05:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by Mustang Tally: All their boyfriends were crazy .....
heh heh heh ya got that right mom!!! teeeeeeheeeeeeheeeeeeee  kk
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mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 1744 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 07-10-2001 06:24 PM
Just like that Ol' Paul Simon tune"Still Crazy After All These Years!" Made me think of a date I had in high school. First thing her BIG brother said. "I hope you're not planning to TRY to F*** my little sister!!! That dude was BIG!! The evening went down{not on anyone! LOL"} from there!! ANother early date. Her Mom came to the door, motioned me in! She had a mouthful of salad, eating with the big wooden spoon out of a big bowl. They were really wealthy and I got to take her out in their Cad vert. You never know!!
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