I decided that if I'm going to run at the 50th anniversary World Series in 3 weeks I really ought to do some 1/4 mile running so I went to Cordova this week-end.Friday night the first pass was 10.18 at 132 MPH. Quite a rush!
The end of the track seems awfully close at that speed. the second passs was 10.21 at about the same MPH.
Sat. afternoon the first pass was 10.16 then a 10.14 at 133.
A batch of rain passed north of the track and sprinkled a little on us. The temp went down 8 degrees and the humidity went up 8%. I knew I would lose a little so I dialed 10.16. The timeslip showed 10.159. RATS!
All in all, it was not a bad trip. 133 MPH compared to the 107 I've been getting on 1/8 mile seems like alot. I did find that the 377 Cleveland likes RPM. I have the shift set at 6800 and was crossing the stripe at around 7200. The motor is really pulling hard at the higher RPMs. On 1/8 mile I see alot less revs at the stripe so I hadn't experienced the long high gear pull.
I managed to keep it between the guardrails even with the notoriously narrow grove at Cordova and wiggle all the way through first gear. That track demands attention.
The world Series this year is the 50th one that has been run. Garlits and Shirley are running along with 4 nitro funny cars and Animal Jim running Arnie the Farmer Beswick. A bunch of other stuff, too. Should be a most entertaining week-end.
To be quite honest about it, I want to be able to say I ran on the same track the same week-end that Garlits ran. I followed him religiously when I was young (I think I can remember)
and have been a big fan since. Just one of those things I feel compelled to do. 
63 Falcon 377 Cleveland stroker Flying Toilet alchohol injection. 6.19 @ 110 MPH 1/8 mile
2002 Ranger FX4 daily driver
2000 F350 PSD Crew cab dually - Like commuting in a B52!!
98 US Cargo Phantom II 28'