Hav2,OK lets see if we can get you back into the 11s. 
I'm assuming you have plenty of traction, and that it just leaves like a school bus. If not then a couple (or 4 or 5) sand bags in the right rear corner of the bed ought to help that. It might take a couple mph off the big end, but who'll notice. 
So, for bottom end torque you can bump the timing. Advance the timing while power braking the engine until it just starts to knock, then back it off a hair.
The real cure would be to add a higher stall torque convertor. Maybe around 2500 stall, then you may find a traction problem.
Of course we could slip a 460 in there, or Butch's nitrous "kit".
Good luck, but really there isn't much difference between an 11 second 1/8mile and a low 12. 