Man. If I knew how much easier it was to deal with disc brakes, I'd have had them on my trike when I was a kid.
Had to do a brake job on my 81 this last weekend. I had my doubts at first, because the first bolt I touched broke off in the hole. It was the retaining bolt for the caliper. Took more time fixing that than the whole brake job though. Had to buy new rotors because the passenger side caliper was frozen and the outer pad wore some hellacious rivet grooves in the rotor.
Heck of an easy job though, and my dad helped so that was a plus getting to wrench with the old man. Besides, he's got all the fancy air tools. 
I completely rebuilt the brakes on my 68 a few years ago (non power, 4 wheel drums) and it was a nightmare. Wish I had known how easy it would have been to just swap discs BEFORE I did that job.
Oh well, now I've got the fire lit under me to get the swap on the 68 done now. Hopefully the king pins on the 77 and the 68 cooperate. I think it will be a good winter project. Wish me luck.