(above from www.mustangsandmore.ws :rolleyes 
AKBOSSMAN��s ZX3��s 1st Day of Racing
A weekend in the life of a humble ��lil commuter car turned racecar��s life.
When Wayne, my owner, started adding and changing my components I didn��t know what to think. After all I wasn��t quite a year old. I knew Wayne likes how I responded when he shifts me while my 130 H.P. engine is at high RPM��s but I like the rear spoilers and clear front side markers he added because it made me look and feel special. I still miss the rear seat but the cargo platform he made allows us to haul a lot more stuff. We hauled home a treadmill in the box once with only my hatch open half way! Well, on the anniversary of Wayne taking me home from Cal Worthington Ford, he took me to a strange place and then left me there. It was scary as there were other cars and trucks inside and pieces were missing! I was driven into the garage and lifted off the ground. A man there started taking off bolts. First in the front, then the back. The next thing I know my springs are taken off. Then I saw these bright Yellow springs being put on me. Next the man adjusted my front wheels so that they were back in the right angle to the road. When he drove me out I was 2�� closer to the ground. After that we could keep the tires on the road better. Next Wayne made me go to sleep for about an hour on Saturday. When I woke up I felt different. Wayne took me for a trip down our road. We were really flying when I realized that my Rev limiter was allowing me another 1000 RPM before cutting out. That made us both smile. He told me that he ordered a cold air intake and filter as well as a cat-back exhaust kit but they haven��t shown up yet.
Now I��ll tell you about this weekend
Wayne was up earlier than normal for a Saturday. I watched from under the carport as the Sled dogs were let out for their morning run and he disappeared into the barn as he always does. After the dogs were done he came out with a fold up chair and a storage trunk and put them in my cargo area we drove into Anchorage as we usually did on weekdays. When we go to town we turned and exited at the Port of Anchorage. We stopped at the security shack and Wayne told the Rent-a-cop we were with the Solo II School he gave us a pass. As we drove towards the Port I saw a lot of sporty looking cars all lined up in a fenced parking lot. As we made a turn I saw new trucks being unloaded from a ship. Then I remembered being here before. I came off of a ship too! Wayne then turned into the Sport Car lot. Wow there were Corvettes, SS Camaros, WRXs, Miatas, STV Mustangs and a Lightning Pick up too. Many of the cars were like I had seen on the street, like that Prot���� I was the only non-SVT Ford there! I was parked next to a ZO6 Corvette and then he took all of the stuff out of my hatch. Wayne walked past a bunch of Orange cones to a tent. I saw a lot of cones all over the parking lot but I didn��t see any construction vehicles around so I figured they were off on Saturdays. When he returned he stuck some kind of sign on me and then let a couple of guys look at me and they poked around and asked Wayne to start me up. I was thinking that Wayne was selling me or some thing. I had wondered why he washed my engine, changed my oil ,and cleaned out all of the car magazines and stuff last night. After that scare, all of the people started walking around the cones. Now I was thinking that they were doing the construction work. Next they all sat down near the tent and about and hour later every one start doing different things. Some people went back out near some of the cones. Others got in their cars like Wayne did. I knew something was going to happen when Wayne put on a helmet. We got in a line of cars and the first car took off driving very fast around the cones. He was weaving and turning and braking really hard too. When it was our turn a pretty lady, also wearing a helmet, got into the passenger seat and put on her seat belt. Then a guy waved for us to go around all the cones. The lady kept yelling at Wayne �� Gas, Brake, Gas, Brake, Go wide, Both hands on the wheel!�� (He wasn��t even touching her!) When they were done and we stopped, the lady told Wayne that he should do this��.and do that ��..But she was nice now. We got back in line and Wayne closed his eyes and started moving the steering wheel back and forth. Each time it was our turn, the lady said Wayne was doing better (maybe because he was keeping both hands on the wheel now). Wayne and I raced around the cones for a while by our selves for a while too. After lunch we got in line in front of different cones. This time a guy with a helmet got in. He let Wayne drive a round the new cones then, after we stopped, the man drew a picture of the cones and suggested Wayne drive me around them a little differently. He said it would make me behave better (I was trying to do what Wayne told me to!). After a couple of times we drove them alone on this course too! Each time we would get faster or some times we would squeal my tires and that slowed me down. After we were done Wayne went out and stood by the cones while I cooled down and watched the other cars go around the cones. After all the cars were done driving around the cones we drove home.
On Sunday morning Wayne came out with the house dogs and while they were running thru the Fireweed, Wayne checked my Tire pressure like he did at the parking lot yesterday. Once again we were driving into Anchorage. As we passed the security checkpoint I could see those sporty cars again. This time I had two different guys looked me over. I was told later this is called Tech inspection but I think they just like touching and looking at pretty cars. Wayne parked me next to a Miyata this time and I think it was cold because it didn��t have a roof. Wayne walked around again to inspect the cones. They were now some new ones that connected the two tracks together. He took some photographs while the first group of cars drove around the cones. Each car raced around them four times. After lunch another group raced while Wayne stood near some cones and talked on a radio to the scoring people in the van near me. After they have run 4 times each Wayne and I got in line for our turn. Today Wayne and the other drivers seamed more serious and they were timing each car too! I watched as my other cousin, a 2000 Mustang SVT Cobra R model went around the course ahead of the Miyata and us. I was thinking,��I can run that fast if Wayne just keeps me under control, Vrooooom �� Well soon It was our turn. We drove through the course with out hitting the cones and smoother that we had the day before. Well guess what. We were faster than my cousin! At least this time. After that Wayne was a little heavy on the foot and almost ran over the timing light at the end of the course as we did a cool 90-degree spin at the end of the straight line of cones. The next two runs Wayne made me go around the wrong side of a cone so we were called ��Off Course�� D��oh. Wayne told me he learned a lot about how to make me behave and were to steer me around corners etc. All I now is that we had Fun and Wayne said to tell everyone thanks for having the school weekend for us to come to. I think Wayne has potential and should practice more and worry about making me go faster less. Now where does that pretty Red Cobra live? Kissin cousins or not, I think we could make great little cars together. Say a Focus SVT !
70 GRABBER GREEN BOSS 302No fake scoops here!
01 Sangria Red Focus ZX3 Going Solo II !
03 Boss 302 (5.0) (waiting on order form)
My old '71Torino GT
"If your under control then your going too slow!" Parnelli Jones
"When it's on it's top and burning,you've gone fast enough." unknown
[This message has been edited by AKBOSSMAN (edited 07-18-2002).]