my 69 doesnt have spacers.... it is pretty danged close to the 70 set-up as far as i know....a quick story about spacers:
about 14 years ago i made a comment to my dad about how i couldnt reach the dimmer switch on my 67 unless i unbuckled my seatbelt and slid down in the seat.....
on one occassion i picked my car up from dad after he had done some ~fill in the blank~ work on it and noticed something different..... couldnt put my finger on it.....
about 6 months later, i was vaccuming out the car and as i cleaned the back floorboard behind the drivers seat, i leaned in and looked to see if i had gotten all the dust bunnies out from under the drivers seat.... and LO!! and BEHOLD!!! there were spacers on my seat!!! hahahahhaaa
daddy had put then there to lean the angle of the bucket seat so that i could reach things a little better!!! and YES!! the spacers are STILL under my seats!
my dad is awesome! he does stuff all the time and never mentions it..... after a while we realise what he did and when we bring it up to him it is as if it is absolutely nothing to him!!!
