Topic: ATTN: '03 Mach 1 owners OR Ford parts "gurus"
IIGood Moderator Posts: 3484 From: Arnold, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-25-2003 07:32 PM
I have a small dilemma. Other forums haven't been able to provide an adequate answer, and local dealerships have been in the dark.I want to install the Mach 1 grille on my '03 GT. I have the 3 major components that are needed, but the hardware to attach one of the components is baffling me. What is known as the grille applique, which attaches to the bumper cover, is the part in question. Pictures below. I know the upper part attaches to the bumper cover with 2 rivets (which are also in the picture). My question is, is there a Ford-specific part to attach the 4 plastic posts on the bottom of the piece to the underside of the bumper cover? Would any '03 Mach 1 owners be willing to "pry up" their grille to find out (or probably even just crawl under the front end and look around or feel around up there)? Or is there a Ford parts god that can assist in this matter? I am nearing wit's end. People on other forums who have performed the swap have suggested "ghetto-rigging" it with either 3M double-sided tape (don't wanna go that route), or using some spacers and screws, or some 1/4" nuts. The last two are a little more feasible for me, but I wanna make *sure* there isn't a Ford-specific part before going either of those routes. I hope my request makes sense. A huge thanks to anybody who can shed some light on this. ------------------ Frank S.----MCA Member 40390 '03 Mustang GT coupe '99 Mustang coupe '77 Ghia--"II Good" [This message has been edited by IIGood (edited 08-25-2003).]
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9038 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 08-25-2003 07:57 PM
Frank, You need to get in touch with Ray, our wise a$$ Philly boy. He may have some insight for you. HTHDave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '02 Explorer XLT I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it! We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart? Common sense is not so common anymore.
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7DMACH1 Gearhead Posts: 2400 From: PHILA. PA. Registered: Feb 2001
posted 08-25-2003 09:55 PM
Well it seems Ford doesn't show it in the parts catolog. Everything else that attaches to the bumper is attached with push pins. Part number n802781s 6.3x23.0 blind push screw. RAY------------------ "TRAILERS ARE FOR BOATS"
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IIGood Moderator Posts: 3484 From: Arnold, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-26-2003 08:56 AM
Ah! Ray! Our good ol' Philly guy. I had a brain fart and couldn't remember who our parts guru was.I went down this morning and got the blind push screws as mentioned, but unfortunately they won't do it. They're bigger than the posts on the grille applique...the overall diameter of the posts is 1/4". Sooo...back to the drawing board I guess...?? ------------------ Frank S.----MCA Member 40390 '03 Mustang GT coupe '99 Mustang coupe '77 Ghia--"II Good"
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sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 2248 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 08-26-2003 11:49 AM
Frank, I'll try to snap some pics this evening and post them for you.
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Stangfan Gearhead Posts: 645 From: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Sep 2000
posted 08-26-2003 03:37 PM
You might want to visit the website and ask the Mach 1 owners for help. They are a pretty accomodating lot. ------------------ Steve - M&M Member #690 '90 Limited Edition Mustang LX 5.0 Convertible '03 Mach 1 Azure Blue Member: Vancouver Island Mustangs Association; 1990 Limited Edition Mustang Registry Steve's 1990 Limited Edition Convertible Website
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 43395 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 08-26-2003 05:54 PM
I wouldn't be too afraid of the doublefaced tape, they hold half of these new cars together these days.  ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150
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Stangfan Gearhead Posts: 645 From: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Registered: Sep 2000
posted 08-26-2003 06:13 PM
Hey, Steve...half might be a bit of an overstatement...but probably not by much!!  ------------------ Steve - M&M Member #690 '90 Limited Edition Mustang LX 5.0 Convertible '03 Mach 1 Azure Blue Member: Vancouver Island Mustangs Association; 1990 Limited Edition Mustang Registry Steve's 1990 Limited Edition Convertible Website
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7DMACH1 Gearhead Posts: 2400 From: PHILA. PA. Registered: Feb 2001
posted 08-26-2003 07:08 PM
Some have bumper covers held on with velcro. Styrofoam bumper rienforcements. ------------------ "TRAILERS ARE FOR BOATS"
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IIGood Moderator Posts: 3484 From: Arnold, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-27-2003 01:31 PM
Thanks everyone for the help!  Sam, I'd certainly appreciate it if you could. I know it's kind of a tricky operation, so if you can't do it, that's fine too. I tried another dealership that I had forgotten to try, and they came up empty as well. I even took the part with me for a visual. His first thought was 'castle nuts', but after looking in the computer, there wasn't anything listed. He suggested some toothed washers. I hit the hardware store, found the washers, and also have some pushnuts that'll probably do the trick. I'd still like to see what Ford uses though...this is truly a mystery now apparently.  Steve, only reason I'm leary of the double-sided tape is that I don't wanna have to do all the clean up of that stuff when/if I decide to reinstall the stock grille. I also heard about one person's tape giving out after he washed the car once. ------------------ Frank S.----MCA Member 40390 '03 Mustang GT coupe '99 Mustang coupe '77 Ghia--"II Good"
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sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 2248 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 08-27-2003 04:20 PM
Frank, sorry, forgot about it last night. I'm emailing myself at home to remind me.
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IIGood Moderator Posts: 3484 From: Arnold, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-27-2003 04:58 PM
That's okay Sam. I didn't even notice that was posted *yesterday*. We had a storm come through here yesterday evening, knocked out power from 5:15 last night till 2 in the morning. I was without entertainment all that time!! Took me over an hour to get home from work too...usually only takes 15 minutes.  ------------------ Frank S.----MCA Member 40390 '03 Mustang GT coupe '99 Mustang coupe '77 Ghia--"II Good"
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sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 2248 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 08-27-2003 08:01 PM
OK, here we go. I didn't think I was going to be able to get anything for you, but was able to stuff the camera down under it with the end loose and out of 5 pictures taken from different angles I got 1 lucky shot of the back side. Looks like it might be one of those washers that you squeeze on with teeth in the middle.Next two are other vies of the attaching points. Aren't laptops great, BTW?  

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IIGood Moderator Posts: 3484 From: Arnold, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-27-2003 08:25 PM
Sam, thank you SO much!And yes, laptops are good (even though I don't have one). Great for toting around...  ------------------ Frank S.----MCA Member 40390 '03 Mustang GT coupe '99 Mustang coupe '77 Ghia--"II Good"
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9038 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 08-27-2003 09:20 PM
And good refrence.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '02 Explorer XLT I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it! We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart? Common sense is not so common anymore.
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sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 2248 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 08-28-2003 07:26 AM
You're welcome, hopefully that's what you needed.
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