Here's what you need to clean your injectors: injector wiring pigtail
spray carb cleaner
jumber wires with alligator clips
9V battery
Remove the injectors.
Attach injector pigtail.
Hook jumper wires to injector pigtail and 9V battery. Polarity doesn't matter. (9V battery raises pintel off seat)
Spray carb cleaner through injector until you have a good spray pattern. Wear eye protection and any safety gear deemed appropriate!
Repeat with the other 7 injectors.
It's that easy, it's low buck, you can DIY!
1996 SVT Cobra (#522)
1967 F100 w/85 Roller Cam 5.0, 5-Speed, 4.11 Detroit Locker, GT Mustang SEFI
1973 "Q" Code Mach1, 3/4 Vinyl Top, Fold-Down Rear Seat, A/C