Topic: Ghaaaaaaa!
Stewart Moderator Posts: 9155 From: Monterey, CA Mustangsandmore Member #437 Registered: Apr 2000
posted 04-10-2003 11:54 AM
Good gravy this forum exploded with tons of new threads!  Stewart
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Stewart Moderator Posts: 9155 From: Monterey, CA Mustangsandmore Member #437 Registered: Apr 2000
posted 04-10-2003 12:11 PM
Holy Guacamole! There's more here than I thought. Gotta run, but I'll try to get back soon and see if I can add my .02 cents to some of these threads.Stewart PS - Rene, keep 'em coming! I learn a lot when Alex and the others "in the know" answer all these questions.
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Stewart Moderator Posts: 9155 From: Monterey, CA Mustangsandmore Member #437 Registered: Apr 2000
posted 04-10-2003 12:30 PM
I really gotta stop scrolling down! Stewart
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rm302 boss Moderator Posts: 578 From: Austin Texas Registered: Dec 2002
posted 04-10-2003 03:06 PM
I guess you have been away for a while... I kind of monopolized you site for data and research..  Rene
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Stewart Moderator Posts: 9155 From: Monterey, CA Mustangsandmore Member #437 Registered: Apr 2000
posted 04-10-2003 05:07 PM
Monopolize away!And yeah, I've been pretty busy the past 6 or 7 months. BTW, congrats on being the newest Moderator. You gotta buy the beers, you know. Stewart
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rm302 boss Moderator Posts: 578 From: Austin Texas Registered: Dec 2002
posted 04-10-2003 08:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stewart: Monopolize away!And yeah, I've been pretty busy the past 6 or 7 months. BTW, congrats on being the newest Moderator. You gotta buy the beers, you know. Stewart
I dont know about that, i have been posting more on here than on mine... sooooo... you owe me beer...  Rene
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rm302 boss Moderator Posts: 578 From: Austin Texas Registered: Dec 2002
posted 04-11-2003 02:15 PM
Im still waiting for my beer...  Rene
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Stewart Moderator Posts: 9155 From: Monterey, CA Mustangsandmore Member #437 Registered: Apr 2000
posted 04-18-2003 01:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by rm302 boss: I dont know about that, i have been posting more on here than on mine... sooooo... you owe me beer...  Rene
LOL! Nice try! A for effort, but being the new guy means you buy the beer...period! No mitigating circumstances whatsoever!  Stewart
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-15-2003 03:49 PM
I know how to solve about you both buy ME a beer:-D------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-16-2003 07:25 AM
Fishtail!! You're still alive!! You seemed to drop off the face of the earth for a while!How's school? What's your plan.... When do you graduate again?
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-16-2003 01:18 PM
HAHAHA, yeah I'm still kickin'. School has had me pinned to the ground lately though. I graduate in december, and I ended up taking two CS courses that involved programming this time around, so I had class mon-thurs, and I worked sat-sun. Fridays I used to catch up on all my work! I have a final saturday, then I fly out to Notre Dame for my sisters graduation, then I fly back in time for my final tuesday. Non-stop around here lately. Things are good though. Mustang got repainted last summer, and I have a set of ported heads, headers, and new valve springs sitting on teh garage floor waiting for me to get an intake . As for my plan...I'm looking for a job RIGHT NOW. I have one two CS courses left(vector graphics, and independant study where i'm developing a 64bit MIPS emulator), but I feel more than ready to get a job programming. ESPECIALLY if it's in java. CMNTC folded a while ago, but there is a new club in the area that meets at uno's in waldorf once a month. I think they stem from stangnet. Anyway......what's up with you?------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-16-2003 05:09 PM
Things are going nuts for me too. I have changed jobs a little and am now an IPT lead (Integrated Program Team) for the Navy despite being a contractor (very rare). Gov't wanted me and I would go gov't (change jobs), so they gave it to me anyway. Work load has gone up, but I think it's temporary. Time will tell, but I think it'll calm down in January a bit. It has all new frustrations. So now I'm getting my replacement up to speed while doing a new job. I've had some very late evenings.Man, we're hiring, but I needed you to be done with school. Not any Java here though. It's all C++ and Ada. You can't give the Ada positions out. Positions are all systems engineering stuff that deal more with specification compliance than coding. Software testing and stuff like that. Put a CAI on the '93. Caused some intake issues (clogged the MAF), but I got it all better now. Still need to paint and tear into the '66, but can't seem to find the time. Hoping to get to it, but I can't even find the time to cut the grass!!  Where'd you get yours painted? I'm looking for references. What'd it cost you?
------------------ '66 Coupe C code '93 GT 'vert (AOD to T5 swapped)
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-16-2003 09:32 PM
C++ eh? I programmed in C++ for about 2 years before my classes went to java. I have also done Perl, j2me(java's bastard child for embedded applications), ML, and C. I'm planning on playing with C# over the summer to get aquainted with that. And, I need to write some more C++ stuff to refresh myself because my class next semester is all in OpenGL. So, I wanna get a head start. As for school....the whole reason I'm in school is to get a job. If I had a good enough offer, I would seriously considering prolonging(but definatly NOT permanatly) my graduation. Meaning, I would be willing to take like a class or so per semester and work. I only have two major classes left for graduation, the rest are all a bunch of mumbo jumbo electives to fill my requirements. If you know of anyone hireing for anything though(such as internships, what-have you) I'd be interested. I'm getting tired of working in a garage. sister graduates this weekend, and she is MIS. Dunno if you need those folks or not. As for my paint job, a friend of a friend did it for me. It was 3 grand, and he repaired all of my hail damage, as well as removed ALL of teh body work before painting. Front/rear bumpers, coner windows, ground effects, etc. He's a real mustang nut himself, I could introduce you if you like. He has a shop behind his house that he works from, really nice guy. Let me know if you want to talk to him, I'll hook you up. As for job positions, if you should hear of anything and remeber me, please let me know. I'd be very appreciative. ------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-16-2003 10:01 PM
Oh, I nearly forgot. I have a CS proffessor with 2 masters degrees(but no PHD yet) that just got laid off from the univerisy bc of all the budget cuts. He was my C++ proffessor, although he doesn't know ada. If you like, I can link him up with homever he needs to talk too. Lemmie know.------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-18-2003 01:33 PM
Odds are he won't want to be down in LP City, but if he does, I'd be happy to farm resumes around. The unfortunate side to the way the gov't does things is that I can't do much for someone until they have a degree. Kind of a catch 22. I can work some of the positions if the person knows alot about the platform (usually means ex-military).I have always kept you in'll all come down to timing. I'm being told the future has 5-6 more slots opening up within the next year, but again, they'll all be systems engineering more that programmers' slots. I've just about convinced myself that I'm never going to find the time to work on this thing, so yeah, I'd like to meet this guy that painted yours (assuming you like the job?). I wouldn't mind stripping it down myself, but I have a few minor rust holes that need welding, that are beyond my abilities. How much of the work did you do yourself? This would be for my '66. I'm planning to strip it down and take all the chrome off of it. It also needs some interior paint. I'd probably do the doors myself, but it has a spot on the dash under the glove box that needs attention by him. Whether the whole dash would have to be reshot, or if he could touch it up, I don't know. I have all the enthusiasm in the world...but no time 
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-19-2003 01:20 PM
Ah, I understand. Well thank you for keeping me in mind. As for my proff, he probably wouldn't mind living down that way, it's not that bad of an area. It's alot nicer to college park. Where would you have me tell him to email his resume? Now onto the car . I'm very happy with my paint job, and I didn't have to do a thing. He removed everything for me. Although, he didn't have to do anything with rust on my 92 . He isn't a huge fan of rust, mainly because he stays so busy very rusty cars take him a long time to complete. However, I would have him look at it anyway. He was going to paint my friends formula, and that thing was pretty darn rusted. If you want to see what the paint looks like, I'd be happy to show you. If you wanna see what he can really do given a bit more money(and he was kinda dissapointed that I didn't have more to give him so that he could customize my paint job) you should come up and see his car. It was funny, he was waiting to see if I could get some more money so I could pay him to do something different. Like ghost flames, or something. We finnally settled on letting him play around with the factory colors a little bit. I must say, I'm quite pleased with his choices. I also have another friend that restores mustangs at his house. They have a 6 bay garage over there, and like 12 mustangs all in various stages of resto. But, they would probably take a while, roger would be a better bet. My finals are over the 22nd, so just about anytime in the evening after that I could take you over to talk to him. Just let me know.------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-22-2003 11:22 PM
Still there?------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-22-2003 11:28 PM
Dave, I sent your email to my proff, so he should email you here sometime relatively soon. He has finals to grade, and a summer class to setup, then he should be able to get his info together. As for your email....I think we have been through this before, but I know people who work for your company. I'm relieved that classes are finnally now I have time to play with my car. I managed to get my hood latch to work again, but chipped my paint in the process . That's two strikes against it now.....the first was when some tard fell through my garage ceiling and the sheetrock hit my wing and scratched it. *ugh*------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-22-2003 11:32 PM
Forgot to say thanks  ------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" CMPS major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-27-2003 08:25 PM
Sorry, man. I've been in NY all last week, then NC for the weekend. Haven't been on in a while. Have him send his resume to my profile e-mail address. I check that one all the time. I have three openings at the moment. All are for systems engineers and software tester type folks. I've gotten a few resumes in, but nothing that bowled me over yet. One guy even had 3 typos in his resume!! Next!!Anyway, yes, I'd love to meet up and see your paint, and meet your buddy. I'm not looking for anything out of the ordinary. I just want her repainted the stock color. I need the inside of the trunk lid and hood redone also. I have a minor spot under the glovebox door that needs some attention. Rust is very minor. Few bubbles, and one hole (dime size) just in front of the driver door and under the rocker panel. I think he'd be pleased with the overall condition with the exception of that fender. That hole is beyond my knowledge/abilities though. I'd have had it fixed a long time ago had I realized it was there.  I'd like to get him to look at it anyway. He may recommend replacing the fender after he looks at it, I don't know (fender is also mildly bent due to my studs shearing off on I-97). I won't be too upset if that's his advice. I'm hoping to save it, but I need some professional advice. You going up to Carlisle? 
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-28-2003 11:57 AM
NY? Nice, I have still never been up there. I've been to most major cities on the east cost south of pittsburg. And I've flown out to CA a few times, but I've never driven a few hours north to visit NYC. You have fun? I've been here most of the time, although I did go out to IN weekend before last. I'll be sure to pass your email along, so you should here from him in the near future. As for the soon as this weather takes the hint that it is no longer welcome and gets out of town, I'll take you up there. I have yet to repair my wipers on the mustang, so I really don't like relying on rain-x in the rain. As for Carlisle, when is that? I would like to go if i could.------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" (less ghetto with new paint) CMSC major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-28-2003 09:32 PM
Carlisle is this coming weekend. All Ford Nationals. Quite a few M&Mers are going, I think. I've got babysitters lined up and everything!!  I hate NY. I've been on a lot of trips, but few places make me want to leave faster. Lone exception was Saudi Arabia. I go to Long Island, NY. Been to the city for pleasure before. I enjoy the theater, but other than that, you can have it. I much prefer my serene So. MD!! Why anyone wants to live in NY is beyond me....but to each his own I guess. I'm going up to Carlisle on Saturday. Look for goings on in Sam's place. We're working on a rondezvous location.
------------------ '66 Coupe C code '93 GT 'vert (AOD to T5 swapped)
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-29-2003 02:12 AM
This weekend...........damn, I knew you were going to say that. I have the weekend off, and I have ALWAYS wanted to go to carlisle, but this weekend I'm taking my girlfriend to OC for her birthday. She's NOT a car person, so I think diverting the trip to NY for a car show would not get me any bonus points. What really stinks is that I need an intake, and I have had the cash sitting on the dresser behind me since march. That would definatly make a good opportunity to find a decient deal on one. Unless of course you know someone who has one for sale? Either a edlebrock performer, or a holley. Either one will work for me. *sigh*, oh well, maybe next year.------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" (less ghetto with new paint) CMSC major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 05-30-2003 06:16 PM
That's what I'm looking for also!!  Wouldn't mind scoring some heads also. Need bumpers for the '66...ahhh the list goes on, but I'll spare you.Maybe I'll get a 2 for one deal!! You looking new or used? Satin or chrome? It's in PA, see if you can get her diverted that far!! Weather is supposed to suck!  Gotta set your priorities!!  [This message has been edited by GTRocks (edited 05-30-2003).]
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 05-31-2003 12:49 AM
Used, satin. Although new would be fine too if it is cheep enough. I have 450 bucks to spend, so that's almost enough for new, but I think I could do alot better used. The holley systemax intake is supposed to be one of the best on the market at the moment, and it's 550 new....if you find one, call my cell(I'll send it to you in an email, that's what I get for posting late at night ). I doubt I can get up that far, I'm taking my girl out for her birthday .------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" (less ghetto with new paint) CMSC major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC [This message has been edited by FISHTAIL (edited 05-31-2003).]
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-01-2003 05:52 PM
Well, I got mine for the '66, but I saw very little for the foxes. There were a few Cobra intakes, but I didn't see any Systemaxes or Trick Flows, and I was looking.I got a performer 4V for $105 in great shape. Your friend would have died seeing that '68 GT500 on the dyno. My drool bucket was overflowing!! 
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FISHTAIL Gearhead Posts: 560 From: Waldorf/College Park MD USA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 06-01-2003 11:52 PM
Sweet, thanks alot for looking, I appreciate it. So what else did you see there? What did the GT500 pull on the dyno?------------------ -FISHTAIL 92GT "The Ghetto Sled" (less ghetto with new paint) CMSC major @ University of MD college park Best ET/MPH thus far: 14.40/100.67mph....damn wheel spin. VP and co-founder of CMTC
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GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 2289 From: Lusby, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-02-2003 07:12 PM
He pulled 270 rwhp and 300 torque. Seemed low, but man he sounded awesome.There were a huge number of XR4Ti's there, surprisingly. Must have been 100 of them. All categories of Mustangs were there from 64 1/2 all the way up to the ''05 even  Not many really old ones. 60's were well represented. 50's had some, even some Edsels. But it went down fast from there. The rodders were few. Lot of trucks too. Rangers and F150s. One guy even modded a lightning to have a crew cab. Or maybe he modded a crew cab to make a lightning...I don't know. That was kinda weird, but he did it well. Spent an incredible amount of money on it whatever he did. There musta been $10k in the stereo alone. Had about a 21" DVD screen in the bed. Highlight was meeting all the M&Mers though. Even put Frank to work! He lugged my intake all the way back to the truck from across the fairgrounds (I lugged a pair of bumpers). All stand up guys! Thanks, Frank! Can't wait to do it again!! 
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