Just wanted to post that I did the 3G alternator upgrade.My OEM alternator took a dump back in December. I've been wanting to upgrade to a 3G anyway, so now I had the best reason!
After previously searching the 'net, and different UBB's, I had already decided to go with a new alternator from Pa-Performance, as opposed to a junyard reclaim.
The Pa-Performance was only a few bucks more than a remanned one from Autozone or Kragens, yet it was brand new, didn't need a core exchange, and came with a lifetime warrantee. On top of that, I found a brand new one, still in the box, for sale on the 'net from a private seller at a lower price. I called Pa-Performance and talked to the owner who said he'd transfer the lifetime warrantee guarrantee to me, even though I wasn't the original purchaser. I thought that was pretty cool on his part.
Well, I finalized the deal with the seller in Texas, received the alternator, and finally installed it this past weekend.
Pa-Performance truly has a good product. They provide clear instructions on how to modify the alternator bracket so the bigger 3G will fit in the old 2G space, as well as a concise step-by-step procedure for the upgraded wiring.
Overall, I'm very happy with the product and would recommend this alternator to anyone.
Got Milk? :-)~~
If you go fishing, bring a fishnet
you might catch a hummingbird
1990 Platinum GT: 25th Year Anniversary Edition
- Some mods, but not enough!
1994 F-150 XLT Extended Cab 5.0
- It's my work truck! 
1996 Blue Crown Vic
- Suspension and exhaust mods, but nothing else...YET!
1998 solid Paint Quarter Horse: One Hot Diamond
- He's green, but Renee's training him!
M&M Member #437
Blue Oval Believer, thru and true.
[This message has been edited by Stewart (edited 01-24-2002).]