Topic: Transmission bracket
Harley Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-18-2006 07:42 PM
In the process of fixing a transmission fluid leak, I noticed that the rubber in my rear transmission bracket has turned goo. (I have a 351 windsor with an FMX)Where's the best place to purchase a quality bracket (a mechanic friend says to watch out for cheap ones)? And how difficult is it to replace? Also, could this be why I've had a mysterious vibration at about 60 mph? Thanks. [This message has been edited by Harley (edited 11-18-2006).]
PONYMAN Gearhead Posts: 421 From: Ardmore, Ok. USA Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-18-2006 08:23 PM
I am sure NPD has one. If you are looking localy, I have alwayshad good luck with NAPA parts. They are usually higher in price thanO'Reillys and Autozone, but also better quality. Of course I may be prejudiced, since my dad owned one for almost 30 years.
70SportsRoof Gearhead Posts: 1064 From: Orange County, CA Registered: Dec 2001
posted 11-18-2006 10:09 PM
Most auto parts store should stock them, or can get one, just ask them for the transmission mount. PONYMAN, you are right, NAPA usually does have better parts. The vibration could be the mount, or it could also be something such as bad U-Joint. Replace the mount since for sure it need to be done, then try 60 MPH again, if it continues, then it could be the U-Joints.------------------ Gary M '70 Mustang 63B SportsRoof '95 Mustang GT coupe and 4 other classic Fords
Harley Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-18-2006 11:03 PM
Thanks for the replies. You folks are a godsend for a wannabe mechanic like me.Is that mount something I can do myself (if so, how) or should I take it to a mechanic? As for the vibration, I've had everything checked/replaced that I can think of -- u-joints, drive shaft, wheels rebalanced.
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 11-19-2006 08:09 PM
It's a very good bet the weak mount could be your vibration.They are very easy to change. Put a jack lightly under your tailshaft housing with just enough pressure to hold your transmission in place. Remove the nut in the center of the transmission mount, jack the tailshaft housing up a couple inches, remove the bolts on either side of the mount, and swap mount. Reverse to install. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
Harley Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-21-2006 12:10 AM
I've removed the bolts, but I can't raise the tailshaft up enough for the old mount to slide out. Should I drop one end of the crossmember to do that?
rcodenewf Gearhead Posts: 151 From: Manitoba, Canada Registered: Jan 2002
posted 11-21-2006 01:24 AM
Yep, just put a floor jack with a block of wood under the transmission pan and just barely take the load of it. Take the bolts out of the crossmember and lower it down. It's only two bolts. Makes life much easier.
Harley Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-21-2006 11:24 PM
Job done. Thanks to you folks for the advice.
Harley Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-22-2006 06:43 PM
Here's a wrinkle I didn't expect. Started the car this morning and there was an awful clanging from the front of the engine bay.Upon close inspection, my fan blades were scraping against the bottom of the shroud. Could it be that the new rear transmission mount is slightly taller and it tilted the nose of engine downward just enough that it forced the fan into the shroud? We're talking a fraction of an inch, but there was very little clearance inside the shroud to begin with. I re-adjsuted the shroud and it seems OK, but should I be worried about something else?
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 11-22-2006 06:52 PM
Naw, the adjustment should take car of it. Bet it got your attention, though...  ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
Harley Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 11-22-2006 07:15 PM
Scared me to death. Sounded like marbles clanging around under the hood.Just so I understand what's going on, do you think the new mount did change the engine angle ever so slightly, and that pushed the fan into the shroud? [This message has been edited by Harley (edited 11-22-2006).]
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 11-22-2006 07:37 PM
Yes, that's what it sounds like. It's probably a hair taller which moved the fan down into the shroud. The shroud was probably very close to the fan beforehand. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
68 S-code GT Gearhead Posts: 3835 From: Sayreville, NJ, US Registered: Mar 2000
posted 11-28-2006 08:11 AM
Or the old mount was slightly compressed and the fan shroud was installed and adjusted for that angle.