Looks like you guys are running out of good laughs. My tiny brain has managed to retain a couple of oldies from Hustler and a couple of other High Brow sources. How about Limericks from Graphilthy?
Here's to the crack that never heals
The more you rub it the better it feels
But there is no soap this side of hell
that can wash away that fishy smell! This is a place to void your guts,
not a place to bust your nuts.
Keep it clean, keep it neat
so someone else can use the seat
Question: Did you know the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia?
Reply: No, how do you know that?
Answer: Anywhere else and it would have been called a teeth brush!
Did you know a Pollock designed the woman?
No, why do you say that?
Well, who else would put a snack bar and a **** hole right together?