Topic: Ladies, help Tattoo question?
Darryl Eichenlaub Gearhead Posts: 124 From: Buckley,Wa. Registered: Dec 2005
posted 06-01-2006 03:49 PM
My 19 year old daughter wants to get a tattoo, she thinks I'm old and out of date. Being a young 41 year old male who can't stand the thought of my little girl getting marked. My thought is later in life she will regret doing a permentant mark. So I put it out to you ladies have you been tattooed? Do you regret it later? I should add that at 20 when I was in the Navy I wanted one and went out to get it. I'm thankfull that they wouldn't tattoo a drunk salior and that I was drunk alot. I don't regret not getting one. Am I being an old fart or not. Thanks for your input.------------------ Darryl Eichenlaub 1965 Mustang Coupe restomod 289,c4,body and interior mods. 1956 F-100 460,c6,9" major body mods, on going project. 1967 Mustang Fastback, father/son project 5.0,5spd,9". 1975 F250 4x4 Highboy 390,4spd,35",custom paint. 2002 Mustang v6,5spd, daughters college ride. 2001 Ford Escape, Wifes grocery getter.
kwazykat Moderator Posts: 8279 From: ...a wonderful place to be.... orange county... NC!!!! M&M member #92 .... a blue-oval GRRL-deluxe..... Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-01-2006 10:33 PM
i have ink.... a LOT of it... but it is concentrated in one large hidden area.... ~ahem~ large being the key word heh heh...anyways.... when i was 30 the husband of a grrlfrinn of mine offered to ink my heiny.... for my birthday..... so i decided on .... a seated faery, with it's knees drawn up as it looks down at the flowers around it's feet..... all of this was done freehand by the way..... then a few months later, around the edges, sammy added a large orchid, another orchid and a sizeable white calla lilly [white ink really has to DIG into one's flesh..... owwwie!!]....... then a year or so later we added three feathers with another faery riding side-saddle on the center one .... another large orchid at the top of the three to tie that art into the the other art so it is "one" canvas..... i LOVE my ink.... it was a gift in three sittings.... um ... leanings..... from a dear dear friend..... and i adore it... and .... because it is in a location that only "the privileged and the few" get to see, i have no worries...... and it is quite nice [in my opinion] when a hint of it may show on the upside of the top of my jeans or the downside of a pair of shorts ...... but now..... back to your concerns..... first of all, how nice of your daughter to ask permission for a tattoo .... if you are leaning in the direction of allowing it, i would suggest you consider suggesting she get one in a place that is NOT obvious, but does not give her a reason to "show" a part of her body she really should not be showing to just anyone.... [~ahem~ or anone at all.... right dad!!??] she is 19..... and because she discussed this with you i am getting the feeling you guys have a pretty close relationship..... so respecting that she is respecting your opinion and approval..... give it some thought in a way that will keep her happy and let you feel satisfied as well...... i have seen some really really cute ink done on the tops of feet...... neat swirlies done that show when one wears sandals.... maybe something like that would be a neat place to begin? [hint... remind her the closer to bone the more intense the feeling .... read.... PAIN .... i am a chicken for pain and getting inked on a big muscle was a great way to get what i wanted..... although once inked you want more.... and more again.....]  kk
SkinnyMan Gearhead Posts: 916 From: Tupelo, MS - USA (CA temporarily) Registered: Jan 2005
posted 06-01-2006 10:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Darryl Eichenlaub: So I put it out to you ladies have you been tattooed? Do you regret it later?
I know you asked the ladies, but as one old male fart to another, I can't wait until my daughter has to explain to her children why they can't do what she did.She waited until she was out of the house - 19-years old. Maybe a small little one but not the honker she got, that shows unless she dresses like a nun - cold day in hell for that. ------------------ SkinnyMan Tupelo, MS Thank you, Thank you very much!
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 06-01-2006 10:40 PM
TMI!!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
Scott H Gearhead Posts: 1480 From: Chicago area Registered: Mar 2005
posted 06-02-2006 12:08 AM
I'm 46, and because I married a woman a few years older I ended up with a stepdaughter who is now 30. We've been family for 21 years now.Anyway, a few years ago we heard a news story about a daughter who wanted a tattoo, and her really hip father was going to go with her at the same time. Turns out he wanted some body art as well, but was more into the trinkets than the ink. So while she got her little butterfly, he got his scrotum pierced. How's that for family togetherness? EWWWWWWW !!!! We may be close, my stepdaughter and I, but we both agreed we're not THAT close. She doesn't have any desire to get one.
johnmustang Gearhead Posts: 6748 From: British Columbia , Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 06-02-2006 12:40 AM
I have two of them, my daughter has a very small bee on her ankle and now my wife who is 54 (she will now kill me) wants to get a tiny one on the small of her back. I have no problem with it and anyways it is her decision to make not mine. If you feel your daughter is a responsible adult then she should be able to make up her own mind. If she regrets it down the line then she will have to deal with it. Ink done properly is a great art form and can be very classy. just my .02 ------------------ JOHN 65 FASTBACK 2+2 87 TAURUS WAGON 03 F150 XLT SUPER CREW 4X4 SHORT BOX Member: PACIFIC COAST MUSTANG ASSOCIATION Member:Vancouver Island Mustang Association M&M #1710 65 FASTBACK 2003 F150 XLT SUPER CREW 4X4
Ked Moderator Posts: 9683 From: Fayetteville, N.C. Registered: Jul 99
posted 06-04-2006 04:37 PM
I have ink, and I love it. But, I guess I am of the old school way of thinking for a woman. I believe it should only be in places that can easily be hidden. I wouldn't dream of having one on my arms or any place that is not easily covered up. My 11 year old daughter asked me if I would sign for her to get one at 16. I told her "no". She said "why". Well, because I was 27 before I got my first one, out of the house making my own way in life. And nobody but myself to account to! I don't regret any of my tattoo's and would like more, because like KK said once you get one you want more!! (I have three, two on my hip and one on the back of my neck).
Mr Vids Journeyman Posts: 83 From: Flint,MI USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted 06-06-2006 04:33 PM
One of my soccer dads has a big tattoo heart on his arm, it's very nice and has his wife's name in the middle of it. Whoops, I mean his ex-wife who is now married to someone else.
68 Coop Gearhead Posts: 5847 From: Mesquite, NV. 89027 Registered: Oct 2004
posted 06-07-2006 11:27 PM
My Daughter went thru this awhile back. Even went so far as to have the dumbass' gang name done on her belly. Now, she's with another guy, and has a little Girl, so I want to see what she says when it's her time to explain. Tat's are cool, as long as you're prepared to wear them, your whole life.------------------ William The easiest way to find something lost, is to buy a replacement. 68 Coupe 289 C4 3:55's/Trac-Lok
67stang Gearhead Posts: 2687 From: Panama City, FL Registered: Jun 99
posted 06-07-2006 11:53 PM
I should ask my wife to get some pics of the 'art' that are on some of the folks she works with...BTW - she works in an assisted care facility with 80-90 year olds... That gives 'art' a better appreciation for ya...
Ponygirl67 Gearhead Posts: 1158 From: Vancouver Island, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 06-09-2006 12:12 PM
I have two small tats on my ankle, I love them and have never regretted getting them, but I waited until I was 33 to get my first one, I am actually considering another one, but I am really glad I waited til I was older...
gmliebau Gearhead Posts: 691 From: Port St. Lucie, FL Registered: Jan 2004
posted 06-10-2006 01:32 PM
Here's how I see it, and I hope I don't start something with this, but... She is 19, and has the right to do it if she wants to. Unless of course, she's still living at home with the folks. Then you can always pull that "Not while you're living under my roof!" bit. I heard that alot as a young adult. As soon as I moved out, I got one myself. It's on my back where I don't have to see it everyday. If I did, I would probably regret getting it.[This message has been edited by gmliebau (edited 06-10-2006).]
Darryl Eichenlaub Gearhead Posts: 124 From: Buckley,Wa. Registered: Dec 2005
posted 06-10-2006 05:02 PM
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate everyone's perspective. I had her read everyone's comments and although I don't think she has changed her mind we did fall back on "not under our roof". And with 3 more years of collage that she wants to get out of dad... I guess the debate will go on. The tough part is I was worried about one tat, but now from some comments, My worry has grown from one to becoming a canvas. I know kids are like arrows you point them in the right direction but sooner or later you have to let go, I just don't want a boomrang arrow, the kind that keeps coming back home. Thanks again
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 27681 From: Hampton Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 07-02-2006 07:39 PM
Another old fart....Just think of that sweet little butterfly inked on a firm,,,,well,,,and at age 50 it looks like a dead Moth from the sag  Sam
jsracingbbf unregistered
posted 07-02-2006 10:57 PM
I have one about 3 inches wide running from my knee off to the side of my shin about 6 inches down my leg, It resembles a smile. It isn't a tat. It's a scar, and it wasn't made by a scapel. It happened in a car wreck. I am just grateful to have a leg. SO what does this have to do with the tattoo thing? Well just like ink, It will always be there. make dahm sure you want what you want where you want it. while they are attractive in "certain" places on grrls, I personally wouldn't recommend getting one, but I guess it's their/your/her body so whatever you want to do with it, go ahead. It'll all be dust someday anyway. ( no I am not suicidal or doomsday just stating the obvious ) I don't have any tats and I hear they hurt, but I guarantee you it cant hurt half as bad as the shrapnel that went in and out of my leg. PS: hope you weren't eating lunch while reading this grrlls. lol ------------------ JS Life`s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-perserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holysh....t what a ride!!!" 69 Mustang Pro ET Drag
Southpaw Gearhead Posts: 590 From: Lakewood, CO USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 07-07-2006 11:19 AM
I have a lot of ink too. The only one tattoo I kind of regret is my bugsy bunny on crack tattoo (figure of speach...not litteral). It's pastel dragonfly that took 6 sittings to get it to looking "normal". Now it looks amazing!My only advive...get henna tattoo 1st and see if she could really live with it for the rest of her life. Find something with meaning and a tattooist that is willing to do something more then the crappy flash on the wall. Also get it somewhere she will not regret it... No wrist or neck or face tattoos. Lastly....don't date the tattooist!!!! HUGE start with one and end up with 7 and more in the works! But I do think you have a great daughter...She asked 1st and that says a lot about her as a person!!! I asked for 3 years and got the answer of not under our I did it in college away from home! THe others, I told before I got. Just my 2 cents! Andria
Ponygirl67 Gearhead Posts: 1158 From: Vancouver Island, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 08-04-2006 04:20 PM
The henna tattoo is a really great idea...I just had that done because I was considering getting a tattoo on my arm...I am NOT getting done there as I decided I hated it once the henna one was done. Thank god I tried it first. I have decided to get my mustang tattoo on my lower back instead so it is in a place that can be covered if I want it to be...------------------ '67 Prowler Purple Mustang Coupe and new addition..... '04 Anniversary Edition 4.6L GT The Mustang Stable Upper Island Mustangs and Fords
seaweed Gearhead Posts: 146 From: MA. Registered: Dec 2000
posted 09-03-2006 02:17 PM
I am older than anybody here, & I think all women are beautiful enough in their own right , without adding any tattoos. Just my opinion of course.---S
Nay Journeyman Posts: 5 From: Seabeck, Washington, USA Registered: Sep 2006
posted 09-27-2006 04:53 PM
I got my first tattoo as a present from my father on my 18th birthday. 160 bucks, and a hour and a half to get the running pony tattooed on my shoulder.I'm proud to wear the stang around. Even if one day I don't end up as addicted to them as I am now, I'll always have the memory of my three beauties, and my obsession.
Ponygirl67 Gearhead Posts: 1158 From: Vancouver Island, Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 10-11-2006 11:46 AM
Well, I ended up getting my third tattie done, not where I planned but I love it!!! I got a fairy on my shoulder, and I just got the wings colored in last week, I have a pic that I will link to before the wings were done, but I have LOST my digital camera... so I can't take another one of her I can't wait to get another one!!! I am sooo addicted!! Here is the the pic...
------------------ '67 Prowler Purple Mustang Coupe and new addition..... '04 Anniversary Edition 4.6L GT The Mustang Stable Upper Island Mustangs and Fords [This message has been edited by Ponygirl67 (edited 10-11-2006).]