Topic: How do you juggle it all?
Ken&Shell Gearhead Posts: 707 From: Mocksville, NC Registered: May 2000
posted 08-19-2003 10:07 PM
Long time, no see grrls... I take it everyone else is as swamped as me. which brings me to my question of the day.. How the he!! do you juggle it all? Right now I am working 45 hrs a week, plus football practice for my youngest son for two hours, 4 nights a week. plus church on the other night of the week, plus racing on saturday. now where in the heck am I suppose to find the time for laundry, supper, and sleep? I am about to loose it... Someone please tell me it gets easier... We havent sat down to a family meal in weeks. I dont make it home til after 8pm each night, and Im still expected to cook supper? Someone give me some time management skills here. I do realize I could drop my son off at practice each day, but I want to be there for him. .It's his first year playing and he's such a tiny little thing, and he is my baby boy and all. But I can see another couple months of this and they're gonna put me in a padded cell somewhere. Plus in a couple weeks I will be juggling football games and racing on the same day. I can see this having a bad ending. Anyone have suggestions? Shell
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N266fords Gearhead Posts: 1652 From: Sierra Vista ,Az USA Registered: Apr 2003
posted 08-19-2003 10:15 PM
Shell your kids are most important. My wife stays at home with our kids and thats fine by me cuase we are raising them and you never get those moments back ..My wife does acouple of big dishes like lazonya or caserole and then some nights we just heat it up.. saves money and time that of luck. Bruce
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johnmustang Gearhead Posts: 6061 From: British Columbia , Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 08-20-2003 11:54 AM
Pick out the things that are the most important to you, and back off on the rest of them for awhile. If you get burned out you will miss everything, get the rest of the family to help you make 3 or 4 big meals that you can freeze ( as Bruce suggested ) then you can still have those family meals together even though they are quick. Take one day every second week and make time for the family, set 2 hours aside and just sit around with no T.V. or radio or play station or any distractions and just talk as a family. Have a few sodas and a bag or two of chips or whatever your favorite snacks are and have fun.JOHN ------------------ 65 2+2 FASTBACK 87 TAURUS WAGON 98 F150 XLT TRITON V8 4.6, 4 WHEEL DRIVE Member:Vancouver Island Mustang Association M&M #1710 MyPhotoPage MY TRUCK
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Mr Vids Journeyman Posts: 71 From: Flint,MI USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted 08-20-2003 05:26 PM
Shell, some time tips... I do laundry on the mornings I can't sleep. Also started to teach my 9 year old how to do laundry since he goes thru 3 pairs of socks a day and 2 shirts daily. Even more clothing on soccer & scout nights. Alternate taking your son to football practice with another parent, you'll get another 4 hours of prime cleaning/laundry time and still be at all the games and half the practices, and you'll still see more than the parents who drop off and miss ALL the practices. And you can race the rest of your life, but childhood and seeing the kids grow up only comes once. I've missed a LOT of fun things I could have done by myself just to spend time with my kids...and won't regret it down the road.Mike Mc
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9844 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 08-20-2003 06:38 PM
Shell, Read "The Story of Life" in the Men's Room. Very good reading.Dave & Terri
------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '02 Explorer XLT I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it! We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart? Common sense is not so common anymore.
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kwazykat Moderator Posts: 7447 From: ...a wonderful place to be.... orange county... NC!!!! M&M member #92 .... a blue-oval GRRL-deluxe..... Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-20-2003 08:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ken&Shell: ..... How the he!! do you juggle it all? ... where in the heck am I suppose to find the time ...... I can see this having a bad ending. Anyone have suggestions?
hey grrl!
..... i am sorry [she says with sarcastic voice].... but i missed the part about where ken is for all this??????????? ~ahem~ you know i love you..... but you HAVE to remember you are NOT a "single mom"...... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.... shhhhhhhhhh.... dont tell kenny i said that...... ~yikes~ kk
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johnmustang Gearhead Posts: 6061 From: British Columbia , Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 08-20-2003 08:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by kwazykat: hey grrl!..... i am sorry [she says with sarcastic voice].... but i missed the part about where ken is for all this??????????? ~ahem~ you know i love you..... but you HAVE to remember you are NOT a "single mom"...... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.... shhhhhhhhhh.... dont tell kenny i said that...... ~yikes~ kk
SHELL, KK has it right you are not a single mom, but I am sure that Ken is also holding up his end, if not tell him to get his a$$ in gear, fair is fair this is what Cathy and I do. JOHN ------------------ 65 2+2 FASTBACK 87 TAURUS WAGON 98 F150 XLT TRITON V8 4.6, 4 WHEEL DRIVE Member:Vancouver Island Mustang Association M&M #1710 MyPhotoPage MY TRUCK
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Ked Moderator Posts: 9258 From: Fayetteville, N.C. Registered: Jul 99
posted 08-20-2003 10:06 PM
Grrl, I am right there with you!!! Except for the kids part....I've been working an average 46 hours a week, mid-shift, which right now is 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Plus, I just started classes. I have an 8:00 a.m. class mon - thurs.... I don't get to see my kids except when they get up and before they go to bed I really miss them!! Couldn't tell you the last time I cooked a meal for all of us together. But plan to on my day off tomorrow. Hang in there!! remember, you aren't alone!
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Mustang Tally Gearhead Posts: 3049 From: Winston Salem, NC Registered: May 2000
posted 08-20-2003 11:12 PM
Hi Shell: I was going to tell you to talk to the "expert"...Miss Ked...since she is living that "out of routine" life for the past year...I would like to say that your boys could help with the well as Ken...I am sure you've got that worked out in other ways...but let me tell you that by the time my kids (boys and girls)...were 11 or 12 they knew how to do their laundry... ...I bought wicker trash cans and converted them into their laundry hampers..Each had their own...They were responsible for washing, drying, folding and putting away worked...They didn't have to call home to learn how to do laundry when they moved out!!HOORAY ! The boys learned to cook but the grrls were not interested...Dave called me at work one day and asked "Mom, how do you make baked beans?"..I ran through it hurriedly and asked who was coming to have dinner...He said, "No one, I want them for myself"...  He was 13 years old...!
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Ken&Shell Gearhead Posts: 707 From: Mocksville, NC Registered: May 2000
posted 08-21-2003 08:35 AM
Wow.. So far some pretty good advice. But let me clear one thing up, While technically I am not a single mom, I might as well be. That is a totally different conversation entirely. It helps to know I am not alone. I will hang in there.. I even contemplated using my lunch hour to go home and do some of the "house" stuff. But work is so hectic, I really need to clear my mind during that time. My oldest son is going on 13 and does his own laundry, maybe I can work a deal with him and get him to take that over for me. Tally, I can not even picture Dave cooking. that would be too cute. Shell
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Ked Moderator Posts: 9258 From: Fayetteville, N.C. Registered: Jul 99
posted 08-21-2003 10:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ken&Shell:
Tally, I can not even picture Dave cooking. that would be too cute.Shell
Ol' Dave can make a heck of a "Taco Buffet" and Charlie makes the best lasagna (sp???) this side of Italy!!!! I don't mind cooking (and am pretty darned good at it) ~ just hate to do the dishes!!!! A lady I worked with once said her dream house would NOT have a kitchen. 
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 44921 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 08-21-2003 07:11 PM
I don't know how you women do it, you sure have my respect, honestly.With a schedule like that, you really need hubby to pull his own weight. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150
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kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 6395 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 08-22-2003 09:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ken&Shell: .... I can not even picture Dave cooking. that would be too cute.
Well..... The last time KK and myself stayed at Dave's, we got up saturday morning, Dave was in the kitchen making some noise (like he was actually fixing something), and I was the first one into the kitchen. Dave asked. "hey man, you want some pancakes?" I responded, "no, I'm alright." His reply, "tuff, I already fixed them, you're gonna eat 'em." 
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Ked Moderator Posts: 9258 From: Fayetteville, N.C. Registered: Jul 99
posted 08-24-2003 10:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by kid vishus: Dave was in the kitchen making some noise (like he was actually fixing something)
Ha! He used to get up every Saturday morning and make pancakes.
I've already told my kids that by the time their Uncle Dave was their age he was cooking breakfast for the entire family on weekends! I've tried to use it as an incentive for them, but I don't think they really care what went on way back in the "olden times".
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Stang28965 Gearhead Posts: 452 From: Webster New York USA Registered: Mar 2001
posted 09-07-2003 08:47 AM
Yup it sucks, I work 56 hours a week, and its mandatory! My gf is in her 3rd year of college and goes full time and also works 40 hours a week and pulls off a 4.0. I don't know how she does it. But I am proud of her. Its pretty sad that we work so much just to live and buy things we want.
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kwazykat Moderator Posts: 7447 From: ...a wonderful place to be.... orange county... NC!!!! M&M member #92 .... a blue-oval GRRL-deluxe..... Registered: Jun 99
posted 09-07-2003 03:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stang28965: ...I am proud of her....
 always remember that part... it is so nice to hear those kinds of words..... tell her since you are proud of her then we are too!!!!  kk
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