I followed some really good advice today https://mustangsandmore.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/007389.html and got SheStang running......She cranked right up after sitting for the past few months!!In my foolhardy excitement, I decided to take her out for a spin......
I got down the road a bit, kinda on the outskirts of town getting close to the boonies.....decided to make a left turn and go further into the woods. Sitting at the light, I realized my radiator was steaming....
I shoulda known better!!!! She had not been driven since we put that radiator in!!!!!
I pull into a school lot and figured I could turn around and at least get to a station about 1/2 mile away. Nope....ain't gonna happen....she just died on me!!!
Then I see that battery is DEAD on my CELL PHONE!
I get out and pop the hood to let Her cool down. Mind you, it is hot and muggy and I am in my grubbies....tee-shirt, shorts and sandles.....
These two young soldiers go by in a Jeep and make an immediately U-Turn and ask me if I need help. I told them I could use some water in a few minutes and they went to the store and got some for me. They waited with me awhile for Her to cool down, put the water in and I went to crank her up.....
The one says, "it's your battery"....
No, I say....that's what we were just working on...but it could be that cylinoid switch.
He looked at me kinda funny and agreed, but also thought my ground connector should be changed.
Well, Hubby and I had discussed just that only an hour or so before.
So, we took the battery out and they gave me a ride to the parts store (o.k., in hindsight, maybe this wasn't to smart, but what else was I gonna do?). The battery checked out fine. I purchased a new cylinoid and ground, used the phone at the store to call home and headed back to my car.
In route, it started to rain!
Lucky for me this guy had everything he needed with him. He put in the new switch and ground in no time! I'm standing there and told him, "I can help ya, ya know"...He said, "no, just stand there and look cute"
and I'm thinking....tee shirt......rain.............uh huh 
Thank goodness for Chilvary!!
Today is definate proof that it still lives......
The MOST Conservative Grrl
1970 Mustang Coupe, the SheStang
1994 Mustang GT Convertible, canary yellow, the Queen Bee
Mustangsandmore.com Member #142
Express Yourself!!!
[This message has been edited by Ked (edited 07-14-2002).]