Topic: New York and 10 Other States Get Tough on Emissions
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 12-01-2005 07:03 PM
From Hemmings:Legislation New York and 10 Other States Get Tough on Emissions Though it shouldn��t have any direct effect on collector cars, a new round of stricter auto emissions requirements, expected to sweep the Northeast, could raise the price of your next new daily driver or tow vehicle. The New York Times reported last week that New York is adopting California��s new stricter automotive emissions regulations which will also require the fuel mileage of many vehicles to be increased by roughly 40 percent. While environmentalists are applauding the proposed changes that New York, Maine, New Jersey, Vermont, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Pennsylvania are all expected to adopt, automakers contend that it could lead to a $3,000 increase in the price of new vehicles and the extinction of some light trucks and SUVs in those states altogether. For the full story go to: (Free registration required) - By Mike McNessor
68 Coop Gearhead Posts: 5847 From: Mesquite, NV. 89027 Registered: Oct 2004
posted 12-03-2005 01:26 AM
I'm confused here, do they have a smog check for Semi's??? Not to point fingers, but I've seen some trucks leave black smoke thru every gear, and then some. My car smokes 0. Don't it make some sense to start with the big boys first, then follow on down the line??? I don't know.------------------ William "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
Jimmy Ray Gearhead Posts: 274 From: Ozark MO Registered: Apr 2001
posted 12-15-2005 01:34 PM
AMEN William.....
Dave Witthoeft Gearhead Posts: 2613 From: IL. Registered: Dec 2000
posted 12-17-2005 10:55 AM
Both my 71's passed..  ------------------ MCA# 48755 71 Mach 1 69 Fastback 92 F-150 M&M#884
Mike65 Gearhead Posts: 2291 From: Bloomfield, NY, USA. Western Finger Lakes, 65 Fastback, 69 Coupe MCA #-04549 Registered: Dec 2000
posted 12-21-2005 12:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by 68 Coop: I'm confused here, do they have a smog check for Semi's??? Not to point fingers, but I've seen some trucks leave black smoke thru every gear, and then some. My car smokes 0. Don't it make some sense to start with the big boys first, then follow on down the line??? I don't know.
William you hit the nail right on the head there.------------------ Mike & Robin Grentus, Owners/Innkeepers (4 SALE) A Wolfpack Bed & Breakfast 6700 Rts-5&20 Bloomfield, NY 14469 (585)657-4863 65 Mustang Fastback 69 Mustang Coupe 99 Explorer Sport 00 Ranger XLT Extd Cab 4X4 M&M #- 890 MCA #- 4549 See us at
Jake11 Gearhead Posts: 246 From: Banning,Ca,USA Registered: Oct 2005
posted 12-21-2005 05:05 PM
This is good idea, and more people should get involved. I live in Cali.1 of the most ridiculous states concerning "pollution". A while back they tried to ban leaf blowers, get cat converters put on all small gas motors, like motorcycles, lawn mowers, ect. Our representitives are mostly loons. Arnie tried to get the laws changed to make the districts fair to the voters. I didn't work. Seems the people it would have helped didn't show up to vote. It's only gonna get worse. People have to make their views known in no uncertain terms. Pollution? Go to the airport and watch what comes out of an airliner. Watch a railroad loco go by belching out black smoke. Who do they pick on? Us, the car and light truck owners. I used to do smog testing and repair as a tech. The state ran a car so cleverly rigged through our shop, and all the other ones in our area. This ended up in court. It cost everybody involved money. The case was thrown out as entrapment. This was in the 80's. I tore up my smog licence, and burned it. My "opinion" and it's shared by others, is the emission testing program here is to hire more worthless state employees. I asked a supervisor that gave a "mandatory" popaganda lecture we all had to go to, how come you guys (the state) don't go after the diesel trucks and locos? He says- we are not concerned about those. They only make harmless smoke, he says. I says, your kidding me, no. He changed the subject and ran away. JMO Keith
bbjay351 Gearhead Posts: 308 From: Festus, Mo Us Registered: May 2004
posted 12-22-2005 10:19 PM
We have emissions stations here in Missouri that really is no different than it used to be when they had the sniffers in the shops. Except it's more expensive and the shops don't get any of that money anymore. If it doesn't pass, you can take it back through later on. If it doesn't pass again and you try to get a waiver, you have to spend so much to have it pass. But, what I don't get is, how does that clean up the air, when those same vehicles that were poluting the air, just pay a few hundred dollars to pass. Hmmmm, more money for the state, more headache and money out of the pockets of the people. You would think that they would look at the industries that polute the air instead of taking it out on the tax payers. They put your car or truck on rollers and drive it through this simulation that they watch on a computer. What is making people mad is, if you have a manual transmission, they have to start out in I think like second or third gear, and some people are complaing about wear and tear, or problems they are having after the test with their vehicle. There have been rumors for the last year and a half that they are getting rid of these things but no real steps being taken to do this I don't think.
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