Topic: Opinions on cellphone use....?
Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 3237 From: Stanton, Michigan, zip 48888 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 11-14-2005 08:27 AM
Steve, Thanks for the link to the SEMA group! After surfin' on their site a bit, I see an 'active' issue here in Michigan is: Bill: HB 5053 Description: Prohibits the use of a handheld cellular device while operating a motor vehicle. Provides exceptions for hands-free devices and emergency situations. I don't know what to think on this issue....I've known some folks that are unable to just talk while driving while others can successfully read the newspaper while tripping down the Freeway!
What is the consensus opinion on this cellphones among M&M'ers?? Ryan 
sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 3969 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 11-14-2005 10:27 AM
I can't stand it. I can't tell you how often I find myself behind somebody doing 5-10 mpg BELOW the posted speed limit because they are talking on the phone not paying attention. I mean we could be doing 48 in a 55, pass the speed limit sign that says 55, and they still don't speed up. WTF? That's my biggest complaint about this area I'm in, I've never before seen such a preponderance of people who drive BELOW the speed limit. Even worse is when you miss going through a green light because of all the people in front of you who wait 2 seconds each to realize they can go and you're stuck there waiting, AGAIN. Quite honestly, you can get just as distracted changing the radio station, eating burger, talking to a passenger, or swatting at your kids. Its just that changing the radio is momentary but you can talk on the phone continuously. I'm all for the cell phone rules.
Thud Gearhead Posts: 1407 From: Cumming,Ga.,USofA Registered: Jun 99
posted 11-14-2005 01:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by sigtauenus: I can't stand it. I can't tell you how often I find myself behind somebody doing 5-10 mpg BELOW the posted speed limit because they are talking on the phone not paying attention.
Yep! And have you noticed that if you get to a passing zone where you can get by them, the attempt to pass wakes them up and then the race is on? Forget "hands-free" phones.... It's where your mind is that counts, not your hands.
------------------ "We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - Benjamin Franklin - I knew one thing: as soon as anyone said you didn't need a gun, you'd better take one along that worked. - Raymond Chandler - Dwayne M&M Member #18 Son of Smurf '94 Lightning #942 of 4007 '67 Mustang Coupe '70 Mach1 '75 Cougar
TOPDowNMUSTANG Gearhead Posts: 281 From: Kennett Square, PA Registered: Oct 2005
posted 11-14-2005 01:53 PM
I talk on the phone (hands free) all the time when I drive, but I'm one of those people who can multi-task...hey, I'm a single dad with four kids. I've never had a problem.However, I've found that many people can't. I'm still against the cell phone laws because, just as stated above, they should also include, eating, putting on make-up, finding another CD, reading the paper, noisy kids, loud stereos, CB radios, get the idea. They already have reckless driving laws in place. ------------------ Formerly ddenton749 '73 Convertible, 351C 2V '91 LX Convertible 5.0 Member: Valley Forge Mustang Club "The best things in life are free, but the really kick-a** things cost a fortune." My Site
fastford34 Gearhead Posts: 1299 From: penna Registered: May 2002
posted 11-15-2005 09:04 AM
no cell phone use while driving....PERIOD!!! no cell phone use in a resturant,store,movie theater ETC.!!!!! i DONT WANT or NEED to hear your conversation!!!!!!!! no matter how TRIVIAL (you may think its important) it is!  ------------------ 34 coupe powered by 351 c 4v keith it`s nice to be important but more IMPORTANT to be nice.
TrishOfStc Gearhead Posts: 212 From: Riverside, Ca Registered: Jan 2005
posted 11-15-2005 09:27 AM
It's not the cell phone, it's the person using it. I try not to use mine while driving but sometimes I do. If I do use it I will make is short. Mike has mentioned that I slow down while talking. But it really is the people and not just while driving. I was at the store when a lady backed out of her parking spot, on the phone. She just stopped half way out, blocking the whole lane while she chatted. When I honked at her, she just flipped me off. Also in the grocery store the clerk told a women how much she owed. The customer told the clerk how rude she was, couldn't she see that see was on the phone. The rest of us had to wait while she finished her conversation, yelled at the clerk, used her coupons, then got her check book out and wrote the check. This one tested my patience, I had to say something. I guess most felt the same way because they applauded when I finished. And I agree that there is nothing worse than going out for a nice dinner and having to listen to someone on the phone behind you. Especially the speaker phones where you are lucky and get to hear both sides of the conversation. The kid across the street had her mustang totaled because another driver was text messaging while driving and ran a red light. And now they are going to give us access to movies and our favorite T.V. programs on our phones. Heck, bring the pillow and break out the popcorn. It's going to be great. Road rage will be on the rise. One of the studies I read stated that you should not talk while driving because if it is a bad conversation and you get upset or angry, you will tend to drive erratically because we all drive differently depending on our frame of mind.
------------------ Carpenter by day Computer Science Major by Night Our Pics
hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 2592 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 11-15-2005 10:34 AM
I try to avoid using mine in the car, if I can. On the times I do have to use it, then I switch to the speaker phone option. That is the only time I use the speaker phone. If I have to call someone, then I find a parking lot or some safe place where I can stop my vehicle and not be in anyone else's way.------------------ Greg W. M&M #3962 MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe The Highwayman 3 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Ole Faithful Southern Maryland Mustang Club
Fastymz Moderator Posts: 22791 From: Reno Nv M&M #1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 11-15-2005 03:18 PM
I use my cell a lot work calls me 5-10 times on my days off. My kids call me at least twice a day on it. My wife,friends,family etc they call me on my cell phone. I use it some times while driving. If I get into an accident while on the phone, I think I should get an extra fine for that,like any other distraction done while driving. Focus on the road at all times. Some thing I try my best to do,but I'm not at the top of my game 100% all the time. Just an honest statement. As for people driving under the speed limit,well it is a limit not a goal! I have more of a problem with people driving to fast. They are just as distracking as those on cell phones,putting on make up,eating,picking your noise,fixing your hair,tunign the radio,playing hand held games,playing with yourself! yeah we pulled a guy over and found out thats why he was all over the road. ------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs HOOD HACKERS DELIGHT! My Pics [This message has been edited by Fastymz (edited 11-25-2005).]
hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 2592 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 11-15-2005 03:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Fastymz: As for people driving under the speed limit,well it is a limit not a goal! I have more of a problem with people driving to fast.
Granted, it is a limit and not a goal, but if you do not wish to drive the speed limit or are unable to drive the speed limit, then get over in the right hand lane! Allow those who wish to drive the speed limit (or faster) to get around you. What is even more dangerous is when you have 2 (or more) people, driving under the speed limit, setting up a rolling roadblock (passive agressive driving I call it). All that does is back up traffic, and create road rage. With the heavy traffic these rolling roadblocks create, it only takes one person to get just a little too angry to cause one heck of a pile-up. ------------------ Greg W. M&M #3962 MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe The Highwayman 3 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Ole Faithful Southern Maryland Mustang Club
Fastymz Moderator Posts: 22791 From: Reno Nv M&M #1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 11-15-2005 03:41 PM
I do agree to stay in the right lane unless passing or in traffic. In all cases stay up with the flow of traffic in the left lanes or move over. And give those truck drivers a break. If they pass you flash your lights when it's safe for them pull back into your lane.Give them room to merge onto the freeway. DON'T cut in front of them or anyone else and then slow down. ------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little MustangsHOOD HACKERS DELIGHT! My Pics [This message has been edited by Fastymz (edited 11-15-2005).]
exlocal Gearhead Posts: 1552 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 11-18-2005 11:47 PM
Hang up the phone, you're in a car, not a phone booth! It only takes a split second of distraction to cause a fatality, maybe even yours and hopefully not mine. You're not that important that you have to talk on the phone while you're driving.------------------ reliving youth
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 27681 From: Hampton Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 11-24-2005 02:15 AM
Need to talk,pull off the road. If my cell rings while I'm driving I call them back when I get to my destination.Driving serious business,I share that road  Sam
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 11-25-2005 03:55 PM
You know, I remember watching a show that I think was on the History Channel about the Autobaun and they were mentioning that Germans found it puzzling that we have cupholders and ate and used cellphones in our cars while we drove. To them, driving is serious business. Maybe that's why they have high rates of speed and still have less accidents per miles driven than we do. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 351C 4V/FMX/3.25 Open '70 Mustang Convertible 250 I6/3 speed/2.79 Open '72 Mustang Sprint Hardtop 351C 4V/FMX/4.30 Trac Loc '94 F-150 XL 5.8L/E4OD/3.55 Limited Slip '05 Mercury Sable LS 3.0L DOHC 24V Duratech V6
UnbridledFury Gearhead Posts: 1662 From: Tacoma, WA Registered: Jun 99
posted 11-25-2005 05:37 PM
I refuse to own a cell phone. The few times I worked for a company that provided me a cell phone to use, I turned off the ringer when I got into my truck. All calls went to voicemail - gee, what a concept!! If you think you are so important that you need to talk on the phone while driving, hire your own personal driver so you can talk on the phone. I almost got hit the other day because the other driver was on the phone and decided to change lanes - no signal or even looking to see if the lane was clear. He was going well below the speed limit and was not passing anyone, so the lane change was not needed. That was not the first time that has happened and I know it will not be the last.My wife has bugged me constantly to buy cell phones for the family. No thanks. Some can barely walk and chew bubble gum at the same time... Besides, I don't need a tether for people to locate me anywhere I go. I want to eat in peace, watch a movie without being interrupted, or just get a chance to get away. Cell phones have their place, but being a ham operator, if I need to make an emergency call, I'll use the phone feature on my local repeater to dial 911 - while stopped safely at the scene.
------------------ Motor Safe! George 1975 Mustang II 1994 Ranger XLT 4X4 (211,000+ miles) 2000 Windstar Unbridled Fury My web server M&M Member #47 US Army, Retired Madness takes its toll. Please have EXACT change!!
exlocal Gearhead Posts: 1552 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 11-26-2005 10:42 AM
I have two cell phones, one from work and a personal one. They are great conveniences, but you have to use them selectively. I don't answer any calls on my company cell phone as I drive a lot during the work day. If it's that important for anyone to reach me, the message says to page me, then I'll return the call. The absoulute worst case I've seen is a guy driving a huge SUV, trying to cradle the cell phone between his shoulder and ear while driving, reading a piece of paper and occasionally pickup up a cup to drink out of, putting it down to take a drag of a cigarette. Why doesn't he just shoot himself and save the rest of us some grief. ------------------ reliving youth
66drop Gearhead Posts: 192 From: Roseville Ca Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-11-2006 01:53 PM
I have really enjoyed reading all posts! The passion on both sides of this poll has been Great!  I am a former 10yr UPS driver in downtown SF & I believe I posses an excelent skill set for safe vehicle operation. With that being said, I have seen a treamendous amount of IGNORANCE while behind the wheel associated with drivers on the phone. I am fully aware of the fact that the average driver has not been professionally trained to operate thier vehicles, therefore there is a wide disparity between people and their skills, or lack there of, behind the wheel. As a result I feel that a hand held cell phone band would protect the safety of we more experienced drivers. An interesting side note about myself is that while I believe that the majority of people are not skilled or intellegent enough to operate a hand held phone while driving, I do! I have returned to school and one of my school days I have a night class. I drive 200 miles to school round trip each day. As some of you may imagine I get sleepy on the way home after the night class. Some things that keep me awake on the road on the way home are loud music, rolling the windows down for fresh cold air, and some times those measures don't work. In those instances the only thing that will snap me out of the sleepiness is calling some one and them talking me home. So in my case I don't see it as a distraction but a life saver. What do you think? Am I being hipocritical? Oh yea, and when I do get on the phone I make sure to keep up with the flow of traffic and if I feel like chilling-not driving fast I WILL get into the slow lane. The rolling roadblocks are one of my very worst pet peaves also.  ------------------ '66 Vert, 289, 3speed, w/procars. A removable 14in grant steering wheel. Granada disk break swap. 15x7&15x8 steel styles w/225-60-15's. Front & rear sways. 5-leaf rear leaf sprrings and magnaflows. [This message has been edited by 66drop (edited 04-28-2006).]
Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 3237 From: Stanton, Michigan, zip 48888 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 04-11-2006 09:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by 66drop: I am fully aware of the fact that the average driver has not been professionally trained to operate thier vehicles, therefore their is a wide disparity between people and their skills, or lack there of, behind the wheel. .... that will snap me out of the sleepiness is calling some one and them talking me home. So in my case I don't see it as a distraction but a life saver. What do you think? Am I being hipocritical?
I hear ya, I am absolutely amazed at the lack of good sense that many of todays drivers demonstrate. It would seem like the current driver's training courses are only about making $$ and not about equipping new drivers with the skills they need to successfully motor down the road fully prepared to deal with even the common problems i.e., car breakdown, fender bender, animal collison, blizzard, etc. Regarding you using your phone to stay awake, I can relate to what your discribing.... "Back in the Day", I used to do the same thing when I was driving too tired and I'd get on my Citizens Band (CB) radio and talk with anyone/someone to keep my wits about me - just to get me home. Ryan
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 04-28-2006 03:10 PM
Here's an example from this morning. Coming out of a shopping center, waiting to take a left, a car comes up the road to my right, he stops with signal blinking indicating he is taking a left into the shopping center we're in. The kid is looking down at something as we're waiting for him to go so we can go. After 20-30 seconds it's obvious he's not moving so we decide to pull out and make our left since he's either asleep or broke down from all appearances. We start pulling out and as soon as we start rolling so does he, still looking down. We lock the brakes up and he FINALLY looks up and waves at us, cell phone in hand. He would have driven into us without even looking if we hadn't have stopped. The bottom line is this: a vast majority of people out there are totally maxxed out mentally just in the process of driving a car, period. Add in all the other things these idiots do while driving a car and the result is inevitable: they WILL get into an accident, it's just a matter of time. If they don't give a damn about their car or their lives or their passengers lives, that's their problem. When it involves my property, my family's or my own life, that's when I get concerned. Each car should be required to have a device that jams the signal of any cell phone while the car is in motion. It's time people start taking driving seriously. Hang up the ****ing phone and pay attention! ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
Jimmy Ray Gearhead Posts: 274 From: Ozark MO Registered: Apr 2001
posted 05-27-2006 05:31 PM
For those rude folks that use their cell phones in public place so ever one can enjoy their conversaion..... Be good citzen and join in on the conversaion..... They choose to discuss their ever day life evnts loud enough for me to hear it, I surly should help by adding my .02 worth....Mostly goes over like fart in church but who cares..... I'm just friendly person and thought I could help. I mean they are telling me all about everthing.... Usally they shut up pretty quickly and ask what my problem is, so I tell them if they choose to tell me about there issues I have the opion to discuss it with them... I have been called rude and to mind my own business... But I'm large person and no one has tryed to hurt me
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 05-27-2006 08:08 PM
I was sitting in my wife's car last week while she was in a store and I watched a woman in her 40's cross a semi-busy street on her cellphone and she didn't even look to see if any cars were coming. Un-freaking-believable!------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 3237 From: Stanton, Michigan, zip 48888 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 05-28-2006 08:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by Jimmy Ray: For those rude folks that use their cell phones in public place so ever one can enjoy their conversaion..... Be good citzen and join in on the conversaion..... They choose to discuss their ever day life evnts loud enough for me to hear it, I surly should help by adding my .02 worth....I'm just friendly person and thought I could help. I mean they are telling me all about everthing.... ...if they choose to tell me about there issues I have the opion to discuss it with them...
mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 8198 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 06-24-2006 01:16 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ryan Wilke: [B]Steve, I've known some folks that are unable to just talk while driving while others can successfully read the newspaper while tripping down the Freeway! Read the newspaper!!!! 
DidgeyTrucker Gearhead Posts: 1813 From: Greenbrier, TN USA Registered: Oct 99
posted 06-24-2006 06:52 PM
Now, now, cell phones can be very useful and time saving devices in emergencies.Last Christmas my elderly aunt was driving with her two dogs from Florida to Kentucky with an overnight stay in Montgomery, Alabama. While loading the car in the motel parking lot before hitting the road Saturday morning, someone walked into her room and stole her purse, which included her driver's license, credit cards and all her cash. To top it all off, someone slashed one of her tires, too. At the motel office all they did was offer a discount on the room. Luckily her cell phone was in the car on the charger. She called me in Tennessee and I was able to get online and find the phone numbers for her credit cards. She called them all and had all her cards cancelled within 30 minutes. Another person staying at the motel helped her put her spare tire on so she could drive to a Sears a few miles away. Once there she called me and put her new tire on my Sears card. She thought she had enough gas in the car to make it to Nashville. She called me at various points along the way to let me know how she was doing and how much gas she had left. I was able to figure out an exit she could make it to so I could meet her and fill her tank. She got to the exit first and thought it was the wrong exit. We were both on cell phones, driving, trying to find each other. Needless to say, we finally got to the same gas station. If it weren't for cell phones, my Aunt would have spent the whole day stranded in Alabama with a flat tire, no money and two hungry dogs. Tracy
Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 3237 From: Stanton, Michigan, zip 48888 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 06-25-2006 05:57 PM
Tracy, I don't think anyone would argue the benefit of having a cell phone..... The point of using it WHILE driving down the highway is the issue that I have some difficulty with. Under light traffic/ fair weather conditions, many folks can handle a call, but why test the conditons? By simply pulling over to take/make a call doesn't seem to be asking too much to me. Ryan 
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 06-25-2006 06:34 PM
i see people backing out of their driveway talking on the cell phone!! why in the heck did they not make that call while they were in the house?? and while i am on my soapbox, what is with these bluetooth thingys hanging off of these peoples ears!!!------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 06-26-2006 08:06 PM
We're not condeming their use, we're condeming their abuse. My solution is make every call $5/minute.------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
Mike65 Gearhead Posts: 2291 From: Bloomfield, NY, USA. Western Finger Lakes, 65 Fastback, 69 Coupe MCA #-04549 Registered: Dec 2000
posted 10-02-2006 02:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by fastford34: no cell phone use while driving....PERIOD!!! no cell phone use in a resturant,store,movie theater ETC.!!!!! i DONT WANT or NEED to hear your conversation!!!!!!!! no matter how TRIVIAL (you may think its important) it is!  I couldnt have said it better myself.
------------------ Mike & Robin Grentus, Owners/Innkeepers (Still 4 SALE) A Wolfpack Bed & Breakfast 6700 Rts-5&20 Bloomfield, NY 14469 (585)657-4863 65 Mustang Fastback 69 Mustang Coupe 99 Explorer Sport 00 Ranger XLT Extd Cab 4X4 M&M #- 890 MCA #- 4549 See us at