Topic: We're having a Raptor Party here...
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 27681 From: Hampton Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 12-01-2006 03:49 PM
Since I came home at 3PM there's been nothing but Raptors (F-22)lying over. KOOL They ar doing circles over the Bay,one wing up one down,then peeling off and must be doing touch and Goes at the Base. All I know its KickA$$ to hear them and watch them have "fun". Sam
RancheroSandraGayle Gearhead Posts: 313 From: Ft Bragg, NC USA Registered: Apr 2005
posted 12-01-2006 06:14 PM
That has to be an awsome sight. Don't know if they do it in the States, but out here when I was sitting on the flightline waiting for my ride(at night), they would do afterburner takeoffs. If you've never experienced one, it is quite simply the one of the coolest things to see, especcilly if you are no more than 150 yards from the flight line. First you hear the engines spool up, the whine changes into a howl, then a roar, then to something you feel more than hear. Pilots trip the brakes, and all you see is a long cone of fire, and it sounds like the sky is being ripped apart.
Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 10769 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 12-01-2006 06:27 PM
Your description sounds like an F-14 Tomcat getting ready for a catapult shot!! Miss that sucker already.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 27681 From: Hampton Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 12-02-2006 09:28 AM
afterburner takeoffs. Yes they are impressive  Living near Langley we get to see a little of everything.I can remember when Dad took us to watch the planes. And I'm old enough to remember when Langley had Blimps..damn now thats old  Sam
68 Coop Gearhead Posts: 5847 From: Mesquite, NV. 89027 Registered: Oct 2004
posted 12-02-2006 09:45 AM
Back in the 70's, I used to live right across from Nellis AFB, and they did a lot of afterburner take-off's. Everything in the mobile home would vibrate, and the windows shook so hard I thought they were going to shatter.
Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 10769 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 12-02-2006 10:04 AM
Sam, Check for a story about changing of the guard from the F-15 to the F-22. Good read and explains the air show that you got to watch.Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 27681 From: Hampton Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 12-03-2006 07:03 AM
LOL..I really know whats going on outside my door huh  Well from what I saw the F22 really handled well,none fell in the Bay  Sam
stang68 Gearhead Posts: 579 From: Buckroe Beach ,Hampton,Va. Registered: Jun 2004
posted 12-03-2006 08:53 AM
They were flying kinda low thought they changed there landing pattern again or they decided to make the break right at my front door..I seem to think when there is low vis they seem to change landing patterns...but still enjoy the sound
beachbum Gearhead Posts: 307 From: Florida Registered: Oct 2001
posted 12-03-2006 12:28 PM
Man that must have been a kool thing to see. The F22 is the latest in aviation technology and can cruise at supersonic speeds.