Topic: and these people are smart enough to go to college??
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-15-2006 07:15 PM mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 10-15-2006 07:19 PM
Crap like that will continue until these sports officials decide to put a stop to them. Ban them from ever playing again, I say. Or cancel the sports programs.This country would be a hell of a lot better if schools concentrated on learning instead of playing games. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-15-2006 07:40 PM
a big amen buddy!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-15-2006 08:43 PM
When I was struggling through GT, we were in competition for the national championship in football (ended up sharing it with Colorado). We had one professor that was actually upset that we were even interested. He would say, "It's a sad day when Georgia Tech is known for its athletics and not its academics!". He has a point, but we went to the games anyway!  [This message has been edited by GTRocks (edited 10-15-2006).]
kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 7251 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 10-15-2006 08:47 PM
University of Miami has had a long reputation of giving scholarships to criminals and guys who should never be on the grounds of any learning institution, unless they were being payed to pick up trash serving community service.
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-15-2006 08:47 PM
''I think this will affect the image of this program, but in a very positive way,'' Coker said. ``This won't be a negative for the University of Miami.'' 
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-15-2006 08:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by GTRocks: He would say, "It's a sad day when Georgia Tech is known for its athletics and not its academics!". He has a point, but we went to the games anyway! 
tech known for its athletics??? LOL!! GO DAWGS!!! : :
------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 27681 From: Hampton Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 10-15-2006 09:02 PM
Farm Clubs for the NFL and NBA! Sam
mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 8198 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 10-15-2006 11:49 PM
Coker has apparently lost control and the alums want him out. Not an alum-not there anyway, Another one choked a girl at a bar, kicked in someone's car door and was suspended before this happened. Am a Canes fan-I live here-longer than I lived in Ill. There is an overemphasis on athletics here, Ga tech, Fl. State, Notre Dame, Auburn and others. Have a good friend, originally from the beverly area in Chi who went to UofMiami. He's over involved. The alumni are very active and too influential. Kid pissed me off a couple years ago with that same UM remark and today, hate to say I agree. Went to school to learn and get a degree so I could enter the arena and, at least, open a few doors. After that, up to me! These bozos get cars from alums, have money, get favorite treatment and for the most part are turds in a punchbowl! Too many heads turn the other way when some of them pull some sh!t. A lot of it doesn't make the Miami Herald or News channels. This college BS gets diarhhaed in to pro sports where the stuff continues. Imagine, a guy, Pro Ball player, killing his pregnant GF because he didn't want to pay child support! Kinda feel bad for Don Strock, coach at FIU, which is close to home. Don was a QB with Dolphins for awhile-never made it. Pretty decent sort of guy. Always like to see Fl. teams win....except the Marlins when they play the CUBS!!! Last year I was a temporary Sox fan during the series-Special dispensation!LOL! Wore a Cub hat with Sox pinned over the Cubs name.  Graduated Northen Ill. but never remained a fan.
exlocal Gearhead Posts: 1552 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 10-16-2006 12:31 AM
Sports "stars" are over paid and over hyped entertainers. If it wasnt for the spectators, there would be no sports programs/leagues. Remember when the original entertainers were called court jesters?------------------ fsm
indyphil Gearhead Posts: 3394 From: Senoia, G.A. USA Registered: Jul 2002
posted 10-16-2006 07:45 AM
Steve You get an AMEN from me too. College is for learning.
69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 2814 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 10-16-2006 11:20 AM
Hell NO! They aren't smart enough for college. Most of the folks that were on that field will be a burdon on society when they finish their college career. These guys are going to school with majors in burger flipping. The guys that were trying to stomp on folks while they were on the ground should be kicked off the team and out of that school and declared by the NCAA as ineligible for future college athletics.
Toronado3800 Gearhead Posts: 1163 From: St. Louis, MO Registered: Jul 2001
posted 10-16-2006 05:38 PM
I have mixed feelings about college sports. Most of the time I'm against them being televised or even selling tickets. That would take away the incentive to bring in the criminals.Then I think about the few fellas I grew up with who would have paid even less attention in school (high school mostly) if not for sports. So I get left in a lurch. One thing I know. I'll never root for a convicted criminal like the Ram's Leonard Little, or a football system like Mizzou which let that poor boy from Kirkwood die last year then hauled his body around school trying to "decide what to do"
kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 7251 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 10-16-2006 06:30 PM
I'm real imporessed with Miami's harsheness. Suspending players for just one game, when the next game is against another winless team. Wow, now there's a commitment. One player, ONE, is suspended indefinately, and that's the criminal that used his helmet as a weapon. He should be kicked out of school, not just off the team. But it is the University of Miami Criminals, where winning means more than ANYTHING.
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-16-2006 06:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by capri man: tech known for its athletics??? LOL!! GO DAWGS!!! : :
Count the number of national championships baby!! You come up short....again! 
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-16-2006 08:16 PM
yea but yall are not in the sec!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-16-2006 09:19 PM
just messing with ya gt!! i really aint a football fan and could care less who wins!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-17-2006 06:55 AM
I knew's all good! I can take it!I actually went to a UGA v. GT game once. Weirdest experience. I thought I was in the twilight zone. We stayed with some gals that went there and they "showed us the town". I'm glad I didn't go to Athens. Too much culture for me! 
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-17-2006 06:57 AM
I'd love to see Duke spank them now. Duke hasn't won a game yet, I don't think.
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-17-2006 11:57 AM
While we're yucking it up....  1) What does the average University of Georgia (UGA) player get on his SATs? ........Drool. (2) What do you get when you put thirty-two UGA cheerleaders in one room? ........A full set of teeth. (3) How do you get a UGA cheerleader into your dorm room? ........Grease her hips and push. (4) How do you get a UGA graduate off your porch? ........Pay him for the pizza. (5) How do you know if a UGA football player has a girlfriend? ......There is tobacco spit on both sides of his pickup. (6) Why is the UGA football team like a possum? ........Because they play dead at home and get killed on the road. (7) What are the longest three years of a UGA football player's life? ........His freshman year. (8) How many UGA Freshmen does it take to change a light bulb? ........Freshman can't-- that's a sophomore course.
SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 48752 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 10-18-2006 06:10 PM
You could add...Why does UGA have astroturf on it's football field? To prevent the cheerleaders from grazing. {you can replace UGA with any team, I don't have a dog in this fight either. } ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '70 Mustang Convertible - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 XL
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-18-2006 09:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by SteveLaRiviere: You could add...Why does UGA have astroturf on it's football field? To prevent the cheerleaders from grazing. {you can replace UGA with any team, I don't have a dog in this fight either. }
You could, but it's priceless to see Mike speechless! 
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-19-2006 05:55 AM
 ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-19-2006 10:25 PM
if you laid all the GT cheerleaders end to end, it would not suprise me!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-20-2006 06:48 AM
GT is definitely NOT known for its cheerleaders!!  Female engineers are rarely comforting to the eyes!  [This message has been edited by GTRocks (edited 10-20-2006).]
mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 8198 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 10-20-2006 08:12 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by GTRocks: [B]GT is definitely NOT known for its cheerleaders!!  Female engineers are rarely comforting to the eyes! Bet that some of them could make a slide rule SLIDE! 
capri man Gearhead Posts: 8777 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 10-20-2006 07:30 PM
just wondering what gt edited out! probably something about me!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60ft 50 % of the fun dragracing is meeting people who will give you the shirt off their back to wipe the grease off your hands. M&M member #839
Fastymz Moderator Posts: 22791 From: Reno Nv M&M #1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 10-20-2006 07:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by capri man: just wondering what gt edited out! probably something about me!! 
Are you causing trouble again?  ------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs HOOD HACKERS DELIGHT! My Pics 13.563 @ 108.64
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-20-2006 11:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by capri man: just wondering what gt edited out! probably something about me!! 
You're not paranoid...sometimes they really are after you!! 
warhorse1 Gearhead Posts: 193 From: camino Registered: Sep 2004
posted 10-21-2006 02:14 PM
Hey...drag racing is a sport how about some scholarships and some racing for thuoght------------------ I know my limits....I just pass-out before I reach them old mustangers don't die...they just go to hell to re-group .45 the original point and click !!! Run what ya brung and hope like hell ya brought enough. Proudly annoying the neighbors for over 30 years NEVER confuse education with wisdom !!!
GTRocks Gearhead Posts: 4800 From: Lusby, MD Registered: Jun 99
posted 10-21-2006 03:10 PM
That's just mechanical engineering!