Topic: Shock & Awe
mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-08-2005 10:07 PM
Guys this thing is the real deal!Had it drilled up tonight and John said go hit the lanes and pay for it after leagues. 1st ball dead in the pocket,,very 1st ball!! Game one-222 Game two-232 Game three-178(632 set) I was tired LOL..two open frames all nite spilts that I earn,had 4 total got two. This puppy is predictable,solid roll,hits hard and dont leave ten pins,,I did not have one tonight. Game 3 was all spares but one split/open and two strikes..Ball speed is improtant with the puppy, and I was dead tired game 3. But to shot 222 and 232 and a 632 set using a new out of the box ball...I'm impressed  Sam [This message has been edited by mustangs68 (edited 04-08-2005).]
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 1928 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 04-09-2005 10:33 AM
That's impressive Sam. I bet you felt like your knuckles were dragging the ground.  I'm hoping that the folks looking to buy our local bowling alley will take it and make it a place that folks want to go to. When the current owners bought the place several years ago, the first thing they did was take out the pool tables and put in not just a bar but a full blown lounge. Now nobody wants to take their kids there. Lanes haven't been oiled in years and the place is so thick with smoke you can hardly see much less breathe. The carpet hasn't been cleaned in forever and the parking lot is a big pothole. If it were patched up it would make a nice place for a car show or cruise-in.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-09-2005 11:26 AM
69, I bowl in one independent house and one corporate house (AMF) and the AMF has the bar/lounge and no smoking rule.Were the independent house just has a snack bar and allows smoking.Both are great places to take the Family,Clean,friendly staff and both have excellent youth programs. The independent house just had a painter,hell artist,paint cartoon characters in the nursery and it looks great,and its not unusual to walk in and see 10 to 15 young kids/youth rolling the ball and enjoying themselves.Yes the parking lot needs paved,I have a reserved place  The Owners give us free pizza for strikes,7 in a row for men,6 for women and 5 for Srs.When we bowl our 1st 700 series (650 women) they give us this really nice embroidered shirt,High game each week for men and women get a free steak dinner from a local restaurant,youth get free pizza and picture of Coke for same. I can walk up to the snack bar and not say a word and one of the Gals working the snack bar will hand me a large Ice Tea Sweeten..cant ask for more  The corporate house will forever be famous for the Allen Iverson "Brawl"..LOL.. and yes my knuckles look terrible ask Dave..lOL Sam
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-09-2005 11:36 AM
Sam, Glad to hear you like the new bowling ball. Sounds like you are very happy with it and that is one heck of a series for a ball fresh out of the box. Yup, I can attest to the knuckles. Glad I only bowl once a week. Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-09-2005 11:52 AM
Dave, John spent over an hour setting up that ball and doing measurements,math,drawing lines and looking at me and smiling,LOL,20 mins alone getting the fingers and thumb just right.I didn't know but that shop is OWNED by Morich Ent  Word must have gotten out that I was having a ball drilled up because a crowded showed up to see what he was drilling and every once in awhile I would notice 3 or 4 bowler standing behind me watching it roll..LOL. And John "cut me a deal" save about $40 buck..he a good guy,#1 in my book and he getting married next week too  I hope his new bride is "Shocked and Awed" LOL Sam
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Capri Gearhead Posts: 1380 From: Lyons, ILL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 04-10-2005 11:47 PM
Sam, it sounds like a great unit. Glad to know its almost paid for already. I bowled friday night. Didnt know what to expect with my back in the shape its in. Shot 605 so I was happy. Bad game 1 considering I was trying to make sure I could throw ok. 167-231-205. the 205 game should have been better. First frame was bad but spared. 7/ but then proceded to leave all 9 pins on the right lane and all strikes on the left lane. Wanna talk about frustrating!!!!!!! At least we won 5 points. Last 8 weeks have been 580 or better -1 at 510 brought my average from 171 to 182 since I got the Arsonal. I suspect I should end up at like 181.68 or something like that for the year. Just have to remember for next year, dont rip the cover off the ball.
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-11-2005 07:40 AM
Woah! Sounds like a great purchase there, Sam! I may have to go to my local pro shop and get one of those! We only have one bowling alley left where I live and it's an AMF. You don't have to worry about the smoking in the alley, since smoking is all but illegal in Maryland. They have a separate lounge area that smoking is permitted (since alcohol is serverd and it is a self contained room, with it's own air handling equipment). ------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-11-2005 08:03 AM
Whats a bowling ally without Beer and smoke..LOL..Next thing you know we'll have a dess code and have to wear funny colored clothes  I like this ball,last nite was the end of Sunday league and we had fun,I was trying for an all spare game but fail all 3..LOL..gotta 500 but dang I wanted that all spare.Bill was trying for his 3rd,yes 3rd,300.Carried the 1st 11 but left 2 on the 12th for a 298.We had fun  Ithink we came in 9th or 10th out of 28 teams. Sam
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-11-2005 07:34 PM
There are times I almost wish they would allow somking at the lanes, that way I would have to go hunting for one of my teammates have the night!Anyway, sounds like you had a great night there, Sam! ------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-11-2005 10:32 PM
Wow! What a great night! We took all three games and total pins! First time in a long time. Should move us up in the standings nicely. The last game came down to the last frame and the last bowler. Carole's John pulled it out for us. We won by one pin. I also did something new and different tonight. Good thing I got a handle on this new ball. Bowled: 218-211-171 = 600 Series with a 200 average for the night! My first 600 series.  Sam, you called that one right. Thanks for all the help.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore. [This message has been edited by Dave Gibson (edited 04-11-2005).]
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-11-2005 11:46 PM
Congratulations, Dave! Way to bowl! I guess this means it's my turn to break 600 tomorrow night!------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-12-2005 03:17 AM
You got that right Greg. Giter done.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-12-2005 10:10 AM
Dave that is great,just great..Congrats Buddy!!See it aint hard,stay clean,pick up those spares,let the strikes come dont try to force them. Relax and roll the ball  The next 600 will be easy I promise  Sam
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-12-2005 01:53 PM
Thank you Sam. I have a great coach that helped point me in the right direction. You also correct on just roll the ball. Unless it's a 6, 9, or 10 pin. Then it's move way left, aim for the third arrow from the right and crank up some speed to hold the line. I went about .500 on picking up the ten pin last night. Simple errors on my part, but I'm happy with the total out come. Now if only last night scores would get updated to see how we are doing in the team standings. We were in 15th place out of 24 teams. Should move up nicely. Lots of high caliber teams did not bowl well last night.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-12-2005 02:04 PM
Ok Greg looks like the "heats" on you now  Stop by the Morich website and look at Mo's tips.
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-12-2005 02:31 PM
You would do this to me before I go up there for my weekly self-abuse, wouldn't you?------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-12-2005 09:09 PM
and what are friends for  I just got back from my Mothers.My Brother and I had to replace the fence in the backyard,thanks to the city saying it had to be replace,,Ok it leaned a little,gave it character,anyway my whole body aches and I stepped in a dang hole up to my knee,Oh I just cant wait till tommorow,,I know I'll be sore as heck!! [This message has been edited by mustangs68 (edited 04-12-2005).]
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-13-2005 12:07 AM
You didn't jinx me as bad as I thought you would. Although after my first 5 frames, I was afraid the entire team was going to be arrested for impersonating bowlers!By frame 5 in the first game, I had barely broken 50. I switched over to the Stinger and the rest, as they say was history. I won all 3 games and got pinfall, accounting for 8 of our total 8 points all night! The next time my teammates say they are going to bowl blind and go to the local gentlemen's club, I'll let em! 155-137-213=505 The 213 game was my best of the league. And at least I managed a 500 set. Not quite the 600, but there is always next week's edition of self abuse! ------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-13-2005 03:18 AM
Greg, Great series. Good timing on switching bowling balls. That has been one of my problems. Not knowing when to put one ball away and use another. Now if only you could get the rest of your team to learn the same thing. This self abuse is getting old. Good thing the season is almost over. Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-13-2005 07:43 AM
Thanks, DaveSelf abuse can't get old yet! We have 2 more weeks of this league, and then the summer league starts the very next day! It may be time for me to consider professional help! As for my team, they just had an ugly night. A real ugly night, but then again, we all have ugly nights at times. Well, at least we know the team we'l be bowling the next 2 weeks, as we've bowled them EVERY position round this league. And we did have someone shoot a 300 on the lanes next to us. What was even better was he was bowling against the team we'll be facing in position round!  ------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-13-2005 12:18 PM
Good choice changing! Good set too.I have 5 more weeks on Weds-Fri,Sunday award banquet is this Sunday..finished that league. Daughter wants me to bowl summer with her but thats when I "heal" for the next seson..LOL Gotta show those boys I bowl with tonight what a real bowling ball does..or how one can kick a bowlers butt  My teams always ugly..I mean UGLY,,these boys have to sneak up on the ball rack just to get thier ball,they were asked not to stand around the snack bar as it was cutting into sales,the only time they can open ball is during Moonlite Bowling,when the center cuts the lights out 
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-13-2005 01:54 PM
ROTFLMAO!!  Sam, your just to dang funny. LOL Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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ctastang Gearhead Posts: 1600 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: May 2000
posted 04-13-2005 03:28 PM
It was a good night for me. All three games over average (the last was one pin over) and a 500 set. Putting the glasses on to pick up spares seems to be helping a bit. Dave won three of the four pots. John and I just "donated". Look out next week  Carole ------------------ 66 Coupe, Arcadian Blue with standard blue interior C-code "Miss Stang" alias "Miss Cranky" and honored to be the M&M Ford Product for June 2003 99 Coupe, Crystal White, palamino interior, with 35th anniversary badging and stripes, 3.8 liter, daily driver "Anni" MCA #45106 M&M #501 - got those 501 blues Member of the MCT Peanut Gallery
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-13-2005 03:32 PM
Great game there, Carole!------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-13-2005 04:15 PM
Good shootin' Carole.I would still like to se you in a 13-14 pound Storm Hot Rod Hybrid Sam
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-13-2005 09:26 PM
Carole, Glad you finally posted your bowling results. I didn't want to swipe your thunder. As for next week, just bring it. Lanes 23 & 24 are my best set of lanes.  Sam, I keep telling Carole to go see John at Dynamic Orbs. I also told her she needs a little heavier ball to reduce the amount of deflection. But.......We shall see. Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-13-2005 09:30 PM
That ball kicked my.....LOL Man I cant figure where to roll it on wood,,I wore out the lanes trying to find a place,I think I did on the last ball in game 3,stand on the 35 roll it over the 10 and let it come back...mmmmm..maybe I start with that Thurs nite..bury the ball in the pocket and leave an 8 or a spilt,or leave a 10 and miss it..494 at least we won 2 games  Sam
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 523 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 04-13-2005 09:48 PM
You know, it took me the longest time to figure out my Stinger. Sometimes it just takes awhile to figure out a new ball.------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-14-2005 03:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by hwyman3: Sometimes it just takes awhile to figure out a new ball.
Yes, it does. It doesn't help either when you buy two new bowling balls during the league season and try to figure out how to roll them. Finally got a handle on the X Factor Ace sooner than I did the Flash Force. Lots of fun. Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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ctastang Gearhead Posts: 1600 From: Virginia Beach, VA, USA Registered: May 2000
posted 04-14-2005 03:43 PM
Dave, feel free to post my results.Carole ------------------ 66 Coupe, Arcadian Blue with standard blue interior C-code "Miss Stang" alias "Miss Cranky" and honored to be the M&M Ford Product for June 2003 99 Coupe, Crystal White, palamino interior, with 35th anniversary badging and stripes, 3.8 liter, daily driver "Anni" MCA #45106 M&M #501 - got those 501 blues Member of the MCT Peanut Gallery
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-14-2005 04:01 PM
3 & 4 300 5 & 6 288 mmmmm wonder who I can brib to let me use them tonight  Sam
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-14-2005 11:07 PM
Well no 600 but a vast improvement over the last few nites  190-197-173=560 dang split in the tenth game 3!Oh and I'm having the Assassin re finished again this time to 1000 grit,last time it was 1200. [This message has been edited by mustangs68 (edited 04-14-2005).]
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-14-2005 11:48 PM
Sam, I'm shocked. I'm having a better bowling week than you??? Blame it on the new ball. Yeah, that's it. It's always fun trying to find the handle on a new ball. I've had to do it twice this year. Yes, it's my fault, but you can't fault the results. Got to see John and Carole tonight and both are gunning for me next week. I've taken three out of four pots the last two weeks. All I could tell both of them is "Just bring it". We shall see. Of course the lanes we are assigned are the ones I have had the best averages on. So we shall see. It also sounds like Carole may go so John about a new ball after the season is over. That out to be fun. I did tell her that she needs to go up a pound or two on ball weight. Less deflection that way. We shall see. Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-15-2005 10:10 AM
Yea..LOL ,its the ball..thats right..the ball  Have Va Mens State end of month,coming fast,better get my act together quick  Sam
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-15-2005 11:21 AM
Sam, Do we need to have another coaches meeting??? Worked out pretty good the last time we did.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-15-2005 12:21 PM
May have too Dave  Maybe we can get Carole and John to join us too and get a bunch to "moonlight" bowl.Sam
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-15-2005 02:02 PM
Sounds good Sam. Just not this weekend. I have duty tomorrow. Next weekend is questionable also since I will have duty Sunday. I will be happy to be out of this weekend duty stuff.Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-15-2005 05:23 PM
you know me Dave anytime,,I have a bad schedule get ready for State,speaking of State I best get moving and pick-up that Assassin I had some woprk done on.Damn its windy!!!! I'm headed up to the Relay For Life Cruise-in after Bowling,think they will still be there..LOL Sam
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22426 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 04-15-2005 11:31 PM
I dont know what my set was but the last game was lie,would I BS you  I was so tired and my hand/fingers hurt so bad. Toni,the lady that I bowl with and is 82,yes 82,shot a 179 that game.At least I won one point for the 3rd place I know we dropped  Sam
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Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 9013 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 04-16-2005 04:08 AM
Sam, You need to give that bowling hand a rest. To many leagues, my friend. Time to cut back a bit. It will do your body good.  Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
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