Topic: Any one else in management
Fastymz Moderator Posts: 18703 From: Reno Nv USA MEM#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 03-25-2005 05:03 PM
Does any one else manage like this? My boss just chewed me out for the work that the delivery and warehouse guys are doing. Instead of chewing them out, I took the heat for them. Explained their point to my boss, and then talked to them in a clam positive voice. Telling them they need to step up or they will need to find another job.I should add this does cause me more stress. But I don't believe in spreading that around. I almost walked today. ------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 65 coupe 351w C4 Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics [This message has been edited by Fastymz (edited 03-25-2005).]
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Big D Gearhead Posts: 5133 From: WELLS, NEVADA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted 03-25-2005 05:35 PM
It's TAX time and EVERYONE IS TAXED..  And That's The Truth..
------------------ Don 6T6 Fastback 331 STROKER, T-5 Royal Blue Metallic w/SoonToBeNewAndImprovedFlames First Time out.. 13.384 sec @ 103.388 mph
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Big D Gearhead Posts: 5133 From: WELLS, NEVADA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted 03-25-2005 05:38 PM
I forgot to tell you.. HANG IN THERE.. But,, If you know your product well enough,, I'd start Marketing YOURSELF,, cause he's not going to get any better.. And,, It doesn't sound like you are part of his FAMILY.. ------------------ Don 6T6 Fastback 331 STROKER, T-5 Royal Blue Metallic w/SoonToBeNewAndImprovedFlames First Time out.. 13.384 sec @ 103.388 mph
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 43152 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 03-25-2005 05:45 PM
A LOT of people manage that way, unfortunately. When I was in middle management I often felt I was stuck in the middle. Corporate would contact me about people under me that weren't cutting it, and they would threaten me because as they saw it, it was my job to ensure the performance of my office. Then of course, I would meet with the people in my crew and lay down the law for them. Both sides seem to despise you, but for different reasons.The solution I found was that I had to manage both above and below me. What I learned was that I had to always be aware of my crew's performance. Before corporate even contacted me I had recognized the low numbers and spoke to them about it. That way when corporate contacted me I had already handled the situation and that really cut down the length of the conversation since I had already implimented the actions I needed to. Any extra conversation about it would had seemed like they were scolding me and make them feel foolish. Also, the more I responded to them like this the less they felt they needed to contact me, to the point where they seldom did. Remember, management and sales are virtually the same thing, you are just learning how to read and interact with people to get a desired result. Like sales, when you want to win someone over to your side, you have to align yourself with them so they see you as a partner and not an adversary. First step is to shock the hell out of them by agreeing with them, repeating what they are saying to show you understand their position, and then moving to a solution using them as a partner by saying things like "Here's what WE'RE going to do to solve this..." Unfortunately, just because someone is above you, it doesn't always mean they have good managerial skills. So you have to learn how to manage them. You actually did your job, and well by the sound of it. A manager's true job is to RESPOND and not REACT. The way to motivate someone is not to yell or lose your cool, a message you boss seems to need to learn, but to calmly point out that a standard needs to be met, and if it can't be, well we have to meet it one way or other. When I used to have to give those kind of talks to people, they used to leave the meeting feeling like 1. They weren't cutting it, 2. I didn't want to lose them, 3. I was willing to help them improve, 4. I felt that they had the ability to do what they needed to. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 351C 4V/FMX/3.25 Open '70 Mustang Convertible 250 I6/3 speed/2.79 Open '72 Mustang Sprint Hardtop 351C 4V/FMX/4.30 Trac Loc '94 F-150 XL 5.8L/E4OD/3.55 Limited Slip
[This message has been edited by SteveLaRiviere (edited 03-25-2005).]
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67stang Gearhead Posts: 2356 From: Panama City, FL Registered: Jun 99
posted 03-25-2005 06:16 PM
Are you their supervisor? If not, he should have went to their super. If you are, it rolls downhill...
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 1897 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 03-25-2005 06:53 PM
Hey Steve - That's an exellent response to Ron's situation. When I was in management I learned that lesson the same way. We had a discipline and discharge policy that meant you really had to screw up several times a year to lose your job so it was tough at times to get your subordinates to respond. Some of them just needed a little positive reinforcement such as telling them how they could do their job better, not just telling them what they were doing wrong. Others had to be ridden like broke down mule until you could get them out the door.Your best advice was about staying ahead of your boss. I always tried to have paperwork in front of him about how I was correcting low production before he had a chance to ask me what I was going to do. It got to the point where he was starting to make sure I wasn't too hard on folks. It's tough to manage people because no two situations are going to be the same. Ron - Hang in there. If you let them know that you're not going to tollerate poor performance from them but treat them with the same respect you want to receive then you'll do fine.
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 18703 From: Reno Nv USA MEM#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 03-25-2005 07:07 PM
Thanks for the good advice  Not always easy to work with some one who doesn't back you up,or have any management skills. But he still signs my checks. And he can be a great guy at times too.------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 65 coupe 351w C4 Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics [This message has been edited by Fastymz (edited 03-25-2005).]
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capri man Gearhead Posts: 6417 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 03-25-2005 08:39 PM
just tell them that you are not going to lose your job because of their sorry azzes!!------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60 ft. M&M member #839
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jsracingbbf Gearhead Posts: 2751 From: Batesville,MS. , U.S.A. Registered: Mar 2002
posted 03-25-2005 08:49 PM
here it is in a nut shell for you Ron. the reason your Boss is sometimes an a$$ is because right on the application for upper management in ANY organization there are two little yes or no boxes next to the question....ARE YOU AN A$$HOLE? if you answer no they throw away your application. If you answer yes, the then consider you for the position. It's universal trust me. JS
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 18703 From: Reno Nv USA MEM#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 03-25-2005 08:55 PM
Jerry, after years of working in the Casino's I agree with you. But in this case my boss in the owner of the business. He didn't fill out an application to get his job. And he doesn't need any management skills to keep it.  Sorry for all the venting this week. I need a break! ------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 65 coupe 351w C4 Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics [This message has been edited by Fastymz (edited 03-25-2005).]
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exlocal Gearhead Posts: 205 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 03-25-2005 10:33 PM
If it makes you feel any better, I am under a pending suspension status at work. I have 33 years in this company and this punk 28 year old supervisor is trying to suspend me because a vendor complained that I wouldn't work overtime when my supervisor said absolutely no overtime is authorized He then tried to see if I did anything wrong during the day by pulling my Teletrac log to see where my van was and at what time of the day. He even questioned why my van was near one of our company buildings, to which I replied I needed to use their facilities. Unfortunately, this is the way of our company now, so if you have service from our company in one of the 13 states we cover, good luck with your service. They rather fire than hire people. Maybe the lottery will bail me out tomorrow night.  ------------------ reliving youth
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TomP Gearhead Posts: 5761 From: Delta BC Canada Registered: Dec 99
posted 03-25-2005 10:50 PM
You worked in Casino's? So were you a blackjack dealer, cocktail waiter ... a security goon?
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N266fords Gearhead Posts: 1404 From: Spokane ,WA USA Registered: Apr 2003
posted 03-26-2005 12:22 AM
cocktail waiter!!! Well Ron!!!
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 18703 From: Reno Nv USA MEM#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 03-26-2005 01:17 AM
I started working as a waiter, then I moved to Valet parking, 21 dealers, Craps dealer I think thats about it.------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 65 coupe 351w C4 Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics
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exlocal Gearhead Posts: 205 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 03-26-2005 11:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Fastymz: I started working as a waiter, then I moved to Valet parking, 21 dealers, Craps dealer I think thats about it.
So, when you worked the crap tables, did you ever catch someone taking someone else's chips? I noticed it a couple of times, to which the offender acted like it was a casual mistake. ------------------ reliving youth
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63Kcode Journeyman Posts: 92 From: Anna Tx Registered: Dec 2004
posted 03-26-2005 12:06 PM
I used to work for a large truck manfactoring company. I learned real early that I didn't want to enter any level of managment there. The lower level managers real took a lot of BS form both ends, or is that in both ends. The human resorses dept. policy was that it was the employees job to show up and the managers job to make them get the job done, but they would not give them any power to punish the labors. As long as someone showed up everyday they had a job,period. If your absentisam didn't excede 2% there wasn't anything a manager could do to you and if your abentisam went over 2% you were counseled. If it didn't improve you were fired no matter how good of a employee you were. After 14 years of working with unmotivated people I went the self employment route and haven't looked back. Now I have a very simplified managament system. With 3 employees it goes like this " Me boss you not" Lucky for me I have 3 very good emploees.
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69maverick Moderator Posts: 1455 From: Thomaston,CT. Registered: Jan 2001
posted 03-26-2005 01:07 PM
Fastymz I manage the Concrete division of a large construction company. I have about 30 people under my command. Although I don't always like the way it works it's called THE CHAIN OF COMMAND. or **** rolls down hill. How ever you look at it you're going to have to deal with it or get out.
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 43152 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 03-26-2005 03:15 PM
One of the worst supervisors I had was a regional director that was a raging alcoholic and womanizer. When he called, he either thought I was the greatest employee in the world or I was a lifeform lower than scum that was lucky the rest of the world allowed me to suck oxygen. But, he really helped me in the end, because he taught me to be prepared for his phone call every morning. He wanted the daily numbers and I was always either loved or hated, but when the numbers were bad I made sure I knew the reason and already had the proper people coming in for additional training. It was sort of a baptism-by-fire with this dude. It's funny, now this guy ended up being fired after he had one too many sexual harrassment complaints and the last one ended up costing the company a settlement in the six figure range. He went from a guy making $360,000/year at one point to a guy who, the last I heard, installs fences. I should hire him to put a fence for me...  ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 351C 4V/FMX/3.25 Open '70 Mustang Convertible 250 I6/3 speed/2.79 Open '72 Mustang Sprint Hardtop 351C 4V/FMX/4.30 Trac Loc '94 F-150 XL 5.8L/E4OD/3.55 Limited Slip
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74merc Gearhead Posts: 1006 From: Demopolis AL Registered: Jun 99
posted 03-29-2005 11:21 PM
Self employed dad is the head forman at a construction company... his answer is "have you ever seen **** roll uphill?" Considering he is one of the major reasons his boss has a large company to run, when he puts his foot down he tends to get a response worth remembering.
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