Topic: Unbelievable Law Suit
7DMACH1 Gearhead Posts: 2359 From: PHILA. PA. Registered: Feb 2001
posted 03-09-2005 03:08 PM,1897,SAST_4943_3588039,00.html ------------------ THE WISE A$$ PHILLY GUY!!PHOTO ALBUMS CRUISE NIGHT WEB SITE CAR SHOWS AND OTHER EVENTS
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johnny 4-speed Gearhead Posts: 149 From: Larkspur, Ca. USA Registered: Oct 2004
posted 03-09-2005 03:21 PM
Man, that's insane! A drunk guy driving at unsafe speeds, no one wearing a seat belt, probably a solo car accident. Tempered glass or otherwise, how do you win that case?! What ever happened to accountabilty? Absolutely nutz! JD
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 43152 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 03-09-2005 03:53 PM
That's absurd. Rescue personnel are the biggest proponents of tempered glass on side glass, in order to be able to quickly get people out of a wreck in the event of a fire. There are seat belts to keep occupants in their vehicle, which I'm sure these mouthbreathers weren't using.Another abuse of the tort system, happens thousands of times a day, I'm sure. One day maybe society will be smart enough to do something about it. In the meantime, we'll just enjoy the increasing prices of cars and car insurance. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 351C 4V/FMX/3.25 Open '70 Mustang Convertible 250 I6/3 speed/2.79 Open '72 Mustang Sprint Hardtop 351C 4V/FMX/4.30 Trac Loc '94 F-150 XL 5.8L/E4OD/3.55 Limited Slip
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adragon8u Gearhead Posts: 4916 From: Oceano, Ca. member# 2895 Registered: Mar 2003
posted 03-09-2005 03:53 PM
How about the trial lawyers sueing the U.S. for the tsunami?------------------ "It's better to have loved a short girl, Then never to have loved a tall"
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Mike65 Gearhead Posts: 2067 From: Bloomfield, NY, USA. Western Finger Lakes, 65 Fastback, 69 Coupe MCA #-04549 Registered: Dec 2000
posted 03-09-2005 04:19 PM
That is crazy the guy is driving drunk & wrecks & it is the fault of the manufacturer? If the idiot wasnt driving drunk no one would have gotten hurt.------------------ Mike & Robin Grentus, Owners/Innkeepers A Wolfpack Bed & Breakfast 6700 Rts-5&20 Bloomfield, NY 14469 (585)657-4863 65 Mustang Fastback 69 Mustang Coupe 99 Explorer Sport 00 Ranger XLT Extd Cab 4X4 M&M #- 890 MCA #- 4549 See us at
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 43152 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 03-09-2005 04:23 PM
The only thing Ford is guilty of here is having money to sue for. That's all that's needed these days. Parasites are taking over the world. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 351C 4V/FMX/3.25 Open '70 Mustang Convertible 250 I6/3 speed/2.79 Open '72 Mustang Sprint Hardtop 351C 4V/FMX/4.30 Trac Loc '94 F-150 XL 5.8L/E4OD/3.55 Limited Slip
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IIGood Moderator Posts: 3448 From: Arnold, MD, USA Registered: Jun 99
posted 03-09-2005 04:30 PM
The judge for this trial oughta be tossed off the bench. Had those UNDERAGE jackasses not been drinking, maybe that accident wouldn't have happened.------------------ Frank S.----MCA Member 40390 '03 Mustang GT coupe '99 Mustang coupe '77 Ghia--"II Good"
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whiteknight289 Gearhead Posts: 1348 From: Wheaton, IL, USA Registered: Mar 2004
posted 03-09-2005 04:41 PM
I hope Ford appeals and ties it up in court for 30 years before they pay out one dime.There should be a nationwide Federal law that says if you are in the act of breaking the law you forfeit your rights to sue somebody related to the incident. Liek burglars who git shot or bit by a dog and then sue for assualt or damages. Should also apply to illegals of any nation not being able to file for damages in our courts. Scott
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 43152 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 03-09-2005 04:49 PM
Just think how great a country we could have if we had common sense laws like that on the books. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 351C 4V/FMX/3.25 Open '70 Mustang Convertible 250 I6/3 speed/2.79 Open '72 Mustang Sprint Hardtop 351C 4V/FMX/4.30 Trac Loc '94 F-150 XL 5.8L/E4OD/3.55 Limited Slip
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trashline Gearhead Posts: 1351 From: Levittown, Pa Registered: Dec 2003
posted 03-09-2005 04:50 PM
to add onto steves post. tempered glass is hard to break but with the right tool it can be ot of the way in 2 seconds. to remove laminated glass is extremly difficult. we have saws with backwards blades. we punch a hole with one end and literly saw the glass out the blade design is so that to keep as much glass fragments out of the car as possible. screw that i cant belive ford lost that. i blame the low life parents of those jack ass kids too. about 45 percent to be exact bc if they knew how to raise there kids chances are this could have been not so bad. i swear to dogs that if my kids drink and drive il beat there ass till it falls off. they should appeal it. so now ford is going to put stickers stating that if yor not wearing a seatbelt tempered glass will not slow the process of ejection in case of a roll over or other accident.------------------ 88 thunderbird TC 2.3L 66 mustang 200ci 3 speed 68 Fairlane 289 w/ auto 79 f150 300 3 onda tree
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mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 6687 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 03-09-2005 04:53 PM
How do they arrive at 28 million?? Too much. Trial lawyers often get blamed but the jury awards. Way too much. The whole trial was tainted, including a lawyer and an incompetent judge.
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Fastback68 Gearhead Posts: 3093 From: Sucat, Paranaque, Philippines Registered: Jul 99
posted 03-09-2005 07:44 PM
I don't get it on another level. If the glass is in accordance with federally mandated standards, that means it's legal, and that should be the end of the story - shouldn't it? I mean, teenagers are legally allowed to drive. That's a judgement call by the government. Now personally I don't think they should be, but I can't go suing every teenage driver each time they prang me on the grounds that teenagers are inherently dangerous drivers. The government approved Ford's glass. What's the deal?
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johnmustang Gearhead Posts: 5855 From: British Columbia , Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 03-09-2005 07:54 PM
This is an absolute joke, the courts of both the United States and Canada have turned into the lottery for people. This was not fords fault, the drunk driver was 100% to blame and it looks like from what I read in the story that the whole trial and court proceedings were a total and absolute miscarriage of justice. Now I do not want anybody to flame me or tag me a racist, but it seems to me that all the people involved including the judge seem to have a hispanic name. Could this have anything to do with sticking it to a big American company and opening the door for further litigation because a legal precedent has now been set? just my .02------------------ JOHN 65 FASTBACK 2+2.....14.44 @ 107mph 1/4 87 TAURUS WAGON 03 F150 XLT SUPER CREW 4X4 SHORT BOX Member:Vancouver Island Mustang Association M&M #1710 65 FASTBACK 2003 F150 XLT SUPER CREW 4X4
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trashline Gearhead Posts: 1351 From: Levittown, Pa Registered: Dec 2003
posted 03-09-2005 08:04 PM
John I totally back you up on that statement. Once they found out that one of the jurors was realted to someone in the law suit side of the court it shouldve been thrown out. but i just cant see how that is possible. they might as well sue the govt for saying that tmepered glass in fords vehicles was safe. ------------------ 88 thunderbird TC 2.3L 66 mustang 200ci 3 speed 68 Fairlane 289 w/ auto 79 f150 300 3 onda tree
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capri man Gearhead Posts: 6417 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 03-09-2005 08:14 PM
12 idiots and a stupid ass judge and a sorry azz whiplash lawyer is the bottom line!!!!!!  ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-302-7.25 @93mph 1/8 1.54 60 ft. M&M member #839
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mustangs68 Moderator Posts: 22320 From: Buckroe Beach Va MCA#39406 M&M #12 Member Mustang Club of Tidewater Registered: May 99
posted 03-09-2005 10:23 PM
I dont belive it...I really dont.. I agree with y'all!! Sam
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hwyman3 Gearhead Posts: 490 From: Southern Maryland, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted 03-09-2005 10:29 PM
Shakesphere was right"First let's kill all the lawyers." ------------------ Greg W. MCA #52100 2002 Laser Red GT Coupe 1991 F-150 XLT 4x2 5.0 Southern Maryland Mustang Club
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I65Stang Gearhead Posts: 6239 From: Folsom, CA Registered: Jun 99
posted 03-09-2005 11:15 PM
I bet it'll get overturned. It is not necessarily the driving at unsafe speeds or the being drunk but rather the not wearing the seatbelts that will save Ford. That along with the fact that the car was up to all federal standards and was industry standards should get it overturned. As for the judge, you have to remember that a jury made this decision! It seems from the article a mistrail should have been granted but we only know what the paper says. You can blame the lawyer or the judge but look at the jury! Even if you dont agree with the way the court system works with frivilous lawsuits, this was a jury of "us" who thought they deserved the money! Screw the lawyers and judge, someone should smack some sense into the jurypeople. ------------------ Tim M&M Member #35 1965 Mustang coupe, 200 I6, Holley 2300, Clifford header, true duals w/ 26" Smithys 1988 Mustang GT AOD vert, 15.810 @ 88.871 mph 100% stock w/ no traction 1991 Ford Festiva, 30+ mpg, enough said
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 824 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 03-10-2005 12:17 AM
However, while the jury may have been "Less than up to snuff in the common sense department".....the Judge STILL had the power to overturn the decision!!.......This "Judgement" is SO wrong on SO many points, that it just boggles the mind...... but then you must think about the guy who bought the Winnebago, was driving home on the expressway, went into the kitchen to fix a cup of coffee, (and naturally the Motor home crashed)....then sued Winnebago because "the instruction manual didn't SAY you Can't Do THAT".......and WON.....a Million DOLLARS!!!!...PLUS a brand new Motor home!!!! Instead of awarding these people with large sums of money......paint em' a little sign to hang around their necks, that says..."I Am STUPID!!!!"
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RZ65vert Journeyman Posts: 65 From: Mildura, Australia Registered: Nov 2004
posted 03-10-2005 12:19 AM
I find this really hard to comprehend. What next - Ford start putting laminated side glass in and then get sued because people have their brains smashed in because the glass didn't give way in a prang and the rescue guys take longer to extract them? This type of payout only encourages people to not be responsible for their own actions.
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exlocal Gearhead Posts: 205 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 03-10-2005 12:44 AM
Those wacky Texans are at it again. Texans bought the company I work for here on the west coast and changed a lot of things for the worst, this just justifies my beliefs that Texans are a little off their rocker.------------------ reliving youth
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senzstang Gearhead Posts: 259 From: perry, oh, usa Registered: May 2002
posted 03-10-2005 08:31 AM
You know what they say about juries - 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty!I have never been called for jury duty but I would actually not avoid it hoping I could be a voice of common sense in an incident like this!
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exlocal Gearhead Posts: 205 From: hacienda hts., CA, USA Registered: Dec 2004
posted 03-10-2005 08:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by senzstang: .....I would actually not avoid it hoping I could be a voice of common sense in an incident like this!
I thought the same way, until I served on many jury panels. I heard defendants admit to crimes, but still have jurors think they were innocent . The most outrageous was a guy who walked up to a car, blew out the brains (literally) of the passenger with a sawed off shotgun. Several jurors said he didn't mean it, had to settle for 2nd degree murder, how stupid can people be? ------------------ reliving youth
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74merc Gearhead Posts: 1006 From: Demopolis AL Registered: Jun 99
posted 03-10-2005 09:29 AM
That has got to be one of the dumbest things ever to happen in a court of law...There is a long list, but this is definately top 10. As said above, how can Ford be held liable if they are within the federal standards? I guess the federal laws mean nothing? The idiots not wearing seatbelts while driving drunk fast as hell at 2am was 10% of the cause? What?! Deport the jury and judge. Bull****.
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I65Stang Gearhead Posts: 6239 From: Folsom, CA Registered: Jun 99
posted 03-10-2005 07:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Billy Mac: ..the Judge STILL had the power to overturn the decision!!.......
While the judge does have the power to overturn the decision there is waaaaaaay more to it than it sounds when it comes to overturning a verdict in a jury trial. The judge in cases like this is basically like a mediator making sure both sides "play fair", he could however lower the damages way down. I am sure the judge knows Ford is going to appeal this court case and probably win the appeal. ------------------ Tim M&M Member #35 1965 Mustang coupe, 200 I6, Holley 2300, Clifford header, true duals w/ 26" Smithys 1988 Mustang GT AOD vert, 15.810 @ 88.871 mph 100% stock w/ no traction 1991 Ford Festiva, 30+ mpg, enough said
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