Originally posted by rockafellz:
Maybe he was in high gear? 
Thumbs up on the win but freeway races suck!! I've done it when I was younger and it's only a matter of time until you're at 110mph+ and a sudden traffic jam appears up ahead. I've also done the swerve in and out of traffic at 95-110mph with the other guy doing the same thing and the other cars doing only 70mph. I will never do it again. 
Relax, Erik. Not much of a race, really. It was simply drop to 4th & slam it for about 5-6 seconds, run up to around 5 grand, & let off (probably more like 1/8 than 1/2 mile, as I was way below 100 mph). That road has wide open spaces, good visibility, and light traffic.
If he had stayed in 5th I'd have left him way easier. So I don't think that's it. Consider gassing it at 3000 rpm as opposed to 2000.
I NEVER swerve in & out, and in fact I avoid driving in the city like the plague because that's how they drive there. They are willing to kill you for a car length, I guess.
Fortunately I don't live or work in the city.
GTRocks: It was a GT. It was a GT from the pipes, the sound, the GT badges, and the acceleration (would a v6 have had any chance at all?). The scoop simply identified it to me as a ~2002.
Bruce: Nothing much to it -- just pedal to the floor, steer straight. 
Oh well, no BFD, just curious if having the windows open would create that much drag or whatever. :/ Just something to think about -- I get bored driving an hour to, and an hour from work every day (for 3 years in this car).