Topic: Disturbing Television
69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 130 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-09-2002 09:45 AM
Last night while surfing channells after the Braves game, we happened upon a program about street racing. I couldn't believe the way they were glorifying it. It was mostly kids in their late teens/early 20's. I didn't see enough of Fast and Furious to get the whole story, but it was a lot like what was on last night. Lot's of rice and kids making $500 and $1000 bets and racing right through town. No helmets or safety crew or anything. I'm not talking about the chance meeting at a traffic light (no offense, johnmustang. I've done that myself ), I'm talking about organized street racing. It's amazing to me how incredibly stupid people can be. Here's an idea - go to the track!! Don't jeapordize the life of someone's mother or my mother or my wife who just happens to be going to the corner store to pick up a loaf of bread or carton of milk for her family.  Geez. I'm starting to sound like my Mom. 
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johnmustang Gearhead Posts: 1785 From: Vancouver Island , British Columbia , Canada Registered: Nov 2001
posted 08-09-2002 10:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by 69 Sportsroof: Last night while surfing channells after the Braves game, we happened upon a program about street racing. I couldn't believe the way they were glorifying it. It was mostly kids in their late teens/early 20's. I didn't see enough of Fast and Furious to get the whole story, but it was a lot like what was on last night. Lot's of rice and kids making $500 and $1000 bets and racing right through town. No helmets or safety crew or anything. I'm not talking about the chance meeting at a traffic light (no offense, johnmustang. I've done that myself ), I'm talking about organized street racing. It's amazing to me how incredibly stupid people can be. Here's an idea - [b]go to the track!! Don't jeapordize the life of someone's mother or my mother or my wife who just happens to be going to the corner store to pick up a loaf of bread or carton of milk for her family.  Geez. I'm starting to sound like my Mom. [/B]
No offence taken , you are right I should not have raced against the nova on the street. I guess sometimes I just get brain block. I also bitch about the way ricers race on the street , so I guess I just became a hypocrite , do as I say not as I do. I will try and be more careful and not let it happen again. I wish we had a track in Nanaimo . I,ll go stand in the corner now  JOHN  ------------------ 65 2+2 FASTBACK 68 COUPE 87 TAURUS WAGON 98 F150 XLT TRITON V8 4.6, 4 WHEEL DRIVE Member:Vancouver Island Mustang Association M&M #1710 MyPhotoPage MY TRUCK
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 130 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-09-2002 10:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by johnmustang: I,ll go stand in the corner now 
Save one for me... 
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 13254 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 08-09-2002 11:00 AM
What network or channel broad cast the show?  ------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator/ non 65-66 Mustang owner sensitivity co-ordinator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member NHRA and IHRA SS/LA National Record Holder '00, '01, & '02 Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 Part time secret agent license #0089 Professional Manwhore The Barry of BarrysGrrl
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Boss302 Gearhead Posts: 346 From: Coleman, Wisconsin Registered: Jan 2002
posted 08-09-2002 11:33 AM
mtv has a show called Flipped, and the latest episode was about street racing. this girl's parents knew that she was racing, so they talked to the cops and set up a little scenario. the cops busted one of their races, and one of the cars tried running from them, flipped, and the guy died. the cops arrested her and charged her for man slaughter or whatever. she didn't even know who the guy was. she was sittin in the police car balling. then at the end of the show they tell her that it was all a setup. but she learned her lesson.hopefully every ricer was watching that show ------------------ Max -1989 Mustang GT (MaxTang) 225/50R15 tires BBK Strut Brace K&N Filter 4 cats, no muffs 180* stat Member 1,861 "The Horses Shake You Harder Than Sex, the Sounds Ring In Your Ears, Fact Is Your Engines Only on Idle"
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 130 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-09-2002 11:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by Moneymaker: What network or channel broad cast the show? 
Oh. I forgot to post that. It was none other than M-oron TV.
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mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 4643 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 08-09-2002 11:47 AM
It aint just "ricers" Mustangs are in the "limelight" for want of a better word as much as Hondas, Acuras, etc. At least here they are. It's not going to stop anytime soon as I hear guys on this site 'make an exception' justifying it or whatever. Did it years ago-for money, what else! Too bad it's glorified on tv. And it wouldn't stop if there was a 1/4 mile for them to do it on. Impromtu contests at the light aren't going to stop.
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 13254 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 08-09-2002 12:01 PM
You know Pete, we were a lot smarter back then I think, and we respected our equipment more. Todays kids think that they are invincable.  ------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator/ non 65-66 Mustang owner sensitivity co-ordinator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member NHRA and IHRA SS/LA National Record Holder '00, '01, & '02 Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 Part time secret agent license #0089 Professional Manwhore The Barry of BarrysGrrl
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 130 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-09-2002 01:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Moneymaker: Todays kids think that they are invincable. 
We all have thought that at one time or another, if only for a brief moment. I'll admit, I do it also. It's hard to pass up an invitation. I dont prod anyone one but I welcome the challenge....I actually expect it. Again, I want to ensure everyone that I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone. My post was more about the show and the way they were glorifying organized street racing. Yes, they did start the show talking about the dangers, but everyone last night went home after the races. That's the part that kids are remembering. Oh well, I'm starting to preach now. Sorry guys and gals......
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fordnmerc Gearhead Posts: 204 From: Watkins Glen, NY USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 08-09-2002 02:51 PM
As long as there are cars, there will be speeding, street racing, the whole nine yards. My Dad talks about when he and my uncle were....'taking care of' a car for an older gentleman, back in the 1930s. It was a Kissel Roadster, from about the mid 1920s. I believe he said it was yellow and black. They got that thing up to 90, on the Schoharie Flats, which is not too far from Albany. That was a very high speed, for those days.But the kids these days seem to want to stretch the envelope to the extreme. Two cars close together doing high speed donuts, etc. There is a fine line between cool and crazy and the kids these days just seem to be going over the edge routinely, right from the get-go. David
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Moneypit Gearhead Posts: 96 From: Sacramento CA Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-12-2002 02:50 PM
I saw that too. I couldn't believe the kind of money these guys were spending on those cars. One guy had spent 60 grand on his Acura. Watching the negotiations for setting up a race was pretty interesting. The segment with the San Diego P.D. busting up a race was interesting. Handled it a lot like busting a cruise. Every car there racing or not got inspected and cited for any illegal modification they could find. Those racing got hooked up and impounded for a minimum 30 days at owners expense. Pretty expensive when you can go to the track for a few bucks.
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Mike65 Gearhead Posts: 1573 From: Columbia,NJ, USA. 65 Fastback, 69 Coupe MCA #-04549 Registered: Dec 2000
posted 08-12-2002 04:44 PM
I have passed up on street racing several times when asked. The one & only time I did it I wrecked my car, it was about 20 years ago when we all feel that nothing can happen to you.. I learned from that. It could have been worse.  ------------------ Mike & Robin 65 Mustang Fastback 69 Mustang Coupe 87 LTD CV 99 Explorer Sport 00 Ranger XLT Extd Cab M&M #- 890 MCA #- 4549 [This message has been edited by Mike65 (edited 08-12-2002).]
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mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 4643 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 08-12-2002 08:16 PM
The speeds that my 55 Chev could attain were a drop compared to what is the norm for cars today. That fossil would be blown off the road today, but then it was king sh*t on tu*d island! LOL! EVERYTHING is faster today, exception: girls in the late 60's/70's!! LMAO!
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 24375 From: Saco, Maine Toys: '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 Registered: May 99
posted 08-12-2002 08:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by mellowyellow: EVERYTHING is faster today, exception: girls in the late 60's/70's!! LMAO!
I don't know about that, Pete. I've heard these days it isn't "Will we have sex on the first date?" it's "Will we have sex in the first 15 minutes, or is she an old fashioned girl and take over an hour?" 
------------------ All Fords since 1977!
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