I know a lot of you guys don't go into Sam's Place, so you may not be aware of the planned upgrade Steve is having to do to the board to keep M&M up and running.As everyone knows, it isn't free for the board owner to setup and maintain a UBB, like M&M. But Steve has never asked for a donation, or sold memberships like other forums do. The most I've seen him do is cheerfully remind people about the Amazon link for their Amazon.com purchases because M&M receives a very small percentage of whatever is purchased.
But recently, it was made known Steve can't hold back time, or progress (server wise) and he's forced with the decision to upgrade M&M to a vBulletin version of UBB in order for M&M to continue functioning.
There are a few threads in Sam's Place that contain more info, if you'd like to read about it.
Anyway, let me cut to the chase, quite a few members have used the Paypal donation button (link) at the bottom of the M&M page, and contributed cash to help defray the cost of Steve's out of pocket expense to buy a vBulletin license, so he can keep M&M going.
Since there are those who stay within their regular forums, they may not know about this membership driven donation drive.
A number of years ago, the membership here got together and helped out one of their own, and through donations, bought the member (who was suffering thru a serious medical condition that drained his funds) a new computer so he could stay connected to M&M.
Last year, quite a few of the members donated to MoneyMaker Racing to help defray the enormous cost of racing.
More recently, the membership got together and helped a member who had been dislocated from his home in New Orleans, retrieve his Mustang from that area.
I only bring these points up because I know the M&M members can step up to the plate and help.
In this case, we're helping ourselves by donating to M&M so it can be upgraded. We will all benefit from this upgrade and since we've always felt like a community family here, I thought create a post reaching out to the guys and gals who don't normally go to Sam's Place.
I know money is tight for a lot of guys, especially with the Christmas season approaching, so please, give only if you can.
PS - I didn't get authorization for this post, so Steve had no idea I was gonna post this.

Said cynot65 to a troll on the board: "what a demented little spit puddle you are"
Black '99 Lightning (my work truck)
- Tons of mods, still too slow!
2000 7.3L PSD Excursion (The wife's)
- AFE Stage 2, MBRP 4", Beans 1.0 exhaust housing & WW, DP-Tuner F5 chip, ITP Overboost Annihilator and pre-pump mods, Prodigy brake controller, B & V code spring upgrade, Bilsteins, & Hellwig rear sway.
1990 Platinum GT: 25th Year Anniversary Edition
- Stolen and stripped, waiting to be rebuilt and reborn.
M&M Member #437
[This message has been edited by Stewart (edited 11-27-2006).]