Topic: Car dies when Hot?
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-03-2005 03:56 PM
Finally got exhaust on the Mustang--- drove it over to AutoZone and let it sit there for 5 minutes while I was inside. When I got back out it was dead--- wouldn't crank back up to save the life of me. May need some carb adjustments, but is there anything else I should be looking for? BTW its a 600CFM Holley 4010. Thanks, Luke [This message has been edited by Mooney (edited 12-03-2005).]
majik455 Gearhead Posts: 215 From: duluth ga usa Registered: Jan 2005
posted 12-03-2005 04:36 PM
Does it turn over ? or just act like no fire /gas?
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-03-2005 04:41 PM
Knew I meant to add something else when I edited--- it spins over continuously, seems like its not getting fire---checked for a spark though and am getting one. At one point and time it seemed like it was flooding-- but hadn't given it that much gas. Only way to get it to crank back up it seems is just to wait till it cools down. Thanks, Luke
68 Coop Gearhead Posts: 5847 From: Mesquite, NV. 89027 Registered: Oct 2004
posted 12-03-2005 05:38 PM
This is just a shot, but what is the timing set at?------------------ William "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
majik455 Gearhead Posts: 215 From: duluth ga usa Registered: Jan 2005
posted 12-03-2005 05:39 PM
I have a cougar that did that. I would say its flooding. I just learned with my carb that I had to tap the gas only when cold and to never touch it when hot. I would just spin her over and she would fire up. I dont know how to adjust it out though and It did start after I rebuilt the carb. Maybe something to do with the acc pump? Sorry I couldnt help more. Ron
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-03-2005 07:15 PM
Not sure on what the timing is set at-- haven't got that far. Still trying to figure out some of the shade tree mechanic things done to this car.. my favorite is the rubber fuel line about 1 1/2 inch from the header- Two thumbs way way up for that one!The car cranks up fine though when cold---(just rebuilt the carb BTW) On the accelerator pump, should the lever be just touching when idling.. or does it need to have a bit of play before it becomes engaged? Any other thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated--- this cars really starting to get to me! Thanks, Luke
68 Coop Gearhead Posts: 5847 From: Mesquite, NV. 89027 Registered: Oct 2004
posted 12-04-2005 12:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mooney: my favorite is the rubber fuel line about 1 1/2 inch from the header- Two thumbs way way up for that one!The car cranks up fine though when cold---(just rebuilt the carb BTW) Thanks, Luke
That probably has something to do with it Luke. The gas is boiling in the line before it gets to the carb.------------------ William "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-04-2005 01:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by 68 Coop: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Mooney: [b]my favorite is the rubber fuel line about 1 1/2 inch from the header- Two thumbs way way up for that one!The car cranks up fine though when cold---(just rebuilt the carb BTW) Thanks, Luke
That probably has something to do with it Luke. The gas is boiling in the line before it gets to the carb.[/B][/QUOTE] Oh no no no, had to fix that real quick LOL, that was a big no no!
68 Coop Gearhead Posts: 5847 From: Mesquite, NV. 89027 Registered: Oct 2004
posted 12-04-2005 07:18 AM
Timing would be the next thing I'd check, since it starts OK cold. ------------------ William "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
rustang@home Gearhead Posts: 152 From: Clarion, PA Registered: Jan 2004
posted 12-04-2005 07:48 AM
My Mustang used to leave me stranded whenever I'd shut it down hot or if I was cruising for extended periods. Turns out it was vapor locking and floodind out the carb. My solution was running a 1/4" fuel line as close to the carb as I could get back to the tank so the fuel would circulate, not giving it a chance to get hot. It worked  One thing I did was add a holley jet in the return line as a restriction so as not to starve the motor at higher rpm's. Hope this helps
DidgeyTrucker Gearhead Posts: 1813 From: Greenbrier, TN USA Registered: Oct 99
posted 12-04-2005 11:10 AM
The next time it shuts down when hot, try pouring water on the coil to cool it. I've seen that problem before. That's what this sounds like.To see if it's vapor lock, you can try pouring a little gas (I have found that Gumout Carb Cleaner works great) down the carb to see if it will fire. If it fires and dies, it sounds like vapor lock. Tracy ------------------ Tracy M&M #245 MAC OS9.1 & 10.3.9/ Earthlink DSL 1956 F-100 Panel w/429 (3.50 9") 1966 F-100 SWB w/351C (3.25 9" - 3.70 posi for Saturday nights) Music City F-100's, 1965 GT-350 S/C (2.78 1st & 3.70 TracLok 9") Music City Mustang Club 1969 Schwinn StingRay Don't focus on the destination....make the JOURNEY the adventure Visit my Web sites: DidgeyTrucker's Website The Hot Rod Johnny Travelling Rock And Roll Show
[This message has been edited by DidgeyTrucker (edited 12-04-2005).]
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-04-2005 12:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by DidgeyTrucker: The next time it shuts down when hot, try pouring water on the coil to cool it. I've seen that problem before. That's what this sounds like.To see if it's vapor lock, you can try pouring a little gas (I have found that Gumout Carb Cleaner works great) down the carb to see if it will fire. If it fires and dies, it sounds like vapor lock. Tracy
It's supposedly supposed to have a new coil on it--- when I checked for spark after it wouldn't crank anymore I had a red spark. Battery wasn't that weak at the time. Red spark means weak spark right? We tried to starting it with ether after it wouldn't crank anymore, couldn't get it to fire on that either. Going to do a compression test and check the timing today. If the water on the coil trick works-- then I guess that just means it needs a new coil? Thanks again for all the help! Luke
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-04-2005 01:04 PM
Swapped coils--- I think the cars gotta be flooding, it just reaks-- cranked right up first time no gas whatsoever ran for about 2 seconds then died again. Does the car need to be perfectly level to check float levels? The cars on a bit of a slope, unfortuanetly we don't have a flat spot near the car to move it to to make sure its dead on. Give it any gas whatsoever it doesn't want to crank but if you just sit there and spin it, it tries to crank just doen't hit just right. Thanks, Luke Edit: Geez--what would cause fuel to be leaking around the throttle shaft? Wasn't leaking yesterday at all and today its coming from under the carb and the throttle shaft? [This message has been edited by Mooney (edited 12-04-2005).]
DidgeyTrucker Gearhead Posts: 1813 From: Greenbrier, TN USA Registered: Oct 99
posted 12-04-2005 02:34 PM
The spark should be blue/white. Red sounds like a weak spark.What do you mean "doesn't want to crank"? Cranks slow? Or bucks/starts and stops? How many miles are on the engine? Rotate the engine backwards at the crank and watch for the distributor to move. Now move the crank forward until the distributor moves. The crank should not rotate more then 1/16th of a rotation. The timing chain could have slipped a tooth-retarding the timing to the the point it won't fire. But one indication of that could backfiring out the exhaust. You haven't mentioned that. The extra fuel does sound like float problems. The float/needle & seat could be stuck open causing it to flood. The float could be set high allowing to much fuel in the carb. If it was set low, the volume of fuel in the carb would be so low that it could evaporate after sitting on a hot engine for a few minutes. Keep investigating, you'll get it. Tracy [This message has been edited by DidgeyTrucker (edited 12-04-2005).]
Mooney Gearhead Posts: 2357 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 12-04-2005 03:32 PM
Sometimes you just gotta break down and ask the ol' man. Not sure what he did-- but I took the carb off again, removed a spacer (found a crack explains the leak) and replaced the gasket and he came out after I got it bolted down.. adjusted the idle and mix screws and BAM cranks up fine... idles fine--and no more leaks. Has some hesitation under halfway acceleration but at least it'll run now. Got real lucky I've got an ol' man I can always have fix my screw ups!  Thanks ya'll 'preciate all your help. I'm sure I'll still have tons of questions with this one. Luke