Topic: Help/Advice with BB Project.... (long)
Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 2265 From: Stanton, Michigan 49707 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-02-2004 04:17 PM
Fellow Racers, You may recall that I have been running an ET race-only ��69FB with a 306��, 4spd, 31-spline Mosers, 4.56 gears in a ��N�� case, Cal-Tracs w/Ranchos, to 9�� slicks. Sometime ago I started assembling parts to buildup a 460+�� powerplant (without any power-adders & a Max of 7400 RPM) for the car. Because I want to keep it a 4-speed car, , I realize I��ll probably need to upgrade my Toploader to a Jerico DR4 trans as well as an appropriate McLeod ��soft-loc�� clutch assembly or equivalent in order to effectively transfer the HP to the rear. Well, I��ve got some engine parts gathered. Here is a list of the current parts I have so far: #D1VE- 2-bolt block bored 0.030 over; decked to 10.315��; Hard Block added Eagle cast-steel 4.14�� stroker crank Eagle ESP H-beam 6.8�� rods, 8740 ARP cap screws JE's SRP forged flat-top pistons ATI Super Dampener The above has been internally balanced and should produce a displacement of 501��. Additional parts I have include: Blue Thunder Main Cap Girdle, �� billet steel with ARP studs Clevite 77 main and rod bearings Melling High-Volume Oil Pump & pickup; Edelbrock Victor 460 (#2965) intake. Incidentals: I think I will be able to use my current Mallory IVc ignition control box, electric water pump drive & fans, and Griffin aluminum radiator. I haven��t yet determined what distributor to use. I'm hoping that a BOSS'9 scoop will cover it . I��ll probably wind up using a pair of Crites swap headers & their mounts; and I'll likely cut my shock towers back �� just to make life easier..... WHEW,,,, OK �� So now I��m looking for some advice on what additional parts I should plan on to complete the package. The parts I��m considering or leaning toward buying are: Camshaft: CompCam grind# FF 296 BR-8 Solid Roller Cam. 260/268 duration @ 050, valve lift .726"/.726", LS of 108. Cyl heads: Although pricey, I think I��d be further ahead to step over buying some reworked iron heads and move directly up to the 75cc aluminum Edelbrock RPM heads (2.19�� int & 1.73�� exh valves, with the necessary springs & hardware to run the above cam), they should give me 11.7 C/R. (Yeah, I��d luv to go further up the ladder to the new Jon Haase SCJ Al heads (#6049), but I think they��re JUST A BIT outta my reach!) . Carb: Probably a Holley 1050-cfm Dominator Question #1) Does anyone see any ��flaws�� with my current parts combination? Question #2) What are your opinions on my proposed choice of cam, heads & carb? Does anyone have any other thoughts? Thanks for your input in advance, Ryan 
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 26811 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 12-02-2004 04:35 PM
I like the package as is using the Edelbrock heads. I think that the cam is a bit to tight at 108 for pump gas if that is what you plan on running. Even the top loader should hold up for a while. Don't forget some reasonable quality rocker arms.------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member and licensed Superstock driver MCA member# 53321 NHRA and IHRA SS/LA & SS/MA National Record Holder '00,'01,'02,'03,& '04 First SS/MA in the TENS! IHRA division 5 Superstock Champion Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 The Barry of BarrysGrrl Quote #1: "I never met a magazine mechanic I liked." Quote #2: "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth!" Quote #3: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"
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F551 Gearhead Posts: 263 From: Manitoba, Canada Registered: Nov 2000
posted 12-02-2004 10:02 PM
Your combo is close to what we run. Eagle 4.140" crank, 6.8" Eagle rod, .030" over Arias piston, C8 cast heads with 2.190 intake & 1.73" exhaust, Victor with 800 Holley. We have run this for about 6 years - 1 full season with the Eagle crank, used to use a factory oneground localy. Dynoed with small cam was 645HP & 650ftlb. Real flat torque curve! We go cross the line 6900 to 7000.Block - our is filled, with studs, we don't run a girdle no problems as of yet. Crank is good (if bearing clr are right - that's another story!) Rods - after first year the caps moved - Eagle said we should be using the L19 bolt upgrade - they should sell the rods with those bolts! I would reccomend you do that - means resize the rods, but a better bolt! We use an old Duraspark distributer with a home made crank trigger - no problems - we use a start retard box and MSD 7AL. I think you could save money on cam - we have a mild flat solid (can't remmber which one for sure Crane or Comp)think it is a Crane 351511 - .603"/.624" lift 266/276 duration @.050". Is suffiecient. We use SpeedPro/TRW rockers - never a problem. Definitely go with Aluminum! The money we have in those heavy ...... Guy in a late model with Performer RPM and Hyd roller was running 10.80 on little tires C6 - no converter! Nothing wrong with those heads for the price. Headers - used to have 1 7/8" Crites (Tubular Automotive) with the repro BOSS 429 mounts, now have motor plates with custom built 2". (Ya wanna buy the old stuff?) If you use a stock oil pan - weld a baffle in to keep the oil from uncovering the pump! We also feed the back of the motor from the front with an external line and restrict cam oiling. This is a big torquey motor - you don't need a lot of rpm. Ours has run 10.24 with a best 60 of 1.39 - use a Glide with Hughes 5000 stall, 4.30 gear (likely going to 4.56 next year). Big Blocks are fun  ------------------ Fred 68 Mustang 500CID/Powerglide - "No Tubs" 86 Mustang GT Cobra
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cracing Gearhead Posts: 428 From: Saltillo Miss. USA Registered: Jan 2002
posted 12-02-2004 10:03 PM
I agree with LS too tight, might consider stud girdles too, or better yet, different type rocker system other than stud mount.Alex may have a line on a decent priced system. Make plans for larger rubber too.
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 9476 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-02-2004 10:14 PM
That's a bunch of torque and power to keep up with, using a toploader. Have fun with it, then when you come to your senses you can always try an auto. Congrat's on a great power plant!  SteveW
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jsracingbbf Gearhead Posts: 2898 From: Batesville,MS. , U.S.A. Registered: Mar 2002
posted 12-03-2004 09:53 AM
A couple of things. use the bottom end stud girdle as well as one for the valves. Get the L19 bolt upgrade on the rods. Be sure to double pin the distributor. You might consider double pinning the cam, with an extra dowel to the timing gear. I'd go roller on the cam if it's a race only vehicle. I'd prefer more Cam lift and run it on alky. Rupert makes an excellent alky dominator. Especially since it's a stick car. Use Bigger tube headers at least 2 inch. preferably 2 1/8th
------------------ JS "never submit yourself to scientific tests no matter how bad you need the money, for all you know they could have erased your memory and YOU WERE REALLY SOMEBODY BEFORE" 69 Mustang Pro ET Drag
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Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 2265 From: Stanton, Michigan 49707 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-03-2004 10:52 AM
THANKS EVERYONE for all your imput and advice! Alex: -- Because this is a race-only rig and will be @ 11.7 compression ratio, I was anticipating to run 50/50 or 70/30 mixes of 110 race fuel & 93 premium gasoline. If not that cam profile, what cam would you recommend? -- I know some folks have run a toploader behind a warmed-over BB, but I'd rather sell the Toploader "intact" and bite the bullet and get a Jerico in there - then I wouldn't always wonder if, "Will my gear-changer come apart on this pass or not?" -- I will plan on using quality roller rockers. What do you think of the 1.7 ratio, 7/16" stud, COMP CAMS Pro-Magnum units for this? Fred: Your combo DOES sound very close! -- I heard about upgrading the rod cap screws to L-19 units, but wasn't sure if it just talk or not..... I will have the machine shop make the upgrade. -- A "homemade crank trigger", and the benefit(s) to using one are....? -- What C/R do you figure you have, I thought the use of a Start Retard Box was necessary only with 13+ to 1 C/Rs? -- Hmmmm,,,,, the Crites headers are only 1 7/8" primaries???? I was figuring on 2" or 2 1/8" primaries. I may have to hold off and also get some custom headers built. However, I will keep the availability of your pieces in mind. -- I was looking at non-stock oil pans, but I'm concerned about interference with the headers. I may have to settle for a stock-style oil pan and, if so, I'll do as you recommend - have a baffle welded in. -- If you don't mind, I'd like to e-mail you to discuss how & what you did for your cam oiling mods and exterior line...... CRacing: -- My thoughts on a shaft-mounted valve train is that it would be toooo pricey and primarily get to spinning' the mill 7500+ rpms on a regular basis.... then I'll save my $$$ and step up to a shaft system. -- I will plan on using a stud girdle with the 7/16" studs. -- What camshaft would you recommend? -- At this point, I'm not planning on tubbing the car for bigger rubber....but I'm not dead-set against it being a possibility in the future. SteveW: -- As long as my legs and arms still can "get 'er dun", I hope I never 'come to my senses' and take out my 3rd pedal! It's always way fun to, "Beat the other guy with a Stick"! LOL JSRacing: (By the way, I think your blue '69 BB racer is WAY !! In fact, I have color pics of it printed & on the wall at my workplace; with the hopes that, "I'll get that far someday too!" ) -- I do have a BT main cap girdle already, so that's covered. I will look into getting a stud girdle on the heads. Any head girdle better than others? -- I never heard about double pinning the distributor,,,,are you talking about the double pinning the drive gear? As in cross-drilling it and installing another spring roll pin? -- I have heard about double-doweling the cam to the timing gear; I was planning on having that done. -- For some unknown reason, I've shy'd away from the idea of converting the fuel system over to alky....but, other than the doubling of volume used, corrosiveness, motor oil dilution and nasty odor, my understanding of using alky is that it delivers more consistent power and runs cooler than race fuel/gasoline. What is your opinion on it's benefit? Other thoughts: I'm hoping this 501" will get me performance in the neighborhood of Fred's combo - ETs down into the mid 10s and 60'ers in the 1.40s range. -- I'll also likely need to upgrade my fuel system to a Mallory 140 fuel pump, regulator and 1/2" delivery line. -- I know I'll need to install a cage and a harness to get through Tech. -- I'll likely pull out my OE seats and install a lighter Al or fiberglas race seat. -- I'll need to obtain an SFI-approved driving jacket. -- I should probably have a brace welded onto the backside of my 9" housing. -- I may budget in the eventual removal the 5-leaf rear springs and step up to the calvert mono 1/2 leaf system.... THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYONE'S IMPUT! If the above fellas or anyone else can think of anything else to add, please post it... Ryan 
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jsracingbbf Gearhead Posts: 2898 From: Batesville,MS. , U.S.A. Registered: Mar 2002
posted 12-03-2004 11:46 AM
You don't have to double pin the distributor, you can just drill it out and up the size. I have a paper on it somewhere, when I get home, I'll find it and post the details. I'd try for a rear sump if you can manage it, or at least a good accumulator. Thanks for the nice comments. JS
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Dave_C Gearhead Posts: 1046 From: Gadsden, Al Registered: Aug 99
posted 12-03-2004 12:59 PM
Everythign is sounding good so far. One other item you might look at is the heads. The Edelbrock are good, but I have also been hearing some good things about the new Trick Flow heads. (Not the A460's) The new TFS "street" heads are very comparable to the Edelbrocks in price and have the same intake ports, hardware, etc, but they have a better flowing exhaust. The port is in the same location as stock, but the floor is raised giving it better flow. You might take a look at them.One other item to add: Durabond cam bearings. These seem to hold up much better in a 385 series than Clevite or FM. David Cole ------------------ 557 BBF Powered, alcohol injected rear engine dragster. 4.90 @ 143 1/8 mile. 1.09 60'. I've got to be crazy to drive this thing.
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 26811 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 12-03-2004 01:39 PM
Jerico is a good move. Living as close to Mary Jo's as you do I would forget about mixing and just run the car on a steady diet of 110 racing gas. Cam you chose is fine then.  1.7 Comp rockers are fine as are Cranes. My favorite stud rocker is actually the Sig Erson A frame unit.------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member and licensed Superstock driver MCA member# 53321 NHRA and IHRA SS/LA & SS/MA National Record Holder '00,'01,'02,'03,& '04 First SS/MA in the TENS! IHRA division 5 Superstock Champion Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 The Barry of BarrysGrrl Quote #1: "I never met a magazine mechanic I liked." Quote #2: "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth!" Quote #3: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"
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cracing Gearhead Posts: 428 From: Saltillo Miss. USA Registered: Jan 2002
posted 12-03-2004 02:32 PM
Sounds like you would come out cheaper & a whole lot quicker getting it on the track if you bought one race ready & keep the FB stock. BTW Canton has a CJ copy stamped steel pan with a baffle in it, I have one & like it. The reason I suggested shaft rockers is by the time you buy studs, rockers,girdles,& tall valve covers to fit over them, price is not a lot more. Stick with the roller, I have been using flat tappets all these years, just finished breaking in my new one & its a PIA everytime changing springs after breakin, then shimming those after they run in, not even mentioning those nasty words, "Flat Lobes"
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cracing Gearhead Posts: 428 From: Saltillo Miss. USA Registered: Jan 2002
posted 12-03-2004 02:36 PM
Sounds like you would come out cheaper & a whole lot quicker getting it on the track if you bought one race ready & keep the FB stock. BTW Canton has a CJ copy stamped steel pan with a baffle in it, I have one & like it. The reason I suggested shaft rockers is by the time you buy studs, rockers,girdles,& tall valve covers to fit over them, price is not a lot more. Stick with the roller, I have been using flat tappets all these years, just finished breaking in my new one & its a PIA everytime changing springs after breakin, then shimming those after they run in, not even mentioning those nasty words, "Flat Lobes"
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Mike_R Gearhead Posts: 178 From: Indianapolis, IN 46237 Registered: Feb 2001
posted 12-03-2004 02:51 PM
Hey Ryan,Your combo is fairly similar to mine. Mine is: 521 ci Scat 4.300" crank Eagle 6.700" rods SRP flat tops (same as yours) ATI super damper D0VE-A block with Milodon splayed cams Cam: Comp custom grind 272/284 @.050" duration, 108 LSA (104 IC) approx .720" net lift Victor dominator intake with 1250 dom CJ iron heads (home ported 375/230 cfm) Mine also has a big spline toploader (wide ratio) with a Mcleod softlock clutch set-up. My car is about 4000# with driver (street and strip) and I ran it for the first time in the fall with the new engine. It ran 10.51 @ 132.5 with only a 1.55 sixty foot on 10" x 28" tires. The Edlebrock heads should do fine. I'd probably opt for the Edlebrock victor cj size heads if I were going that route, but it may not be that big a difference. As far as the oil pan, if you can find an old style Milodon deep front sump pan that should clear your headers. I see them on ebay or at swap meets from time to time. That's the pan I used on mine. The newer milodon pan is wider and not as deep and usually does cause header clearance problems. As far as the cam, it looks like a pretty good choice depending on what you want it to do. It looks to me like with that cam you will shift at 6500 RPM. If that's where you want the RPM then that cam is about right. If you want a shift point more in the 6800-7000 RPM range then you may want to consider a little bit bigger cam. Maybe 268/278 or 275/285. Something in that range. Actually the Comp Cams 268/276 .727" in my oppinion would be about perfect with those heads and that cubic inch. But that's not to say the cam you have chosen is a bad choice. Your car should definately reach your goals with the equipment you're talking about. I remember seeing a 68 mustang with a 501, with edelbrock heads, victor 1050, 280/290 cam, etc and it ran low 10's right off the bat and then went 9.90's after he tuned it some. My car is probably heavier than yours but it ran mid 10's without ANY tuning whatsoever. I haven't even tried adjusting the timing or jets yet. Plus my learning curve in driving this car with this engine was pretty steep. I haven't really learned to drive it that well yet.
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Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 2265 From: Stanton, Michigan 49707 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-03-2004 03:54 PM
Jerry, No need to thank me for nice comments, you've earned them! I'd appreciate getting a chance to review your info on oversizing the distributor gear roll pin.... if you can, please pass it along. I'm not too sure if I'll be able to do a rear sump oil pan...or an accumulator, but I'll keep it in mind. Dave_C, I appreciate the "heads up" (please pardon the pun) on the TFS 'Street" heads. I'll have to do some info searchs on them to see what they're all about. The shop has already installed new Clevite cam bearings....but the block is still on the stand. At this point, would you get them changed out if you were me? Alex, Thanks for the additional comments & pointers! I'm not familar with a "Sig Erson A frame" stud-type roller rocker. I'll have to look into them..... CRacing, I've done some lusting over the tube chassis & fiberglass bodied, "..just add your powertrain" cars. Yep, their lighter, safer, faster, easier to work on, etc. But - then I looked at all the extra rules I'd need to comply with because I'd now have a non-stock floorboard & firewall car, it would get even more expensive for me. Nevertheless, it does bother me a bit to think about the cutting & welding I've got planned for this currently uncut '69 Mach1 body. (I still have the info on that '70FB car that "kit car" Jerry Smith pointed out a while back.....) Thanks for the tip on the Canton CJ stamped steel pan outfitted with a baffle. I'll have to check it out. Your reasoning for shaft-mounted rockers is a good point. I'll have to do as you suggest and price out the differences. Yeah, I'm pretty well convinced I'll step up and go roller cam.... Mike_R, OH YEAH, sounds like you've got your car running VERY well indeed! I suspect that after I add the cage, I'll be about 3600-3700 lbs. From what I've read, the only difference between the Edel CJs and the Edel non-CJ heads is that the CJs are cast with bigger ports than the non-CJs. Yet there's enough meat in the head that the non-CJ can be ported out to the CJ port buy it ready or port it out to be ready. I'll likely go with the CJ head casting #61659. Are you at all worried about breaking your toploader? Did you have David Kee upgrade it? Are you happy with your clutch setup? At what RPM do you launch & shift? I'd be happy with a 10.51 @ 132.5 with a 1.55 sixty foot on 10" x 28" tires for the first time out! . Thanks for the tip on the older style Milodon oil pan. I'll also be looking for the Canton pan that CRacing mentioned above. I'll also take a look at your recommended Comp Cams 268/276 .727" cam. THANKS AGAIN FELLAS FOR ALL THE INPUT -- KEEP SENDING THOSE TIPS & ADVICE!! Ryan 
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Dave_C Gearhead Posts: 1046 From: Gadsden, Al Registered: Aug 99
posted 12-03-2004 06:58 PM
It's your call on the cam bearings I don't know if I woudl swap them out, but I have heard a few horrow stories. You might ask on the 385 series forum specifcally about the brearings. Lot's of knowledge there: as a side note: I'm not normally a fan a magazine engine builds. They norally are either too simplistic or just a showcase for the part of the week that was donated by an ad-buying company. However, yesterday I got my Jan 05 Mustangs & Fords mag. It has a very good build article on a 557. You might want to take a look. It's almost a carbon copy of my 557. Same crank, rods, pistons, heads, etc. Only diff was the induction. They used a tunnel ram and 2 750 carbs. Mine is a single plane Victor 460 with a Flying Toilet alky injection system. (nastyhol) as my racing buddy calls it. On the dyno the magazine engine made 847 hp at 6200 and 771 torque @ 5000. It also hit a volumetrci effeciency peak of 112.3 % at the torque peak. Based on ET/MPH/weight at the track mine makes just about 900hp with the alky and just a touch more cam. Theirs: .745/.754 262/266 @ .050 106 centerline. Mine: .770/.770 275/280@ .080 112 centerline. You might take a look at the build. David Cole ------------------ 557 BBF Powered, alcohol injected rear engine dragster. 4.90 @ 143 1/8 mile. 1.09 60'. I've got to be crazy to drive this thing.
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jsracingbbf Gearhead Posts: 2898 From: Batesville,MS. , U.S.A. Registered: Mar 2002
posted 12-03-2004 08:00 PM
Ryan, do a search on the link that David just posted, for distributor pin or something similar. Should come right up, besides the first time you go there, you'll be reading for days. if you still dont find it, let me know. Good luck! ------------------ JS "never submit yourself to scientific tests no matter how bad you need the money, for all you know they could have erased your memory and YOU WERE REALLY SOMEBODY BEFORE" 69 Mustang Pro ET Drag
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Mike_R Gearhead Posts: 178 From: Indianapolis, IN 46237 Registered: Feb 2001
posted 12-03-2004 10:52 PM
Here are a few pics of my car if you're interested. I know it's alot more trouble to build stock looking muscle car, but it is very cool when finished. Mine is very stock looking. The info on this page is from when I had the old 460. I'll bet your mach would be really cool too. I love the muscle car look with alot of hp. I was REALLY worried about the toploader holding up considering the hp level this engine has to be putting out. I'm not quite as worried now that I've driven on the street quite a bit and made some hard runs down the 1/4 mile. But, yes it is a concern. I rebuilt the toploader myself with a wide ratio conversion. It doesn't really have any special parts though. Just the big spline factory stuff. I'd love to have a Jerico jus haven't wanted to put out the bucks. My car's not going to be a full time drag car so maybe I can get away with the topoader. My clutch set-up is actually a mixture of parts. I didn't the full "soft-lock" set-up with the aluminum flywheel and all. I started with a billet flywheel. Then I got the Mcleod adjustable pressure plate that goes from 1100-2800 lbs. The disc is a Mcleod rev-lock (I believe that's the name). It is actually the solid sintered iron but it does have springs. It is the medium coefficient of friction. This set-up ended up costing less money than the complete soft-lock set-up, but it's pretty much the same thing. I ended up adjusting it to about 1500# and that seems to be pretty good all around with this clutch disc since it is medium and not low. It drives excellent on the street. It's actually about the best driving street clutch I've had in the car. At the strip it seemed to do really well, but I haven't really tried tuning it much yet. I launched at about 4500 RPM about 3/4 throttle and then floored it as soon I got going. I really only got two runs like that. I think it would do alot better with a two step rev limiter. I shifted at around 6800 RPM. I'll tell you though, this engine revs REALLY quick with the 4 speed. I was amazed the first couple of runs because I was hitting the rev limiter in every gear. It takes alot more practice and skill to drive than the 460 did. Everything happens amazingly quick. [This message has been edited by Mike_R (edited 12-03-2004).]
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F551 Gearhead Posts: 263 From: Manitoba, Canada Registered: Nov 2000
posted 12-04-2004 12:51 PM
L19 bolts are the way to go - cheap insurance!"homemade crank trigger" - I guess cause we could, triggering off the crank is inherently more accurate, less influence from timing chain / valvetrain etc to create vibration. And a lot cheaper than a Billet MSD! Compression ratio is 12 to 1. Start Retard is because the timing is locked. We use straight VP C12 for Fuel. Headers - Bought the headers and mounts in 1985, at this time the header available was 1 7/8" - 2 tubes criss cossed under the pan. I also think that they were intended for a 4 speed as we had to spread the tubes out to clear the C6 bell. Now they have a 2" standard 4 into 1 design that allows retention of Power Steering. A buddy made the set on the car now after putting motor plates in - more room without the mounts. Email away - going to my brothers this PM - will take a pic of line if it is still on the motor. Aftermarket pan would be good! I shift at 6200rpm - with this much torque - and where it is - we don't buzz the motor that high. Budget is a primary consideration for us - the wife thinks there is more to life than racing (I keep her around any way)so the thing has to stay together. Besides if we make much more power then traction becomes a bigger issue as we run 12 X 29" tires with the leaf springs that came on the car! ------------------ Fred 68 Mustang 500CID/Powerglide - "No Tubs" 86 Mustang GT Cobra
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Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 2265 From: Stanton, Michigan 49707 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-06-2004 10:05 AM
Dave_C, I'm familar with that BBF Forum and I'll agree there's ALOT of information there. However, I feel more comfortable & more at ease on this Forum. I also am a subscriber to the Mustang&Fords magazine and I read the 557 buildup article that you mentioned. It seems to me that (besides the induction system) their build was straightforward. Although their cam had a tad more lift and a tighter LSA, you have a bit more duration ("Theirs: .745/.754 262/266 @ .050 106 centerline. Mine: .770/.770 275/280@ .080 112 centerline."), As you point out, Dave, your buildup is making ~50HP more though. Where do you think most of the difference in power is - the difference in the cam, the induction system, and/or the use of alcohol fuel?JSRacing, I haven't yet, but I'll look on the mentioned BBF Forum site for the modification info on enlarging the distributor pin. If I can't locate it there, I'll be back acallin' on ya! Mike_R, Sounds like you're getting REAL "comfortable" with your BBF Torino to be shifting that baby @ 6800rpms!! I agree, I prefer having a hot rod stock muscle car, but their increasing collector value continues to loom over my head when I think about cutting the shock towers and such. F551, Sounds like I should look into what it'll take for me to do a crank trigger, lock out the timing and maybe wire in a Spark Retard Box of some sort. You're running 12-1 CR and burning straight VP C12, hmmmm. Just as Alex suggested, I should probably plan on using straight race fuel as well. You mentioned, "...Now they have a 2" standard 4 into 1 design..." , are you referring to Crites? I hear ya regarding the speech, 'There's Life beyond Racing...' bit.... I get that from my girlfriend as well. Now if you're shifting @ 6200 through a Powerglitch; Mike_R is running a Toploader and leaves at 4500, feathers it out and then shifts @ 6800.... Hmmmmmmmm - I think I'm going to like this BIG mill!!  OK Gentlemen: I have read that quite a few folks believe in doing some sort of oiling system mods to their blocks and others do nothing. The consensus from what I've read is that the 429/460 oiling system can pump most of the oil into the top of the engine which then can starve the lower end. So I should do whatever I can do to limit the oil from going top-side. So far all I've done is deburr the lifter valley for improved oil return & chamfered the block ports at the oil pump and oil filter attachments. The BT main cap girdle doesn't have a provision for the installation of a windage tray, but I was thinking that the girdle itself may act the same as a windage tray & break up the flingin' sheet of oil from the spinning crank? Any thoughts? Just as Fred ("F551") mentioned about his external oil pressure relief line, does anyone else have an opinion on running an external oil line from back-to-front? What about: -- installing restrictors in the oil holes feeding the cam bearings, main bearings? -- installing a lifter retainer on the (left? right?) side - I think this is only recommended for non-roller lifters, correct? -- the need to bush the lifter bores? -- the use of restrictor pushrods? What other oiling system mods would you fellas recommend? Thanks again!! Ryan 
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TomP Gearhead Posts: 6000 From: Delta BC Canada Registered: Dec 99
posted 12-08-2004 02:47 AM
Nice car Mike!
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Dave_C Gearhead Posts: 1046 From: Gadsden, Al Registered: Aug 99
posted 12-08-2004 09:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ryan Wilke: Dave_C, As you point out, Dave, your buildup is making ~50HP more though. Where do you think most of the difference in power is - the difference in the cam, the induction system, and/or the use of alcohol fuel?What about: -- installing restrictors in the oil holes feeding the cam bearings, main bearings? -- the need to bush the lifter bores? Thanks again!! Ryan 
I think my extra 50hp is from a combination of the slightly larger cam, the alky fuel and perhaps the head port work. They mentioned the heads were ported, but didn't list any flow #'s. Mine may or may not be better. The tunnel ram prob helped them on a large engine. I use a ported Victor 460 inatke. It hurts me I think. It was orignally designed for a 460, not a 557. I think it's the bottle neck. Mien would prob pick up power with a tunnel ram and another throttle body. Mine has restrictors, but I don't think they are absolutely needed. Mine also has bushed lifter bores on the passenger side only. I do think this is needed when running a solid roller. The main oil galley passes down that side. The holes supplying oil to the lifters are large enough to stick your finger in. The bushings reduce the holes down to .060-.080 and force most of the oil to the crank. It's also a safety factor. If you loose a lifter and it comes out of the bore you instantly lose all oil pressure without the bushings and the crank is toast. The bushings slow the oil loss down so you won't ruin the crank if you shut it off soon. David Cole ------------------ 557 BBF Powered, alcohol injected rear engine dragster. 4.90 @ 143 1/8 mile. 1.09 60'. I've got to be crazy to drive this thing.
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Mike_R Gearhead Posts: 178 From: Indianapolis, IN 46237 Registered: Feb 2001
posted 12-08-2004 12:42 PM
Hey Dave, I'll bet your cam alone does make alot more hp than the one in the build-up. I'll bet it's 30-50 hp better. That cam in the build-up was on the small side for a 557ci.But then the tunnel ram probably is 20-30 hp better than the victor but then that's probably negated by the Alchohol you're running. Sorry, I just pretty much repeated everything you said .
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