Since I'm not a pro, I tell ya what I do if it will help.I bring the engine over to TDC #1 then back 10 before. I take a magic marker and draw a line at the bottom of the cap from the #1 to the dist housing. I'll turn my housing to best line up with the rotor (10 degrees advance).
Double check the firing order.
Make sure all clamps are installed on water lines and fuel.
Check oil level and trans fluid.
Check belts.
Don't completly fill radiator if you have a thermost installed. What will happen is you have an air lock and when the thremost opens the cap if removed will blow or will push fluid out of the rad.
Have a fire extingusher handy
Monitor for oil leaks when ya get her going. You can deal with water.
Block the wheels!
Keep face away from carb. Don't wear oil soaked shirt. Keep rags away from fenders.
Eh, I guess that about it, just be safe and take your time. If it doesent run long the first time your still OK.
My 2c,