Topic: cross talk in Div 7....
steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6852 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-08-2003 04:06 PM
You guys ready for this and LED's at the New years day race at Infineon? Cross talk should only effect the "box" racers in Pro, but the LEDs will be interesting.  SteveW
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Butch Jennings Gearhead Posts: 601 From: No. California Registered: Apr 2000
posted 12-08-2003 08:33 PM
Call me an Old Dog, but I don't think I like that cross talk crap. The LED's should be cool though. I might be able to go this year on the 1st, depends on my money situation. ------------------ Butch 460 powered 1967 Comet Cyclone 10.271 @ 130.231 Butcher's Home Page "See Dick drink, See Dick drive, See Dick Die, Don't be a Dick!"
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anglia Journeyman Posts: 25 From: wauseon,ohio USA Registered: Mar 2003
posted 12-08-2003 09:56 PM
ok if the top bulbs come on at the same time and you are the fast car what do you set your delay to the same as you do plus the diff in the dials
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6852 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-08-2003 11:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by anglia: ok if the top bulbs come on at the same time and you are the fast car what do you set your delay to the same as you do plus the diff in the dials
Exactly! Your top bulb is the same as the slow car's top bulb. With the led's being directional opening the blinders wasn't a good option because you couldn't see the other lanes top bulb for "crossing over". Now that both lanes get "a clean shot at the tree" I think it's time for the worst red light rule too! One thing good about it is that we won't see that many 9 second cars running 11's with the cross talk. Since they have more advantage being the faster car and still get a clean tree. Sould make bracket racing more interesting for the spectators. I'm in favor of it, but the worst red light needs to follow.  SteveW
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6852 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-08-2003 11:34 PM
Butch,Good to hear from you! It'll be nice to see you if you can make it and the weather holds out.  SteveW
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BaLleRz68 Gearhead Posts: 105 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: Aug 2002
posted 12-09-2003 01:11 AM
I'm looking forward to the LED's. Hopefully it doesn't rain on January 1st. What exactly is "cross talk"? How does it work?------------------ 1967 Coupe 1990 GT 2000 V6
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 304 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 12-09-2003 01:42 AM
Block the tree so EACH competitor sees ONLY his/her side of the tree....(cept for the stage lights) THEN (and this SHOULD be in effect whether the tree is blocked or not)if both cars light up the tomato bulb...the worse infraction goes to the trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With current incarnation of the rules.....the slower car is at an instant disadvantage if he bulbs......because it doesn't matter HOW bad a red light the faster car may have.....the faster car wins....period.....NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And in SOME instances.....depending on the timing system.....the faster car may HAVE red lighted.....but it didn't matter because the slower car lit the bulb first and the tree went instantly green for the faster car...... HOW can that POSSIBLY make ANY sense????????If only one car red lights...its a moot point....take it to the trailer and try again next week..(or spend more money and buy back in ......another trend I dislike!!!!)
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Butch Jennings Gearhead Posts: 601 From: No. California Registered: Apr 2000
posted 12-09-2003 02:52 AM
quote: Originally posted by steve'66: One thing good about it is that we won't see that many 9 second cars running 11's with the cross talk. Since they have more advantage being the faster car and still get a clean tree. SteveW
I guess that's my biggest problem with it, I always feel that when I'm the faster car I have 2 advantages. First, I can judge the other car much easier when I'm chasing and Second, as you and Billy Mac pointed out the first redlight loses. I just see giving the faster car a clean shot is just one more advantage, having the distraction of the other car moving first has always been the price of admission for being the faster car...IMHO. But then what do I know?
I don't use a box so I'll just go with putting an "N" on the window anyhow, I doubt I'll be racing much for a while anyway. I'll try to make it out on the first but I've got the car for sale again(I doubt it will sell by then with x-mas and all). This time it has to go, the "Terminator" is eliminating my wife's job and I can't afford to have a race car on one income. I'll more than likely be going on strike in July so there goes the only income....looks like the end of the road for me racing.
------------------ Butch 460 powered 1967 Comet Cyclone 10.271 @ 130.231 Butcher's Home Page "See Dick drink, See Dick drive, See Dick Die, Don't be a Dick!"
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6852 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-09-2003 12:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by BaLleRz68: I'm looking forward to the LED's. Hopefully it doesn't rain on January 1st. What exactly is "cross talk"? How does it work?
For the electronics class (Pro @ Infineon) both racers' first yellow bulb will come on at the same time. The faster dialed car's first yellow will stay on unitl it's time for the tree to continue, then his second and third will light followed by the green/red. It won't effect street or sportsman class. And if the Pro class cars don't want to use it they just put a N after their dial-in. SteveW [This message has been edited by steve'66 (edited 12-09-2003).]
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kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 5027 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-09-2003 07:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by steve'66: Now that both lanes get "a clean shot at the tree" I think it's time for the worst red light rule too!
Nope, I don't like any ideas Taylor comes up, all his ideas are 100% self serving. The rulebook states, first OR worst. Well, the first redlight loses, not the worst. People don't like it, build more power. That's the way the rules have been, and everyone knows it. Frankly, if I redlight first, I lost. I know it, and I don't whine about it like certain DRR members who are always trying to change the rules to their advantage. I hope that rule never gets put in effect.
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6852 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-09-2003 11:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by kid vishus: Nope, I don't like any ideas Taylor comes up, all his ideas are 100% self serving. The rulebook states, first [b]OR worst. Well, the first redlight loses, not the worst. People don't like it, build more power. That's the way the rules have been, and everyone knows it. Frankly, if I redlight first, I lost. I know it, and I don't whine about it like certain DRR members who are always trying to change the rules to their advantage. I hope that rule never gets put in effect.[/B]
Rob, I couldn't give a crap about steve taylor or the bullcrap on DRR, BUT the first redlight rule is long overdue! Now the fast car gets all the breaks, clean hit on the tree, first redlight rule, and the race is all in front of them.  I guess Div. 7 will have to lead the rest of the country out of this crap.  Besides, when both lanes hit the tree at the same time the one that red lit worst did hit it before the other, even though their delay box delayed the car's reaction. I'm registered on there with my full name, and I think I have 4 posts in over a year. I mostly check for div. 7 news and am really put off by the mid-west/eastern/southern posters that flame at the drop of a hat. I hope you've noticed that Div. 7 guys don't do that. At least not yet.  SteveW
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 304 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 12-10-2003 12:28 AM
Kid......based off of what I read from your post above......everyone should build an 800 cubic inch monster motor and put it in (or on) a feather weight dragster chassis and go play...........Got news for ya Pal.....THAT AIN"T gonna happen!....The Red light rule is WRONG plain and simple........will it ever change?....Probably Not......But like SO MANY other things in this God forsaken Country of ours that gets bitched about....this particular subject is unfortunately NOT going to go away......... Competition Eliminator indexes are designed to "level" the playing field. Ditto for the indexes in Stock and Super Stock. Super Comp/Super Gas/ and Super Street, are just glorified bracket races where the "dial in" is determined for you........ Bracket Racing is set up for the "little guy" to be able to compete with "touring pros" (aka Edmond Richardson, Scotty Richardson, David Rampy......amoung many others).....The B&M Racer Appreciation Series is a PERFECT example...........The "heavy hitters" swarm into a "Big Money" event and try to take away the "local boy's" (and Grrl's)money...... Am I saying ban these "touring pros" from these kind of events????NO!!!!!.....but by GOD make ALL the playing field LEVEL......Most folks can't afford to try to run heads up with a 4 second dragster.....why try??.....but why let that same dragster leave off of MY (or YOURS) side of the tree??????? I welcome your comments!!!!!!!!!
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Dave_C Gearhead Posts: 775 From: Gadsden, Al Registered: Aug 99
posted 12-10-2003 01:35 AM
I'm with KV on this one. I like the rule like it is. If you want leave last and not redlight first then get a faster car. Besides, if you can cut a light and run the number it doesn't matter what the guy in the other lane does. Run your own race. I have to look at it like that every time I run Rampy (my track is his home track) or when I run Joel Reynolds (Million $ Bracket Race Winner) etc. And yes, I do have one of those 4 second cars. But it's not high dollar by any means. I had 12 years of sweat and blood in the 69 Mustang door car that I sold in order to buy my dragster. I wanted to go fast and also to have the two advantages that going fast gives you in bracket racing. They only way to go fast cheap is in a pipe rack like mine.
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kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 5027 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-10-2003 07:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Billy Mac: I welcome your comments!!!!!!!!!
Well, I really don't have anything to say other than I like the rule the way it is and I hope it never changes. I don't care if I leave first, or leave last. And truthfully, I HATE crossing over! So leaving first is fine with me and I know if I redlight first, I'm done. Yes fast cars have an advantage most of the time, but I don't care. No matter how fast your car is, someone is going to be faster. So why worry about that? As for the big names in racing, none of them scare me. I guess I'm not that smart. Glenn Ferguson Jr races at Farmington a lot, and he's a multi time IHRA Hot Rod and Super Rod national champ. I've raced with and beat a guy by the name of Lane Dicken when I was in Iowa, and he's as good as any of them (5 out of the last 6 years he has won Top ET at Eddyville, he was this years Div 5 Summit champion, and has also won the bracket finals, and the race of Champions at the bracket finals.) And anyways, if they had a "No Box" class down here like in Division 5 and 3 (transbrake and 2 step legal), I would run it instead of Top and crossing over would not be an issue. Also; "The faster dialed car's first yellow will stay on unitl it's time for the tree to continue, then his second and third...." That is actually less of an advantage for the guys with the fancy boxes. They only get one shot at the tree now, instead of two like before. I bet there will be some first class b!tching about that. [This message has been edited by kid vishus (edited 12-10-2003).]
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 304 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 12-10-2003 07:49 AM seems I'm in the minority on this one....but I refuse to admit defeat..... Lets agree to disagree....shake hands ....and race!!!!!
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kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 5027 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-10-2003 08:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Billy Mac: seems I'm in the minority on this one....but I refuse to admit defeat..... Lets agree to disagree....shake hands ....and race!!!!!
I doubt you are in the minority, but I like your plan. 
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 304 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 12-10-2003 05:36 PM
Perhaps we can meet up at Atlanta (Commerce) and continue this discussion, both on and off the track, while we enjoy some liquid refreshments....(Dr Pepper for me thanks....Buy ya one if ya want )
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kid vishus Gearhead Posts: 5027 From: middle of NC Registered: Oct 2000
posted 12-10-2003 05:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Billy Mac: Perhaps we can meet up at Atlanta (Commerce) and continue this discussion, both on and off the track, while we enjoy some liquid refreshments....(Dr Pepper for me thanks....Buy ya one if ya want )
Next year we really want to head that way one weekend. Meet up with the folks that live around there, and get some racing in. We planned to go to Memphis this year and meet up with Jerry, but it never happened.  As for choice of liquid refreshment, I prefer the soda pop also (Dr Pepper if I have a choice.)
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 304 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 12-10-2003 08:12 PM
Rest assured that I will have a sufficient supply of DP's.....unless I drink em' all on the way up
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capri man Gearhead Posts: 3953 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 12-10-2003 08:59 PM
worse red rule= bad idea worse breakout rule = good ideato me there is something wrong with this picture!! ------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-7.51 @89mph 1/8 1.54 60 ft.
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6852 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 12-10-2003 10:04 PM
Mike,I agree and so do most well meaning competitors, even the ones that have "fast" cars. Those with quick rides that want it to stay the way it is are not interested in a fair race. IMHO anyway  SteveW
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TomP Gearhead Posts: 4921 From: Delta BC Canada Registered: Dec 99
posted 12-12-2003 01:51 AM
Even though i hate electronics with a passion i still think the rules are fine as they are. Faster car has many disadvantages too, easier to redlight because they react faster, and watching the slow car meander downtrack doesn't help either. I'd bet the faster cars lose more to redlights than the slower cars... does anyone keep track?The faster car can't scrub off ET as easily to avoid breakout. A faster car is more at the mercy of track prep. Take away that "advantage" and everyone will be in slow cars that'll drive the few remaining spectators away.
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Billy Mac Gearhead Posts: 304 From: S.Ga Registered: Aug 2003
posted 12-12-2003 07:51 AM
The rule book says that it is "first or worse"....but in the occurance of a "worse" red does not matter...because only the "first" red light counts....If a faster car sees the slower car red light...the faster car can go ahead and leave too without penalty for a "worse" infraction.........Damnit that just ain't RIGHT!!!!!!!!!...........Case in point...... I....dialed in at opponent at 5.52 I went .499 red.......He saw the tomato bulb light up and left too......with a .320 light......with absolutely NO worries, because he was going to the next round......How in the Hell is that fair?????
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capri man Gearhead Posts: 3953 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 12-12-2003 09:58 AM
a big AMEN billy mac!!------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-7.51 @89mph 1/8 1.54 60 ft.
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jsracingbbf Gearhead Posts: 2003 From: Batesville,MS. , U.S.A. Registered: Mar 2002
posted 12-13-2003 12:37 AM
I take Billy Mac's side. But I aint gonna tote no picket signs Billy so don't go getting all excited. Besides, I like it best when BOTh cars leave at the Same time. Pro Tree. I may lose but I'm having major fun. :P Bracket racing is ok in a tight I suppose. Which is most of the time, since I aint fast enough to run heads up 100% of the time. BUT hey I'm working on it! ------------------ JS 69 Mustang Pro ET Drag
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capri man Gearhead Posts: 3953 From: doerun, ga. Registered: Nov 2000
posted 12-13-2003 09:35 AM
jerry, you mean we are not required to carry a sign for billy mac???? heck he has had me carrying one out in the cold at the track all week!!! i wish i could afford to run a heads up class!!------------------ mike r racing is real everything else is just a game. 81 capri-7.51 @89mph 1/8 1.54 60 ft.
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