I did something last week I never thought I'd ever do. I applied for a patent. You know how they say necessity is the Mother of invention? Well it would seem that no one makes a spacer plate for an Enderle hat set up other than enderle and their's is 3 inches tall and cast. ( too tall not good )NOS makes one for adding nitrous to a blower set-up but nothing with spray bars for Naturally aspirated injection.
After researching the options I contacted a Nitrous manufacturer.
The injection dealer uses spray bars to make a engine primer/ idle system for methanol cars to warm up on and drive around in the pits. In this way you can run your car on gas until you get ready to do a burnout in the water box. The guy that makes this is SUPER sharp. He doesn't really need any research done on this as he pretty much has it perfected already on other applications.
Both companies expressed a REAL interest in my spacer plate. I bought some raw billet aluminum and went to the machinist friend of mine who runs a VMS machine ( Vertical Milling System ) and he made a beautiful prototype. BTW this machine can make ANYTHING. ( seriously )
Anyway, the thing is made and is on its way back from the Fuel injection dealer and then I will install it on my car. I will be the "test" mule for it. I really think it's gonna be sweet, no more choking on methanol fumes or warming the car up for 30 minutes. Should help on Oil dillution too. If any one is interested he makes them for other type injections also. I can direct you to his web site.
Another one has been sent to the Nitrous folks, but they are doing some "in House" flow testing on it. They seem to think they can make a kit that would spray 350-400 HP through the bars.
I probably WONT be the test mule for the Happy gas.
I hope to have the prototype back in 3 weeks. So far everyone has given me good response on this. I won't be selling them, just supplying the raw plates with the threaded holes for the spray bars.
SO if any of you run or know of someone that runs a Naturally Aspirated Enderle hat set up like me AND they would like spray bars in a spacer for either riding around on gas or for Nitrous, let me know. I can direct them where to get the stuff. It may be a few months off yet but the wheels are in motion now. I might be able to get a decent price on this stuff too since I am a partial supplier of part of the system.
I really do need a volunteer to try the laughing gas plate out. It would involve working closely with a Nitrous company and myself. They know their stuff and some of the items would still need to be purchased by the individual. His benifit would be coming away with a "custom " Silly gas plate tuned for his car at a reduced rate.
I wanted to mention this several weeks back but didn't naturaly for patent reasons. And I would appreciate it if ya'll didn't post this anywhere else as yet. I would like to get it installed and some pictures and results back to the Good folks first.
Ya'll wish me luck on this, I'd really like for it to take off. I have realistic expectations though, obviously EVERYONE isn't going to want, need , or buy one, but at least they will have that option. Thanks!
69 Mustang Pro ET Drag