1) Who's mono-leaf are you using - did you get it from Calvert Racing? 2) Is the mono-leaf steel or 'glass?
3) Are you using the OEM rear shackle or did they provide you with a different length shackle as well as the rear eye bushing?
4) Did the directions indicate that the polyurethane rear eye bushing get lubed or not?
Common opinion is that the rear shackles should be an inch or so longer than OEM and that poly bushings be lube-able to ensure easy swing movement (and reduce squeaks).
In my opinion, if your OEM rear shackle bushings were in very good shape, I'd probably suggest you silicone them up & put them back in. But if you figure you should replace the OEM rear shackle bushings, rather than buying OEM style bushings, I would probably suggest you step up to poly shackle bushings to match the stiffness your poly rear eye bushings.
Just my 2 cents,