Topic: Certified Welders??
SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 1001 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 07-07-2003 08:00 PM
I recently bought a Rod and Custom Mustang II front suspention. I'm finished cutting the towers out and everything is ready to weld. The R&C crossmember is 5/32" thick and the Mustang frame is 3/32". I have a Millermatic 130XP MIG with gas. I'm pretty confident in my welding ability, but I am unsure that my welder is up to the task. Should I use a larger welder or will the 130 Amp be enough for the 5/32 thick steel? Thanks for any help
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N266fords Gearhead Posts: 557 From: Spokane ,WA USA Registered: Apr 2003
posted 07-07-2003 09:07 PM
your welder should be able to weld 5/16 with one pass so i sa no problem use .035 wire and argone gas not flux core wire..Bruce this is mine
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6522 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 07-08-2003 12:15 AM
I agree with Bruce, you'll be fine.SteveW
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SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 1001 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 07-09-2003 03:57 AM
I tack welded the pieces in today. I have good heat on the thick crossmember but might not be getting enough heat on the thinner frame. I desided to get some .035 wire to heat it up more. My thinking is so I can work more evenly on both pieces instead of heating the thicker material longer? When I bought the wire I desided to ask the guys at the counter if they knew anyone that was good that would be able to do the welding for me. They refered me to a guy named Bob. Drove over to his place and hopefully looks are decieving. The shop was pretty ratty and he in his 50's looked pretty ratty as well. Picture Kurt Douglas holicost skinny with no shirt and tanned leather for skin and no teeth. He said he would do it with a Lincoln 210v MIG machine. So from here he said he would give me a call on Thursday to take a look at it and give me a price quote. He charges 40.00 hour. My question is should I trust the guy? I mean he has to be able to weld better then I right? My thought is if this is his business and from the looks of him he's been doing it a long long time. Just seems to me that it would be more promising if it was a super fancy shop with a guy named "Stu" and everyone has a matching checkered shirt. Makes me realize how preppy I am and how much looks do matter at times. Should I let "Bob" give it a go? Should I grow a sack and do it myself? Or should I find a place that will TIG weld it for me and posibly spend a few bucks more?
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Ryan Wilke Gearhead Posts: 1501 From: Stanton, Michigan 49707 Registered: Oct 2000
posted 07-09-2003 08:03 AM
SundanceKid, IMO, your the MAN to do the job.You said yourself that you're, "pretty confident in my welding ability", but you are merely unsure of your EQUIPMENTS that you've been reassured that the equipment is up to the task,,,,GO FOR IT! You know what is a good job and what isn't, that's why you opted to change wire. I'd say this Bob would do an OK job, but my vote is on YOU....... Happy Sparking! Ryan 
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CRB Gearhead Posts: 119 From: Raritan NJ Registered: Jul 2000
posted 07-09-2003 12:04 PM
Sundance- where in utah are you? there are a couple of good welding shops that I know in the Lehi area. Also some of the best welders I know look like they live on the street- I think it is part of the "look"later crb
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SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 1001 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 07-09-2003 05:38 PM
I made several calls today, spoke to alot of people they all agreed that my machine just barely didn't have enough umph to it. Granted these people want to make money, but I felt they were being honest and everyone was consistant in their answers. I did deside to not go with Bob. I found a guy who can do TIG and he may or may not do TIG on my car, but the fact he owns the machine and knows how to do it; to me speaks volumes. When I spoke to the guy he asked all the right questions like do you want it strong or do you want it pretty? I told him both he garanteed that it would be both but he would rather use the MIG over the TIG for this application. He asked if the metal was clean, I told him I have zinc weld through primer on it and he requested that I remove it before he welds. He also mentioned he would use stainless wire? Will that work well with the mild steel? I just felt alot better about him then Bob. Ryan, I do weld d@mn good! But sometimes it's hit or mis. I have good days and bad. My bad days are better then most peoples good days, but on this project I'd hate to have a bad day. 45.00 isn't too bad and the money will go a long way in my confidence factor. That and I'm self taught and have never had any of my welds tested. But if you want pretty welds i'm your guy LOL 
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Big D Gearhead Posts: 3680 From: WELLS, NEVADA Registered: Nov 2000
posted 07-09-2003 07:35 PM
Sundance,,I was at "Rust To Rods" in SLC yesterday and their welder is UNBELIEVABLE.. He was welding in a MustangII front clip and his work was cleaner than the factories.. Rust To Rods is owned by Steve Burrows.. They are in the phone book.. Tell Steve I sent you.. Don
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SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 1001 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 07-10-2003 04:14 AM
Don, your stamp of aproval means alot to me. But I'd have to haul my car down to Salt Lake which is a 45 min ride and I don't have a trailer. So kinda rules all that out. I do have a question for you though. I'll email you.
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