Topic: Decoy Bidding On Ebay?
itlbrnmoff Gearhead Posts: 545 From: Indianapolis,IN.USA Registered: Nov 2002
posted 02-23-2003 03:38 PM
Ebay sucks!!  You gotta wonder if these carb rebuild shops who are selling 20 different carbs at once have decoys out there trying to drive the bid up to the max that you've set for yourself...  It just happened again.... Only I stopped just in time to let it go to the highest bidder...(if there was really a bidder)  These places are only hurting themselves...I bet I see the same item relisted next week...isn't that fraud?  ------------------
Low Dollar 1983 Mustang GT W/T-tops... 306 4bbl. T-5 3.45'll burn 'em off 1988 Lincoln LSC 5.0 auto full power
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 18704 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 02-23-2003 03:45 PM
 ------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member and licensed Superstock driver MCA member# 53321 NHRA and IHRA SS/LA National Record Holder '00,'01,'02,&'03 Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 Professional Manwhore The Barry of BarrysGrrl Quote #1: "I never met a magazine mechanic I liked." Quote #2: "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth!" Quote #3: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 982 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 02-23-2003 10:30 PM
That's why I wait until there is only 15 seconds left before I place my max bid. If I win that's fine, if I dont that's ok too. People bidding early is what drives the price up.
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65_289 Gearhead Posts: 701 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted 02-23-2003 10:47 PM
90% of the bidding on an item usually happens in the last minute or so. That's just the way the game is played. Get on a cable modem or DSL & hit refresh every 2 seconds for the last minute.
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SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 861 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 02-24-2003 12:52 AM
Snipers suck sit in the dark corner and wait till you have a clean shot....I love to sit and watch all the impulse crazed bidders in the last few minutes of an auction. Scoop, just stick with it, deside what your maximum price you will go and keep bidding on differant auctions till you get what you want for the price you want. If you keep losing after a few weeks then you may want to re-evaluate your price closer to the "going rate" I like to select several things and watch them for a while to get a good feel for what they are going for. Sometimes watching this way, you will happen on an item that for some reason no one else has found, and you can pick it up way cheap. I just picked up a Holley carb for 15.00 brand new a month or so ago. It was listed under an "odd" list number but was the same carb that was going for 50 to 75.00. Patience can realy save you money...especialy in reguard to all those idiots that get caught up in the auction and "Bid Bid Bid...I must have it and I have to have it now!" They are the ones that make ebay laugh-able, especialy when they buy used what you can get at the local WalMart for half the price. I see it all the time.
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Greg Pettit Journeyman Posts: 67 From: Dallas, TX Registered: Nov 2001
posted 02-24-2003 12:16 PM
A trick I use, which is top secret but I'm giving to fellow Ford fans, is to search for misspelled auctions.Try various waus to mis spell an item tyou want, and see what comes up. This way, you can find auctions that might not be seen by a lot of people. I.E. Less competition! Greg
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 982 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 02-24-2003 12:54 PM
Another thing I do is search from the front page of ebay. That way you can find items that have been listed in the wrong catagory.
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Just Strokin Gearhead Posts: 754 From: Tuscaloosa, Alabama Registered: Dec 2001
posted 02-24-2003 02:48 PM
I truely doubt if they have decoy bidders out there on the carbs. There are a lot of people like yourself wanting or needing the carbs. And play the snipe game too....Wait till the last 30 seconds to a minute before you put in your MAX bid.And if you think $250 is high, next time you see a set of BJ-BK carbs for a 427 FE, watch the bidding on them. Cores bring $500 or more for a pair. ------------------ Larry No fast Fords at this time but one fine cruising 96 F350 CC DRW Power Strokin diesel. And one rusty 64 Fairlane nick-named the Rust Bucket....And sometimes called the Money Pit... The sounds of a brain dropping into gear..... "Buzzzzzz.......Click"
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itlbrnmoff Gearhead Posts: 545 From: Indianapolis,IN.USA Registered: Nov 2002
posted 02-26-2003 01:49 AM
Ok...ok...I'm not exactly a seasoned bidder on Ebay...  I have just learned this method of bidding from someone else outside of M&M also... And yes, you guys are right about the early bidders, that sucks...  I didn't realize that bidding early was just plain STUPID... Actually, this is the first time I ever used Ebay, so I guess it goes without saying, if I play STUPID, I'm gonna be a cry baby, and then I'll cry a river on M&M, and that's even more STUPID...  I'll try again the right way...THANKS  ------------------
Low Dollar 1983 Mustang GT W/T-tops... 306 4bbl. T-5 3.45'll burn 'em off 1988 Lincoln LSC 5.0 auto full power
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 31026 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 02-26-2003 08:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by SundanceKid: Snipers suck sit in the dark corner and wait till you have a clean shot....I love to sit and watch all the impulse crazed bidders in the last few minutes of an auction.
Saying snipers suck is like saying the winner of a race sucks because he drove better. ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 Please remember our sponsors, Mustangs Plus, NPD, Osborn Reproductions,, and
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Greg Pettit Journeyman Posts: 67 From: Dallas, TX Registered: Nov 2001
posted 02-26-2003 03:44 PM
I just got zapped on an auction for a 460 CJ stealth intake.A mysterious bidder, with no feedback, and a username only a few days old didn't want me to get the thing for 185 bucks. I let the decoy bidder have the thing. It will be interesting to see if it is relisted soon. Greg
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DidgeyTrucker Gearhead Posts: 946 From: Greenbrier, TN USA Registered: Oct 99
posted 02-26-2003 10:14 PM
The "decoy" bidding you are referring to is called "shill bidding" and is not allowed by eBay rules. If you can prove it the seller can be banned.I was the first bidder on an item I wanted - on the first day of bidding - and I put in the absolute maximum I would consider paying. At 17 seconds before the auction ended, a sniper tried and failed to win the auction. I payed what I considered a fair price otherwise I wouldn't have bid that much in the first place. The sniper didn't leave himself enough time to try again, LOL! On a high priced item, I might bid twice. Once just to let other bidders know I'm interested and I'll come back near the end with my maximum. If nobody wants it more than I do, I will win. One time I hit my final bid at 15 seconds to go. Another bidder hit the auction with 17 seconds left. I know he was surprised. When his auction page loaded after bidding, it was before my bid came through and showed him to be the winner. When he refreshed it after the auction ended, I was the winner. Of course, I outbid all bidders fairly. If they were willing to pay more, they should have proxy bid higher. If you want it more than I do, you will win, no matter when I bid. Tracy
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JCQuinn@work Gearhead Posts: 307 From: Lakewood, CO, USA Registered: Jun 2001
posted 02-27-2003 12:00 PM
I have found I have more success putting in my maximum at the last minute because it does not give the snipers enough time to find out what my limit is. I once had a guy try four raises on his bid in the last minute. His next raise probably would have topped my bid but he ran out of time.If you put in your max bid early there is almost always someone with more money that brains who will outbid you just to win. John
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69 Sportsroof Gearhead Posts: 982 From: Valley, Alabama, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 02-27-2003 12:06 PM
You do not want to be the first bidder on an item on ebay. You do not want to bid early on an item on ebay. If an item you want starts at $10 and you're willing to pay $50 for it, why would you go ahead and put in $50 at the beginning? This gives the seller an opportunity to have someone test your bid. If you're the only bidder, you'll get the item for $10 if you wait until the end. If you bid early your bid can be driven up.
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69maverick Gearhead Posts: 839 From: Thomaston,CT. Registered: Jan 2001
posted 02-27-2003 01:41 PM
I have suspected that a few times!Mostly when a bidder that has no history pops in and bids early enough for me to raise the bid!
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DidgeyTrucker Gearhead Posts: 946 From: Greenbrier, TN USA Registered: Oct 99
posted 02-27-2003 10:14 PM
I hope this copied OK. I was the first bidder with a low bid. I came back 3 minutes before the end with my max and won. Check the times. The auction ended at 15:13:21. Look at when zoot33 bid. Oh yeah, I'm statehiwayguy on eBay.statehiwayguy(74) $64.33 Feb-27-03 15:10:23 PST zoot33(138) $63.33 Feb-27-03 15:13:13 PST spiderman86(1) $52.00 Feb-27-03 15:13:04 PST spiderman86(1) $48.00 Feb-27-03 15:12:53 PST spiderman86(1) $44.00 Feb-27-03 15:12:42 PST statehiwayguy(74) $42.77 Feb-26-03 10:05:34 PST cwatusi(14) $41.00 Feb-26-03 08:07:28 PST statehiwayguy(74) $37.77 Feb-18-03 09:32:14 PST [email protected](97) $34.00 Feb-25-03 18:06:16 PST [email protected](97) $32.00 Feb-25-03 11:54:25 PST cudajohn1964(3) $30.00 Feb-24-03 18:30:54 PST cudajohn1964(3) $25.00 Feb-24-03 18:28:50 PST Tracy [This message has been edited by DidgeyTrucker (edited 02-27-2003).]
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ccode67 Gearhead Posts: 1379 From: douglasville,ga,usa Registered: Mar 2001
posted 02-28-2003 10:33 AM
I had one that I bid on, no one else bid until the last hour, they bid higher than my max, then they retracted their bid, ebay should have gone back to my initial bid but didn't, left it at the max, so I said screw them and retracted my bid too. Ended up being a no sale. I still think it was the seller trying to raise my bidding. 
------------------ Stuart MCA #48902 M&M #1091 67 stang 5 speed, 351W, Edelbrock Performer RPM package my photo page
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MrWesson22 Gearhead Posts: 1103 From: Dacula, GA Registered: Sep 2000
posted 02-28-2003 11:33 AM
Snipers do suck, but it's not the sniper's fault, it's Ebay's fault. A website similar to ebay but for guns since ebay won't sell guns ( automatically adds 15 minutes to the end of an auction if someone bids in the last 15 minutes. It keeps adding time like this until there are no more bids for a 15 minute period. I like this way better as I feel it's more true to the auction model. The person willing to pay the most money is going to get the product. There's also no reason to not build early and play other games with this method at all. Think about it this way, when you go to an auction, doesn't the auctioneer always give the going once, going twice, sold?? You don't get that on ebay.
------------------ Neal 69 Gulfstream Aqua Grande 351C/4sp
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SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 861 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 02-28-2003 12:17 PM
I can see the point that bidding early can raise prices. If you bid your maximum bid based on actual worth (read monetarily) then this isn't a problem? What I mean by snipers suck, is that people who tend to snipe tend to bid to win the auction not on what the item is worth.I can win ANY item on Ebay anytime I want! Do you want to know my secret? It's simple pay more money then anyone else would ever consider! What's the fun in that lol? I want the best deal I can get. Even if it takes some patience. But I guess it could work to your advantage or dis-advantage using either method?
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SteveLaRiviere Administrator Posts: 31026 From: Saco, Maine Registered: May 99
posted 02-28-2003 12:43 PM
If someone pays more than I am willing, they are welcome to it. I'll just buy the next one. If you bid early and get the bidding going you are wasting money. You are telling other people that there's another person that wants it and you get the bidding rising. Then someone else spends more than you are willing and you cry that they are 'stupid' or 'ebay sucks.'Well, most people want to get the best price they can on something so that's what sniping is all about. If I want something bad on ebay I'll wait until 15 seconds left to go, enter my maximum bid and that's it. I'll either get it at my maximum price, which is ok, less than my maximum price, which is better still, or you'll outbid me which is fine too. If I won't be around when the auction ends, only then will I bid early with my maximum price, knowing I probably won't get it. No need to get a trauma over it.  But before you say ebay sucks, just remember what it is: a 24hr/365 day nonstop swap meet in your house with an endless display of often rare parts that were hard to find even 20 years ago when the cars were newer. Sometimes ever cheaper than you would have paid 20 years. Sure you can overpay if you don't know what you are doing, but I've bought stuff at a fraction of their going rate. I've also bought stuff and resold it for ten times what I paid for it. Your mileage may vary.  ------------------ '70 Mustang Mach 1 - '72 Mustang Sprint - '94 F-150 Please remember our sponsors, Mustangs Plus, NPD, Osborn Reproductions,, and
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SundanceKid Gearhead Posts: 861 From: UT Registered: Feb 2001
posted 02-28-2003 05:20 PM
Snipers may suck, but Ebay is deffinately cool! If for no other reason then research purposes! I use Ebay all the time to find pictures, prices, histories, ect. of what I am looking for information on. Steve, what you are talking about is a form of snipeing but not what I am talking about. I'm talking about 25 people in the last 5 min. quadripling the price of an item that you can buy elsewhere for one fourth the price. For example, my buddie Pat bought a Fiero wing. He knew it was worth approx 150.00 he made a maximum bid of 150.00 and lost. He found another wing and made another maximum bid for 150.00 this time he was available at the end of the auction and won the wing. However, he did not pay his original maximum bid of 150.00 he paid 230.00! He full well knew he paid way too much! His comment was "I am gonna get that @!%& wing this time!" Not but a week later I found one at a local junkyard for 75.00 Had he waited been more patient he could have bought it. Moral of the story: There will always be someone with more money and more time then you on Ebay...Life is short and hard like a body building elf?
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itlbrnmoff Gearhead Posts: 545 From: Indianapolis,IN.USA Registered: Nov 2002
posted 03-01-2003 01:40 AM
AMEN...THE END...See what I started?  I learned alot from this post...I learned that I wasn't the only one who doesn't know how to bid on Ebay...  Thanks alot for all of the info...I feel better now...and I promise, no more whining...  ------------------
Low Dollar 1983 Mustang GT W/T-tops... 306 4bbl. T-5 3.45'll burn 'em off 1988 Lincoln LSC 5.0 auto full power
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DidgeyTrucker Gearhead Posts: 946 From: Greenbrier, TN USA Registered: Oct 99
posted 03-01-2003 11:04 AM
I agree, The End. We have learned a lot about how other M&Mers feel about ebay. The BIGGEST gripe about snipers is they never make a bid until the last 15 seconds. That's why I make an early LOW bid to let other bidders know I'm interested. If I don't get out bid, that's fine. If I do, THEN I go in at the last minute and bid again with my absolute maximum bid. If I want something more than anybody else, it's mine. If somebody is willing to pay MORE than it's worth, it's theirs.End of Story. Tracy
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