With proper wrist action and pratice you can make a factory shifter shift pretty darned quick.
I don't know how consistant it would be in a competition enviroment, where times are measured to the 0.001 second, but now that I'm thinking about it, do you actually manually shift an auto in a race? Sorry for my cluelessness here, I preferr manual transmissions.
Why I'm 'contributing' to this thread is this: I'm curious to know how many different floor shifters Ford installed in their cars? I know Ford used the same part in many applications for invintory and cost conciderations.
Years ago when I scattered my crappy )(^%! RAD transmission for the last time I installed a C4 (I have since installed a RUG). For the life of me I can't remember if I installed a shifter from a Pinto/II, a shifter from a '73 Mach, a '71 Grande, or one from a '67 Cougar. But it did drop right in like it belonged there.
They all looked pretty much the same to me, least from the top.
:mass confusion: 
If someone can answer this question they will be helping 662+2 with parts aquisition, and helping me clear out some of the Cob Webs.
Well, Ok, it's not all that alturistic, I'm going to install a AOD in the '78, these days RUGs are a wee bit too expensive to be sticking in all my cars.