Hey, we like all forms of Motorsports here on the racing forum. 
As long as it's "Powered by Ford"! 
I'll see if I can look up some info on the engine for you. There was one on display in the FRPP booth at the PRI show.
Alex Denysenko
Co-Administrator and Moderator
NHRA/IHRA/SRA member and licensed Superstock driver
MCA member# 53321
NHRA and IHRA SS/LA National Record Holder '00,'01,'02,&'03
Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28
Professional Manwhore
The Barry of BarrysGrrl
Quote #1: "I never met a magazine mechanic I liked."
Quote #2: "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth!"
Quote #3: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"