Topic: Dyna-Batt
steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6352 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 04-27-2001 09:58 PM
Well the little battery is in and hooked up, BUT it won't crank the engine! The solenoid just buzzes, and I'm bumbed. The mount is solid as a rock, the cables are new, I pulled the cables off the dyna-batt and hooked 'em to the old batt and it fired on the first stroke. So I reconnected 'em to the little one, but it didn't charge because it's fully charged, it just doesn't put out any amperage. I shorted across the terminals and it just makes a little spark. So I hooked up my charger and it says it'e fully charged too. So, I guess I get to see if D.U.I. stands behind their products, but now I have to wait 'til Monday. Any ideas?SteveW
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Doc Gearhead Posts: 466 From: Redwood City, Ca. USA Registered: Jan 2001
posted 04-28-2001 12:56 AM
The 2 I have work fine. I had a guy tell me his went bad also. Did you charge it before using it and if yes, on high or low?
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6352 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 04-28-2001 01:21 AM
Doc,While I was installing it I accidentally shorted the posts and it barely sparked. (you know like a reg batt. would have welded the post to the metal) so I figured it needed charging, and hooked up my charger. On 2 amps it charged for a few secs, then I put it on 10 amps and it said it was fully charged, so I put it back to 2 amps and it said it was fully charged in about a minute. Even on the alternator it didn't pull any current even at 3000 rpm, so the voltage is there. It just doen't have any cranking amps. The solenoid just buzzes.. I e-mailed D.U.I. but probably won't hear anything 'til next week. They are supposed to be able to start the car right? It will run the fuel pump, but.... Thanks for the reply  SteveW
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Doc Gearhead Posts: 466 From: Redwood City, Ca. USA Registered: Jan 2001
posted 04-28-2001 01:37 AM
I haven't read anything from DUI but when we were playing with the earlier dry/gel type batteries the rep told me to charge them on high. I'll see if I can find more info about that. You have a bad battery cause mine will crank the old 428 for quite awhile with the fuel pump running and headlights on. One time a zip tie disapeared and the MSD power wire came loose, the thing cranked until we knew it wasn't gonna start, then cranked for a spark test, then fired right up when the loose wire was found. Since you've already determined all else works it must be a junk battery.
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6352 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 04-28-2001 01:46 AM
Yeah,I know junk when I see it. It's just that the mount is sooo cool, and I had hi expectations, you know. I'll let you know how D.U.I. handles it, I'll be their worst nightmare if they don't NDA me a new one Monday! LOL (I doubt that!) I told 'em I want it for Weds night in my e-mail, but you know what my daddy always said, want in one hand and sh*t in the other, then see which one fills up the fastest.  SteveW [This message has been edited by steve'66 (edited 04-28-2001).]
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6352 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 04-30-2001 12:20 PM
Well if anyone is interested, D.U.I. called this morning and they're shipping me a replacement overnight, should have it tommorrow. He says they should have enough cranking amps to fire a 15-1 big block. I'm impressed by their customer service. Maybe I'll be impressed by the battery too?!?SteveW
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ragtopjr Gearhead Posts: 2447 From: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Registered: Oct 2000
posted 04-30-2001 09:01 PM
Steve that is awesome! While being a real die hard Optima fan I am happy that you got the customer service that we all deserve, and I hope that the new batt is great! And yes I have seen a few batteries that were junk straight from the factory,lets give them a second chance and see what the new battery brings. good luck
------------------ Ed 1984 5.0L LX Conv 3600 lbs 13.41 at 101.89 SIR
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 19686 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 05-01-2001 01:22 PM
Is this the same DUI which sells the HEI type conversion distributors?  ------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member Fleet of FoMoCo products Moneymaker Bio US Class Nationals link
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6352 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 05-01-2001 01:24 PM
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steve'66 Gearhead Posts: 6352 From: Sonoma,CA,USA Registered: Mar 2000
posted 05-01-2001 09:36 PM
Well the new Dyna-Batt is in and it works great! It has a lot of cranking amps for its size. I would rate DUI very highly as a supplier, if anyone needs their services. Their sparkplug wires are serious tough. Don't think much of their gm style distributors though. But the company is good customer service wise. SteveW
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Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 19686 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 05-01-2001 10:13 PM
I had a lot of problems with their distributors a few years ago and their tech dept. Unfortunatly, I was never satified and my customer still has a defective distributor on his shelf. I would not recomend them for an ignition system ever. I personally would not buy anything from them after the DUI distributor problems. Just my experiance via a customer who bought his own parts from them and I was the installer.  ------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member Fleet of FoMoCo products Moneymaker Bio US Class Nationals link
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