Topic: Anybody ever make a claim with Haggerty Insurance?
mikulh Journeyman Posts: 15 From: Registered: Aug 2005
posted 08-01-2006 05:53 PM
I've heard lots of good info about Haggerty Classic Car insurance. What I haven't heard is someone who has had to file a claim with them. So my question to any of you using Haggerty is... Have you ever had to file a clam and did they treat you right when you did?
71RESTO Gearhead Posts: 1655 From: Oregon, USA Registered: Oct 2000
posted 08-01-2006 06:03 PM
I have Hagerty's and fortunately haven't had to use them yet. I have 2 friends however who have, and in both cases they just called up, told them what happened, took it to the shop of their choice (the car owners) and Hagerty's dealt with the shop and cut checks----NO QUESTIONS ASKED. A Number 1 in my book.------------------ Duane 71 Fastback (under resto-351C-4V C6 auto) M & M Member #730
Dave Gibson Moderator Posts: 10769 From: Norfolk, Virginia, USA M&M#166 MCA#47921 Registered: Aug 99
posted 08-01-2006 07:59 PM
We also have Haggerty's Insurance on both of our Stangs. Never had to file a claim, but have had friends that did. No problems. Took their stang to the shop of their choice and Haggerty's cut the shop a check. Can't beat them and I have never heard any complaints.Dave & Terri ------------------ '65 Mustang Fastback '66 Mustang Coupe '02 Explorer XLT Common sense isn't common anymore.
mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 8198 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 08-03-2006 01:23 PM
Interesting: When writing a policy, Hagarty does not check to see if insured car is stolen. They do, however, if faced with a replacement of car. Then, it's out of their pocket if they are faced with a total loos payout and car is hot. In the meantime, get the premium !The more I think about it believe all ins. cos. do it.
sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 3969 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 08-03-2006 02:21 PM
I don't follow you Pete. Are you saying to insure a car you don't even own and then claim it as stolen and they will pay out. ? Or are you saying if you buy a stolen car, insure it, and the original owner or anybody takes it back, they will still pay out?
mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 8198 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 08-03-2006 04:10 PM
From what I read: You go to them to register a 66 Mustang. You submit pics, probably registration, maybe an appraisal-whatever they require, and get insurance. What was said: They do not run the vin to see if is stolen, but they will when you report a sizable partial or total loss. After all, they get a premium but they don't pay off until Vin is run, at that time, by them. Sounds funny but say you had an old regular vehicle, did the ins co. run the vin before they insured you? There was a thread on V-M about it.[This message has been edited by mellowyellow (edited 08-03-2006).]
sigtauenus Gearhead Posts: 3969 From: Va Beach Registered: Jun 2000
posted 08-03-2006 04:43 PM
Hmm, seems like jail time waiting to happen. Insurance is a funny thing. I've often wondered why I couldn't take out life insurance on my 16 year old neighbor who has a proven death wish. Seems like an easy gamble to collect. Now, I wouldn't ever actually do that, but its the idea of "what if you could..."
fastford34 Gearhead Posts: 1299 From: penna Registered: May 2002
posted 08-04-2006 09:15 AM
i had Haggerty Ins for about 6 or 7 years. i had my coupe insured by them for a total of 3 weeks when the drunk sideswiped my car. 1 phone call to them & then an adjuster called to make an appointment to see my car. 3 days after he looked over my car i had a check that covered the estimate i had gotten. total of 9 days from the accident & i had a check for the damages. 2 years later my premium went up. then it was raised every other year after that. i don't know if it was Haggerty or my independent agent, but i now have Grundy. it costs half of what Haggerty was getting from me!------------------ 34 coupe powered by 351 c 4v keith it`s nice to be important but more IMPORTANT to be nice.
mellowyellow Gearhead Posts: 8198 From: So. Fl. Registered: Aug 2000
posted 08-04-2006 11:40 AM
Have heard that Haggerty and some others are merely brokers for different carriers. No doubt they played the ol'State Farm type tactic.When you had your loss, they could determine ownership pretty quick by phone. They would, no doubt contact the National Auto Theft Bureau. In the last year or so have read a couple stories about theft recoveries, one as long as 17 years. Always good to run a vin before buying a car. Like murder, there's no Statute Of Limitations on auto theft if proof is presented.
66 fastback Gearhead Posts: 223 From: Califon, NJ 07830 Registered: Oct 2003
posted 08-04-2006 12:50 PM
Wouldn't a stolen VIN or car show up when one registers the car? I can't believe that the DMV doesn't cross reference every new and renewal of vehicle registrations.
2bav8 Gearhead Posts: 242 From: Mesa, AZ Registered: Jun 99
posted 08-11-2006 12:27 AM
I unfortunately had to make a claim with Hagerty. I was at a car show and unfortunately suffered some damage leaving the show.Hagerty couldn't have handled the situation better! They were extremely understanding on the phone, made the process as painless as possible. Not to mention my rates did not change after the incident. They get two big thumbs up.
rjs68stang Journeyman Posts: 36 From: South Bend, Indiana Registered: Feb 2006
posted 08-11-2006 09:33 PM
About 2 years ago I had my freshly restored 68 coupe stored in a garage at my relatives apartment complex. One night the garage building caught on fire and burnt my mustang to a was very bad and heartbreaking after just restoring. However, I had insurance through hagerty at the time and they knew it was being stored there so there was no problem. The adjust came out after about 4 or 5 days and took one look at it and said it would take more than $9000 to fix it. I had it insured for $9000 at the time..I WISH I would of had it insured for more. They cut me a check for 9 grand within about 3 weeks with no problems. But, now its 2 years later and I got another mustang to replace that one and Hagerty rejected me for insurance because of a fire that was not my fault. So now I have AON Collector Car insurance and it only costs me $100 a year. You should look into them too. I believe they're affiliated with Kruse International. Just a bit of advise....When they ask you how much the car is worth or the agreed value....overestimate!!!!!!
Fastymz Moderator Posts: 22791 From: Reno Nv M&M #1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 08-24-2006 07:42 PM
I just signed up for haggerty insurance. It's better coverage then Statefarm and it's 70% cheaper.  ------------------ oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs HOOD HACKERS DELIGHT! My Pics 13.563 @ 108.64