Topic: Battery problem
Harley Gearhead Posts: 143 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 01-23-2004 07:56 PM
I started my Mustang (69 sportsroof, 351 Windsor) the other day and backed it out of the garage. A few minutes later when I went to pull it back in, it wouldn't start. Just a "click" of the ignition.I also noticed a lot of corrosion, more than usual, around the positive battery terminal. This also happened a couple of months ago and I cleaned the connections and it fired right up. This time, though, nothing. It seems like I've got a more serious problem than just dirty connections. Any ideas? Thanks.
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 20708 From: Reno Nv USA M&M#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 01-23-2004 08:08 PM
Clean it up real good, check the ground make sure all have agood conections. If you have a battery charger See if the battery will take and hold a charge.------------------ SCOOP "It is the fight itself that keeps you young" 2.26 60'S 14.9 @ 90.86MPH 65 coupe,351w,C4,Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics
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Mooney Gearhead Posts: 1943 From: Marietta, Ga Registered: Oct 2003
posted 01-24-2004 12:58 AM
I'm also curious about this, my 65 has always had a problem with corrosion around the battery terminal, it's gotten so bad at times that its completely eatin the bolt in half, someone was telling me about a spray that you can put on the terminal after you've cleaned them up that will help keep the corrosion down. Does anyone know what that might be? Thanks!
------------------ Luke '65 coupe 5.0 HO(F-cam, 1.7 Rollers, RPM Intake, Full Length Headers) T-5 Pony Interior, Fac. A/C Soon To Be 3.73 Posi 8.8 Rear
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 20708 From: Reno Nv USA M&M#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 01-24-2004 12:45 PM
I've used a red spray that you put on after ou clean everything. But I did like it because it's real gummie and hard to clean off. So I started using these felt rings they go over the posts and are coated with something.You can find then at any auto store. But I also check and clean the battery posts everytime I wash my car. Now since my car is always garage parked I don't have any problems at all.------------------ SCOOP "It is the fight itself that keeps you young" 2.26 60'S 14.9 @ 90.86MPH 65 coupe,351w,C4,Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics
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trashline Gearhead Posts: 1812 From: Levittown, Pa Registered: Dec 2003
posted 01-24-2004 02:04 PM
just for information this might seem weird but when i got my 66 coupe i bought one battery and it had a hole in it. it leaked and put corosion all over when i got a new one i havnt had any corosion ever and it has been about 7 months on the new battery. since you didnt say the battery tray is all coroded maybe you have a leak. there are caps on top of the battery ( do this with eye protection) pull one of these off well all of them actully and check the levels of acid if one is empty then you obviously have a leak . so for a temporary fix put some water in it till you get a new battery. i hope this will help. brian[This message has been edited by trashline (edited 01-24-2004).]
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Harley Gearhead Posts: 143 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 01-31-2004 07:24 PM
OK, now what?I finally got time today to charge the battery and clean the connections. Hooked it all back up and it fired right up. Turned it off. Then tried to re-start it and nothing but a "click." The wouldn't be a Petronix problem would it?
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 20708 From: Reno Nv USA M&M#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 01-31-2004 07:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Harley: OK, now what?I finally got time today to charge the battery and clean the connections. Hooked it all back up and it fired right up. Turned it off. Then tried to re-start it and nothing but a "click." The wouldn't be a Petronix problem would it?
Not if it started right up after a charge. My guess would be you have a bad battery. Do you have a voltage tester, if so tell us what the battery is reading now and charge and start the car again and see what the alt is putting out.
------------------ SCOOP oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 2.26 60'S 14.9 @ 90.86MPH 65 coupe,351w,C4,Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics
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Harley Gearhead Posts: 143 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 01-31-2004 07:40 PM
No voltage tester, but this is a battery with a little age on it.I've got another fairly new battery that I can easily drop in it, so I'll try that and see if the symptoms persist.
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Fastymz Moderator Posts: 20708 From: Reno Nv USA M&M#1240 Registered: Apr 2001
posted 01-31-2004 08:12 PM
Ok let us know what happens.------------------ SCOOP oddly obsessed with big scoops on little Mustangs 2.26 60'S 14.9 @ 90.86MPH 65 coupe,351w,C4,Big Boss 429 hood scoop,8" 3.40 TracLoc. My Pics
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Mr. FoMoGO Journeyman Posts: 70 From: Ga. USA Registered: Dec 2003
posted 01-31-2004 09:21 PM
The battery cable could have corrosion inside it & will not let voltage travel through it. Hook a good battery jumper cable up to the battery then to the starter relay & try it, also try the neg. cable the same way. Hook to neg. battery post to a good ground. Jumping around the relay then & see what happens,if still nothing, next try connection on starter stud could be loose check starter to block bolts could be loose not making a good ground. Maybe a bad starter also! It could be almost anything.------------------ NHRA & IHRA SS/K SS/L SS/M record holder from time to time
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bud4660 Gearhead Posts: 528 From: Mesquite, Tx. M&M #2925 Registered: Apr 2003
posted 01-31-2004 10:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Fastymz: I've used a red spray that you put on after ou clean everything. But I did like it because it's real gummie and hard to clean off. So I started using these felt rings they go over the posts and are coated with something.You can find then at any auto store. But I also check and clean the battery posts everytime I wash my car. Now since my car is always garage parked I don't have any problems at all.
I usally just paint mine with whatever color spray paint I have plenty of. Seems to work?? lol
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V8 Thumper Gearhead Posts: 4652 From: Phoenix, Arizona Registered: Dec 2001
posted 02-01-2004 10:25 AM
The engine/frame ground (where the negative battery cable attaches) needs a real good cleaning. Wire brush, sand paper, file, whatever it takes to expose fresh metal on both the cable lug and the attachment point (block, frame, and/or both). Visually inspect the cables' insulation for evidence of cracking, corrosion, heat. 35+ year old wiring usually has one or more of the above problems working against you. Any auto parts store can load test your battery for free. Either drive the car there and they'll test it in the parking lot, or remove the batt and take it to them  ------------------ 1965 GT coupe, 333ci aluminum headed/solid cammed stroker, four speed, 3.70:1 9" All Blue Oval, no blue bottle
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68coupe Gearhead Posts: 39 From: Lakeville, Mn, USA Registered: Jul 99
posted 02-04-2004 10:37 AM
My bets are on a connectivity problem. I suspect the battery is fine, you cables or where they connect are either broken or corroded. I would disconnect both sides of the cables and clean bith the cable and where they mount with a emery cloth, wire bruch or whatever to get a bit of a shine to both the mounting area and the cable end. Also while they are off get a meter and check the reisitance on both ends of the cable to look for breaks or disconnects. Wiggle the cable while testing it. If it changes numbers whaile wiggling then you have a wire problem. Or since they are cheap just go out and get a new set of batt wires, the felt washers, and some batt corrosion spray and do it right once and for all. Good luck.Al
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adragon8u Gearhead Posts: 5462 From: Oceano, Ca. member# 2895 Registered: Mar 2003
posted 02-04-2004 10:45 AM
just a thought also. how long did you let it run after the first start. If your altenator is not charging, then you were running off the battery and it would probably not have enough juice to turn the starter.------------------
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Harley Gearhead Posts: 143 From: Registered: Jul 99
posted 02-07-2004 12:03 AM
Update:Today, I began to stick another battery, but before I did that I decided to give the old one a try. It cranked strong and the engine started. This time, I let it run for several minutes before turning it off and re-starting. It started right up with no problem, time and time again. By the way, my cables are fairly new and the connections are clean, outside the white corrosion that had built on the positive terminal. Could it be that all the sitting that this car has done this winter allowed the battery to lose its strength, and I just didn't give it enough time to re-charge before?
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