well as some of you may remember, my rear end on my '65 began to leak fluid/make noise and so i was told to change either the housing cover gasket or the pinion/bearing seal.I changed the housing cover gasket because the leaking appeared to be coming from the lowest point of the rear end which was where the housing cover gasket met the rear end housing.
After this, the problem was fixed -- no noise and no leaking, so i was happy
And then within the past week and a half -- Ive been driving the car at least 4 days out of the week for the past 4 weeks -- i have noticed that the rear end has been making noise again (same as before) and within the past two days, there has been gear lube on my driveway right below the back U-joint that connects the driveshaft to the rear end
Also, when looking underneath the car, it looks as though some gear oil "sprayed against the exhaust right at the same point where the U-joint/rearend is.
This leads me to believe that now my pinion/bearing seal is shot and needs to be replaced 
I bought the seal last year, and then returned it after having initially fixed the problem by changing the housing gasket -- it was cheap too, i believe only $15
how hard is it to change the pinion/bearing seal on a 7.25" rear end in a '65?
do i need special tools?
do i need to remove the gears and everything within the housing? (aka: pain in the a**)
OR shiould i just buy the seal, call up a place that will do it for me, and have them do it?
I would be doing it by myself, on the driveway, with jack stands, jacks, and thsoe tire ramps (if i dont need to remove the whole rear end) with your average auto enthusiast's collection of tools, and so-so experience
So the question is - change it myself in the heat alone, or cough over the unfortunate $$$ and have someone change the seal for me????

thanks, have a good one
CrAzY Dan~
1965 Coupe "BeeBop"
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