Topic: 351W Distributor Advice ( Which one should I use)
luvn69 Journeyman Posts: 55 From: killeen, TX. Registered: May 2003
posted 05-19-2003 11:49 PM
I have been browsing alot of ads for distributors and need some advice. Which one should I look into getting? Which one is no good and should stay away from and which is the best choice. (range from idel to 6000)Daily driver and mild racing on the strip when I get the urge. Or should I be asking which combonation of equipment works well together. I know miss matching can really be a bad thing when your trying to win. ------------------ JOHN --69 coupe restoration on the way.-- SHE IS COMING ALIVE!!!! 351W/AOD ready to drop in with factory PS/AC and power disk brakes
N266fords Gearhead Posts: 1662 From: Sierra Vista ,Az USA Registered: Apr 2003
posted 05-20-2003 01:28 AM
Msd if you can afford it! Durasrark if you want a good electronic ignition and no way in hell would i use a points to electronic conversion like petronic. I also think mallors are a waste of money.. Bruce
Huskinhano Journeyman Posts: 57 From: Montvale, NJ. Registered: Nov 2002
posted 05-20-2003 06:13 AM
I 2nd the Durasprk! A good rebuilt one or buy the "Blueprinted" series from Accell. That's a blueprinted stocker. Comes with extra spring for mechanical advance and an adjustable vacuum advance. Great distributer for a great price!As for a Module, you can use a Ford unit or if you want to get fancy, a Chrysler unit! Summit sells a high performance street unit for Chryslers for $37.00. It's smaller and easier to place.
Hemikiller Gearhead Posts: 726 From: Killingworth, CT Registered: Feb 2002
posted 05-20-2003 07:25 AM
For your application, I'd get yourself a rebuilt Duraspark from your local parts place, or the Accel unit mentioned above. They are a very good distributor. Every ford I've had since 88 has had a Duraspark conversion done, from stock to heac\vily modified, you can't beat them. I would definitely spend the money on an MSD or similar ignition box. The MSD 6A is just fine, get the 6AL if you want the rev limiter.
luvn69 Journeyman Posts: 55 From: killeen, TX. Registered: May 2003
posted 05-20-2003 01:17 PM
So what you think of the Mallory Unilite Distributor with vacume advance?------------------ JOHN --69 coupe restoration on the way.-- SHE IS COMING ALIVE!!!! 351W/AOD ready to drop in with factory PS/AC and power disk brakes
ewokeric Gearhead Posts: 237 From: woodbridge, va united states Registered: Mar 2002
posted 05-20-2003 07:42 PM
i have a mallory igition system a older one and it seems to work fine i also have mech. advance as well. ------------------ 68 mustang coupe(california special)not real though but looks it(will be nice) 351w/c4 My 68 Coupe [url=]
Moneymaker Administrator Posts: 29200 From: Lyons, IL, USA Registered: May 99
posted 05-20-2003 08:20 PM
If you are going to spend the money then don't jack around with a rebuilt anything.  Buy a new MSD unit and never look back. If you are cash challenged then get a used Dura Spark from a junk yard for $15-$20 tops (that's all that they are worth).------------------ Alex Denysenko Co-Administrator and Moderator NHRA/IHRA/SRA member and licensed Superstock driver MCA member# 53321 NHRA and IHRA SS/LA National Record Holder '00,'01,'02,&'03 First SS/MA in the TENS! Fleet of FoMoCo products including 88 ASC McLaren Mustang #28 Professional Manwhore The Barry of BarrysGrrl Quote #1: "I never met a magazine mechanic I liked." Quote #2: "Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth!" Quote #3: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch!"
GypsyR Journeyman Posts: 53 From: SC Registered: May 2002
posted 05-20-2003 11:46 PM
The short answer is buy the one you like best. I like the MSD's, but find the Durasparks more practical. Millions of Fords have proven them reliable as any distributor made. A "good used" or a rebuilt one is fine, they don't really wear much. You can get replacement parts almost anywhere and they're cheap. Check out Summit's online catalog, they have some advance springs to make the advance curve more performance oriented. For a grand total of about $3. If you really want to play with one, you can find an adjustable advance. If you want to move up to an MSD box later on, they sell a small adapter harness that will allow you to plug right up to the Duraspark distributor. They only con I can think is that a Duraspark isn't very pretty. Those billet+polished aftermarket ones sure look better. For street car performance I doubt there is any real difference. This is what I like. If you really like a Mallory, buy one. Mallory has been making good stuff for a long time.(Of course, so has Ford)