I looked at what is supposed to be a 390 two barrell engine out of an old pick up truck. The full engine was sitting on a floor in a garage. Something didn't look right to me. I could not find any identifying casting number on the block. There is the 352 on the front casting and also the back of the engine. I could not find any casting numbers on the sides of the block save for if I remember a 55 TIF ???
The heads on the block are C8AE-Hs.
What throws me is the block has cast outside ribbings on sides of the block ... like the one I have seen on 428s and some 427 replacement engines.
I will probably pick up the engine and dismantle it just to find out if it is 390 or ????
Can anyone tell me if 390 car blocks (remember this has the 352 cast into the front of the block not the mirror image 102 of a truck unit)had cast reinforcement ribbings. Or venture to guess what the block might be ...
I really gotta know ... hehehe 
1967 Mustang GT Fastback "K-Code"
1964 Falcon Ranchero (in the works)
1965 Sunbeam Tiger
92 Mustang 5.0 LX Convertible
89 Mustang Coupe
[This message has been edited by Hipo67 (edited 04-15-2001).]