posted 01-02-2000 09:08 PM
I had a friend come over today, {he's a bow-tie freak, but nobody's perfect} and we got to talking about EFI systems vs carbs.That got me thinking about the EFI Spyder set up sold by Pro Mustang. {I believe it's a division of Coast High Performance}
The reason I think it would be wise to convert my Mustang to EFI is that I feel that I could totally eliminate the low rpm fuel separation problem inherent with 351C 4Vs.
The problem simply wouldn't exist, since you would be directly injecting the fuel into the intake port, and eliminating the fuel puddling problem, not to mention the problem of irratic vacuum signals at the base of the throttle bores.
Plus, you could then program your fuel curve and really get some snappy throttle response.
Has anyone out there done any experimentation with these types of conversions?
Cherishing the Past,
While Racing into the Future!
[This message has been edited by SteveLaRiviere (edited 01-02-2000).]